1. Nothingness - n. State of nonexistence; the condition of being nothing. The Endless Dark Nothingness Void; emptiness. Quality of inconsequentiality; lacking in significance.
Sentence: Be in the nothingness where you can't find anything.
2. divide - n. A thing that divides. Stay on your side of the divide, please. An act of dividing. The divide left most of the good land on my share of the property. A distancing between two people or things. There is a great divide between us.
1. Lava - n. The melted rock ejected by a volcano from its crater or fissured sides. magma.
Sentence: The lava is flowing down on that volcano.
2. Modesty - n. The quality of being modest; having a limited and not overly high opinion of oneself and one's abilities. Moderate behaviour; reserve. (specifically) Pudency, prudish avoidance of sexual explicitness.
1. Blade –n. -the flat cutting part of a sword,knife,etc. a sword rapier or the like - a similar part,as of mechanism,used for clearing,wiping etc.
Sentence: blade is usually the weapons of the mercenaries
2. Bleeding –adj. -the act or process of losing blood or having blood flow -the act or process of drawing blood from a person specialy surgically; bloodletting
Sentence; when you are cut by a blade, you will suffer from bleeding
1. Fantasy - imagination, fancy - a product of the imagination: illusion
Sentence: All his ideas were nothing but fantasy.
Reference: Webster's Dictionary
2. Beating -to strike with repeated blows
Sentence: his heart was beating fast after jogging.
Reference: Webster's Dictionary
JULY 2009
1. Awkward - not graceful in movement; clumsy
Sentence: She was really awkward while practicing today.
Reference: Webster's English Dictionary
2. Conversation - informal or familiar talk
Sentence: We had a short conversation on our way home.
Reference: Webster's English Dictionary
1. Suffocating > v. -to kill or destroy by preventing access of air or oxygen -to impair the respiration of; asphyxiate -to cause discomfort to by or as if by cutting off supply of fresh air.
2. toll > n. - a tax or charge for a privilege, esp. for permission to pass over a bridge, along a highway, etc. - a charge for service or extra service, as for transportation, for a long-distance telephone call, or, formerly, for having one's grain milled
Sentence: They had to pay the toll in order to pass through the highway.
june 2009 1. Heartbreaker -n.One that causes sorrow, grief, or disappointment.
Sentence:He is a heartbreaker because of what he did to my friend.
2. Addicted –adjective devoted or given up to a practice or habit or to something psychologically or physically habit-forming (usually fol. by to): to be addicted to drugs.
Sentence:That boy is addicted to that young pretty girl.
june 2009 1. Fetch - Verb 1. to go after and bring back 2. to be sold for (a certain price) 3. Informal to give someone (a blow or slap) 4. fetch and carry to perform menial tasks [Old English feccan]
-Noun the ghost or apparition of a living person.
Sentence:Impressionist pictures fetch very high prices.
july 2009 1.Runaway- noun 1. a person, animal, etc. that is running away or has run away; specif., 1. a fugitive or deserter 2. a horse, team of horses, etc. that has broken loose from control of the rider or driver 2. the act of running away 3. a runaway race or victory
1. running away or having run away; escaping, eloping, or breaking loose from control runaway lovers, a runaway horse 2. of or done by runaways or running away a runaway marriage 3. easily won, as a race, or decisive, as a victory 4. 1. rising rapidly, as prices 2. characterized by an uncontrolled rise of prices runaway inflation 5. ☆ relocated in order to evade agreements with a local union, local taxes, etc. a runaway shop
Sentence:Its not my attitude to runaway from problems.
1. A deep, tender, ineffable feeling of affection and solicitude toward a person, such as that arising from kinship, recognition of attractive qualities, or a sense of underlying oneness. 2. A feeling of intense desire and attraction toward a person with whom one is disposed to make a pair; the emotion of sex and romance. 3.>Sexual passion. >Sexual intercourse. >A love affair. 4. An intense emotional attachment, as for a pet or treasured object. 5. A person who is the object of deep or intense affection or attraction; beloved. Often used as a term of endearment. 6. An expression of one's affection: Send him my love. 7.>A strong predilection or enthusiasm: a love of language. >The object of such an enthusiasm: The outdoors is her greatest love. 8. Love Mythology. Eros or Cupid. 9. often Love Christianity. Charity. 10. Sports. A zero score in tennis.
Sentence:I will love you forever!
july 2009 1.vulnerable-capable of being wounded;open attack.
Sentence:We are vulnerable both by water and land, without either fleet or army.
Reference:Webster's Dictionary
2.Invincible-adj. incapable of being overcome or defeated; unconquerable.
Sentence:what makes you think that you are invincible?
2. Preoccupied –adjective a.completely engrossed in thought; absorbed. b.previously occupied; taken; filled. c.Biology. already used as a name for some species, genus, etc., and not available as a designation for any other.
Sentence:I was preoccupied with a deadline at work, and I forgot his birthday.
1. The quality that makes something laughable or amusing; funniness: could not see the humor of the situation. 2. That which is intended to induce laughter or amusement: a writer skilled at crafting humor. 3. The ability to perceive, enjoy, or express what is amusing, comical, incongruous, or absurd. See Synonyms at wit 1. 4. One of the four fluids of the body, blood, phlegm, choler, and black bile, whose relative proportions were thought in ancient and medieval physiology to determine a person's disposition and general health. 5. Physiology 1. A body fluid, such as blood, lymph, or bile. 2. Aqueous humor. 3. Vitreous humor. 6. A person's characteristic disposition or temperament: a boy of sullen humor. 7. An often temporary state of mind; a mood: I'm in no humor to argue. 8. 1. A sudden, unanticipated whim. See Synonyms at mood 1. 2. Capricious or peculiar behavior.
- feeling or showing pride: as a : having or displaying excessive self-esteem b : much pleased : exultant c : having proper self-respect - a : marked by stateliness : magnificent b : giving reason for pride : glorious the proudest moment in her life
- suffering of mind : grief -a : a disquieted state of mixed uncertainty, apprehension, and responsibility b : a cause for such anxiety
Sentence: Handle it with care. Reference: http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/care
3.Heal -verb
- a : to make sound or whole heal a wound b : to restore to health - a : to cause (an undesirable condition) to be overcome : mend the troubles…had not been forgotten, but they had been healed — William Power b : to patch up (a breach or division) heal a breach between friends
Sentence: Heal your wounds for because it may infect your cuts. Reference: http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/heal
4.Race -noun
- the act of running - a : a strong or rapid current of water flowing through a narrow channel b : a watercourse used industrially c : the current flowing in such a course.
Sentence: The race car drives very fast. Reference: http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/race
-separated from others : isolated -exclusive of anyone or anything else
Sentence: Being alone in this world needs guidance and love. Reference:http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/ALONE
2.Promise -noun
- a : a declaration that one will do or refrain from doing something specified b : a legally binding declaration that gives the person to whom it is made a right to expect or to claim the performance or forbearance of a specified act - reason to expect something
Sentence: I'll prpmise that i will do all my projects and responsibilities. Reference:http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/PROMISE
- a : one attached to another by affection or esteem b : acquaintance - a : one that is not hostile b : one that is of the same nation, party, or group
Sentence: A friend is an ever ready companion. Reference:http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/friend
2.Nightmare -noun
-an evil spirit formerly thought to oppress people during sleep - a frightening dream that usually awakens the sleeper Sentence: had a terrible nightmare last night. Reference:http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/nightmare
- into pieces or parts; to pieces: to take a watch apart; an old barn falling apart from decay. - separately in place, time, motion, etc.: New York and Tokyo are thousands of miles apart. Our birthdays are three days apart. - to or at one side, with respect to place, purpose, or function: to put money apart for education; to keep apart from the group out of pride. - separately or individually in consideration: each factor viewed apart from the others. - aside (used with a gerund or noun): Joking apart, what do you think
Sentence: the Armageddon took apart 11 o’clock in the evening early midnight
- to cause bodily injury to; injure: He was badly hurt in the accident. - to cause bodily pain to or in: The wound still hurts him. - to damage or decrease the efficiency of (a material object) by striking, rough use, improper care, etc.: Moths can't hurt this suit because it's mothproof. Dirty oil can hurt a car's engine. - to affect adversely; harm: to hurt one's reputation; It wouldn't hurt the lawn if you watered it more often. - to cause mental pain to; offend or grieve: She hurt his feelings by not asking him to the party.
Sentence: during the fight with the moguls, yurnero was badly hurt by mogul khan
- a small mallet used by the presiding officer of a meeting, a judge, etc., usually to signal for attention or order. - a similar mallet used by an auctioneer to indicate acceptance of the final bid. Masonry. kevel. - to chair (a legislative session, convention, meeting, etc.). (of a presiding officer) a. to request or maintain (order at a meeting) by striking a gavel. - to begin or put into effect (a legislative session, motion, etc.) by striking a gavel.
Sentence: gavel is a small mallet used by the presiding officer of a meeting.
- a group of persons sworn to render a verdict or true answer on a question or questions officially submitted to them. - such a group selected according to law and sworn to inquire into or determine the facts concerning a cause or an accusation submitted to them and to render a verdict to a court. - a group of persons chosen to adjudge prizes, awards, etc., as in a competition. - to judge or evaluate by means of a jury: All entries will be juried by a panel of professionals.
Sentence: the jury may now come to order said the judge and his companions
1. that can be wounded or physically injured 2. 1. open to criticism or attack a vulnerable reputation 2. easily hurt, as by adverse criticism; sensitive 3. affected by a specified influence, temptation, etc. vulnerable to political pressure 3. open to attack by armed forces 4. Bridge liable to increased penalties and entitled to increased bonuses: said of a team which has won one game
Sentence: Please don't tell me that I am the only one that's vulnerable.
1.BLEACHERS –term used to describe the raised, tiered stands found in sports fields or at other spectator events in the United States and Canada. Sentence: Bleacher is known as a grandstand when it contains VIP seats
2.UPSET – to overturn; to decompose completely Sentence: We are upset with the result.
3.AROUND – about; all sides of; encircling Sentence: Let’s eat at the round table.
4.ASIDE – on one side; apart; at a small distance Sentence: Aside from her, Mark also cried.
SEPTEMBER 2009 1.COMPOSURE-n. calmness of mind or manner; tranquillity; self-possession.
SENTENCE: I make my projects in a composure manner.
2.EMOTIONS-n.an affective state of consciousness in which joy, sorrow, fear, hate, or the like, is experienced, as distinguished from cognitive and volitional states of consciousness.
1. Compassion - Deep awareness of the suffering of another, coupled with the wish to relieve it Sentence:His compassion made him reach for his success.
2. Portrait - A painting or other picture of a person, especially the head and shoulders. Sentence: He looked at the portrait of his father and cried.
3. Foreseen - To anticipate; to predict. Sentence: He foreseen what will happen in the casino.
4. Fraud - The assumption of a false identity to such deceptive end Sentence: he consider himself as a fraud for failing for his parents expectations.
1. Compassion - Deep awareness of the suffering of another, coupled with the wish to relieve it Sentence:His compassion made him reach for his success.
2. Portrait - A painting or other picture of a person, especially the head and shoulders. Sentence: He looked at the portrait of his father and cried.
3. Foreseen - To anticipate; to predict. Sentence: He foreseen what will happen in the casino.
4. Fraud - The assumption of a false identity to such deceptive end Sentence: he consider himself as a fraud for failing for his parents expectations.
-Something that deceives by producing a false or misleading impression of reality.
-The state or condition of being deceived; misapprehension.
-An instance of being deceived.
-Psychology. a perception, as of visual stimuli (optical illusion),
-A very thin, delicate tulle of silk or nylon having a cobwebbed appearance, for trimmings, veiling, and the like. -Obsolete. The act of deceiving; deception; delusion.
SENTENCE: What is -perceived in a way different from the way it is in reality?
2.crowd -n. >A large number of persons gathered together; a throng. > The common people; the populace. > A group of people united by a common characteristic, as age, interest, or vocation: the over-30 crowd. > A group of people attending a public function; an audience: The play drew a small but appreciative crowd. > A large number of things positioned or considered together.
SENTENCE:There was a big crowd in the hallway just now.
-Something that deceives by producing a false or misleading impression of reality.
-The state or condition of being deceived; misapprehension.
-An instance of being deceived.
-Psychology. a perception, as of visual stimuli (optical illusion),
-A very thin, delicate tulle of silk or nylon having a cobwebbed appearance, for trimmings, veiling, and the like. -Obsolete. The act of deceiving; deception; delusion.
SENTENCE: What is -perceived in a way different from the way it is in reality?
1. Creep - n. The movement of something that creeps (like worms or snails) A relatively small gradual change, variation or deviation (from a planned value) in a measure. A slight displacement of an object: the slight movement of something (publishing) In sewn books, the tendency of pages on the inside of a quire to stand out farther than those on the outside of it. (materials science) An increase in strain with time; the gradual flow or deformation of a material under stress. (geology) The imperceptible downslope movement of surface rock. (informal, pejorative) An annoying irritating person (informal, pejorative) A frightening and/or disconcerting person, especially one who gives the speaker chills or who induces psychosomatic facial itching. (agriculture) A barrier with small openings used to keep large animals out while allowing smaller animals to pass through.
Sentence: Stop following me, you creep!
2. Chase - n. The action of the verb "to chase". A hunt. (British) A large country estate where game may be shot or hunted. Anything being chased, especially a vessel in time of war (nautical) Any of the guns that fire directly ahead or astern; either a bow chase or stern chase
1.PEACEMAKER- N. a person who makes peace, as by settling the disagreements or quarrels of others
SENTENCE: I am a peacemaker.
2.DEFENDER-.V 1. To make or keep safe from danger, attack, or harm. 2. Sports a. To attempt to prevent the opposition from scoring while playing in or near (a goal or area of a field, for example). b. To be responsible for guarding (an opposing player). c. To compete against a challenger in an attempt to retain (a championship). 3. To support or maintain, as by argument or action; justify. SENTENCE: he is the the defender of faith PREFERENCE:www.yourdictionary.com/peacemaker www.thefreedictionary.com/defender
1. RUNAWAY- To move swiftly on foot so that both feet leave the ground during each strde. SENTENCE: She runaway to his problems in life.
2. INLOVE- A deep tender, insffable feeling of affection and solicitude toward a person. SENTENCE: She is very inlove with his boyfriend.
3. REVIVED- v. to activate, set in motion, or take up again. - to put on or to show. SENTENCE: Some singers revived some songs.
4. COMPLAIN- v. to express dissatisfaction, pain, uneasinness. - to make a formal accusation. SENTENCE: Fred complain to Sam because of not doing well for his job.
♥AWAKE♥ –-verb 1. to wake up; rouse from sleep: I awoke at six with a feeling of dread. 2. to rouse to action; become active: His flagging interest awoke. 3. to come or bring to an awareness; become cognizant (often fol. by to): She awoke to the realities of life.
SENTENCE:Will you stay awake for me?
♥BINDING♥ –-noun 1. the act of fastening, securing, uniting, or the like. 2. anything that binds. 3. the covering within which the leaves of a book are bound. 4. a strip of material that protects or decorates the edge of a tablecloth, rug, etc.
SENTENCE:I'm binding my eyes to you.
♥DESPAIR♥ –-noun 1. loss of hope; hopelessness. 2. someone or something that causes hopelessness: He is the despair of his mother.
SENTENCE:Relationships fraught between characters, thus they held up in despair.
♥SHAKING♥ –-noun 1. the act of a person or thing that shakes. 2. ague, with or without chill and fever.
SENTENCE: My knees are shaking when every time I see you.
1. kismet- fate,destiny. sentence: gori gave up his kismet for julie.
2. chance- a possibility or probability of anything happening: a fifty-percent chance of succes sentence: naomi gave angelo a 2nd chance for him to change.
3. pride- a high or inordinate opinion of one's own dignity, importance, merit, or superiority, whether as cherished in the mind or as displayed in bearing, conduct, etc
sentence: angelo has a great pride for his love for her gf.
1. psycho - n. (pejorative, slang) A person who is psychotic or otherwise insane. (pejorative, slang) A person who acts in a bizarre or dangerous manner. Quality of inconsequentiality; lacking in significance.
Sentence: The loony bin up on the hill is full of psychos. She complained that he was a psycho for driving at such a high speed in heavy traffic.
From: Well Enough Alone By: Chevelle
2. generic - adj. Very comprehensive; pertaining or appropriate to large classes or groups as opposed to specific
Sentence: "...the essence is that such self-describing poets describe what is in them, but not peculiar to them,---what is generic, not what is special and individual." — Walter Bagehot
♥tightly♥ –adjective 1. firmly or closely fixed in place; not easily moved; secure: a tight knot. 2. drawn or stretched so as to be tense; taut.
SENTENCE: I'll take your hand and hold it tightly because I know you'll carry me.
♥amazing♥ –adjective causing great surprise or sudden wonder.
SENTENCE: You're so amazing.
TAKE ME AS I AM by: FM Static
–verb (used without object), -pet⋅ed, -pet⋅ing. to strive to outdo another for acknowledgment, a prize, supremacy, profit, etc.; engage in a contest; vie: to compete in a race; to compete in business. Origin:
SENTENCE: I might compete to everyone I see..I wanna be with you.
♥concentration♥ –noun 1. the act of concentrating; the state of being concentrated. 2. exclusive attention to one object; close mental application. 3. something concentrated: a concentration of stars.
- Containing nothing; having none of the usual or appropriate contents: an empty bottle. - Vacant; unoccupied: an empty house - without cargo or load: an empty wagon - destitute of people or human activity: We walked along the empty streets of the city at night. - Destitute of some quality or qualities; devoid (usually fol. by of): Theirs is a life now empty of happiness - without force, effect, or significance; hollow; meaningless: empty compliments; empty pleasures. - Not employed in useful activity or work; idle: empty summer days - Mathematics. (of a set) containing no elements; null; void. - Hungry: I'm feeling rather empty—let's have lunch - Without knowledge or sense; frivolous; foolish: an empty head - Completely spent of emotion: The experience had left him with an empty heart
SENTENCE: I’m hungry I'm feeling rather empty—let's have lunch
1. peeping - n. The action of the verb to peep - A quiet sound, particularly one from a baby bird; A feeble utterance or complaint; A kind of bird; a sandpiper.
Sentence: No peeping please.
From: Christmas All Over Again By: Tom Petty
2.Rickenbacker - n. a brand name for an electric guitar
Sentence: I want Rickenbacker guitar for this christmas
JUNE 2009 A SUDDEN CHANGE by: Daphne Loves Derby sudden (adjective) pg. 512 happening, coming, made or done quickly without warning or unexpectedly; breeze (noun) pg. 81 a light or moderate current of air warm (adjective) pg. 567 having or giving out a moderate degree of heat as perceived by the senses bring (verb) pg. 81 to carry; to conver;
AWARE, RUST AND REPAIR by: Daphne Loves Derby promise (noun) pg. 421 a declaration of something will or will not be done, given by one path (noun) pg. 390 a way beaten formed or trooden by feet of persons or animals scare (verb) pg. 463 to become frigthened close (verb) pg. 116 to stop or obstruct
JULY 2009 GIVES YOU HELL by: The All-American Rejects evening (noun) pg. 197 the latter part of the day and nearly part of the night probably (noun) pg. 419 without much doubt hell (noun) pg. 258 the place of punishment of the wicked after death picket fence (noun) pg. 400 a fence made of pointed upright pickets shiny (adjective) pg. 478 glossy, polished, worn smooth damn (verb) pg. 150 to condemn; censure
YOU FOUND ME by: The Fray find (verb) pg. 211 to discover by chance insecure (adjective) pg. 284 feeling anxiety surround (verb) pg. 515 to border around the edge of something morning (noun) pg. 351 the part of the day from midnight or dawn until noon
nerve (noun) pg. 360 any of the fibers or bundles of fibers that transmit impulses of sensation or of movement between the brain and spinal cord and all parts of the body.
AUGUST 2009 WHEN WE DIE by: Bowling For Soup tattooed (verb) pg. 522 to make permanent patterns on the skin blame (verb) pg. 69 to hold responsible for; to accuse
LEAVE OUT ALL THE REST by: Linkin' Park resent (verb) pg. 445 to be indignant about; to begrudge; to take badly memory (noun) pg. 337 the process of retaining and reproducing past thoughts and sensations
SEPTEMBER 2009 PRETEND by: Secondhand Serenade agenda (noun) pg. 22 list of items or matters of business that nedd to be attended to pursue (verb) pg. 427 to follow or to chase disguise (verb) pg. 170 to hide what is real
WHY by: Secondhand Serenade smile (verb) pg. 489 to express amusement, friendship and pleasure breathe (verb) pg. 80 to inhale and exhale
OCTOBER 2009 CHANGE THE WORLD by: Westlife pride (noun) pg. 417 feeling of self-worth or esteem miracle (noun) pg. 344 an extraordinary event attributed to the supernatural heaven (noun) pg. 257 the dwelling place of God and His angels where the blessed go after death
WHAT MAKES A MAN by: Westlife swear (verb) pg.516 to make a solemn affirmation, promise, etc, calling God as a witness seek (verb) pg. 470 to search for; to try to find out laugh (verb) pg. 309 to emit explosive inarticulate vocal sounds expressive of amusement; joy or decision REFERENCE: WEBSTER'S UNIVERSAL DICTIONARY AND THESAURUS
NOVEMBER 2009 FUZZY BLUE LIGHTS by: Owl City balcony (noun) pg. 54 a projecting platform from an upper story overpass (noun) pg. 381 a road crossing another road
BUTTERFLY WINGS by: Owl City raindrop (noun) pg. 435 a drop of rain thunderstorm (noun) pg. 530 a stom with thunder and lightning
DECEMBER 2009 GROWN-UP CHRISTMAS LIST by: Jose Mari Chan Christmas (noun) pg. 110 an annual festival celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ illusion (noun) pg. 273 a false idea or conception innocence (noun) pg. 284 the condition or quality of being innocent youth (noun) pg. 582 the period between adulthood and childhood
O HOLY NIGHT by: Mariah Carey saviour (noun) pg. 461 a person who saves another from harm or danger serenely (adverb) pg. 472 clear and unclouded
JANUARY 2010 IT'S GONNA MAKE SENSE by: Michael Learns To Rock sorrow (noun) pg. 495 sadness; regret; an expression of grief worry (noun) pg. 518 a cause or feeling of anxiety sense (noun) pg. 472 one of the five human faculties by which objects are perceived
EARLY MOURNING by: Alesana whisper (verb) pg. 572 to speak softly; to spread a humor embrace (verb) pg. 188 to take hold tightly in the arms as a sign of affection
FEBRUARY 2010 HOLIDAY by: GreenDay armageddon (noun) pg. 42 the site of the last decesive battle between good and evil
DRINKING FOR 11 by: Mad Caddies still (adjective) pg. 507 motionless; calm; silent creeping (verb) pg. 142 to move slowly along the ground
MARCH 2010 COLD SUMMER NIGHTS by: Francis M pride (noun) pg. 417 feeling of self-worth or esteem convince (verb) pg. 134 to persuade by argument
TWO IS BETTER THAN ONE by: Boys Like Girls undone (adjective) pg. 549 no done; not fastened or tied believe (noun) pg. 62 to accept as true
1.Blame- v. - to accuse of being at fault; condemn; censure - to find fault with (for something) - to place responsibility for (an error, fault, etc.) on someone or something
sentence: He was blamed for something he didn't do.
ref: http://www.yourdictionary.com/blame
2.Tattooed-v. - to puncture (the skin) with a needle and insert indelible colors so as to leave permanent marks or designs - to make (marks or designs) on the skin in this way
sentence: The picture she saw in the museum was tattooed on her mind. ref: http://www.yourdictionary.com/tattooed
1.Runaway-adj. - running away or having run away; escaping -of or done by runaways -easily won, as a race, or decisive, as a victory
sentence: Most runaways are given little help in tackling the problems which made them run away. ref: http://www.yourdictionary.com/examples/runaway
2.Bizarre -adj. - very odd in manner, appearance, etc.; grotesque - marked by extreme contrasts and incongruities of color, design, or style - unexpected and unbelievable; fantastic a bizarre sequence of events
sentence: He was acting bizarre lately. ref: http://www.yourdictionary.com/bizarre
1.Miracle-n. -an event or action that apparently contradicts known scientific laws and is hence thought to be due to supernatural causes, esp. to an act of God -a remarkable event or thing; marvel -a wonderful example a miracle of tact
sentence: It was a miracle that he won the contest. ref: http://www.yourdictionary.com/miracle
2.Sleigh-n. -a light vehicle on runners, usually horse-drawn, for carrying persons over snow and ice
sentence: People use horse sleigh before to travel. ref: http://www.yourdictionary.com/sleigh
1. Burdened-adj. -designating the vessel responsible for taking action to avoid colliding with another vessel
sentence: He was burdened by so much work load he has these days. ref: http://www.yourdictionary.com/burdened
2. Glimpse-v. -to look quickly; glance (at)
sentence: She took a glimpse at the new shop. ref: http://www.yourdictionary.com/glimpse
1.Thrill-v. -to cause sharply exhilarating excitement in; make shiver or tingle with excitement -to produce vibrations or quivering in; cause to tremble
sentence: It really gives me a thrill looking at our project done well. ref:http://www.yourdictionary.com/thrill
2.Friend- n. - a person whom one knows well and is fond of; intimate associate; close acquaintance - a person on the same side in a struggle; one who is not an enemy or foe; ally - a supporter or sympathizer a friend of labor - something thought of as like a friend in being helpful, reliable, etc. - any member of the Society of Friends; Quaker
sentence: She has been my friend ever since. ref:http://www.yourdictionary.com/friend
MARCH 2010
1.Twilight-n. - the subdued light just after sunset or, in less common usage, just before sunrise - the period from sunset to dark - any growing darkness - a condition or period of gradual decline following full development, achievement, glory, etc.
sentence: He saw a dim twilight above this and ascended out of the blackness into a street of moving Ways again. ref: http://www.yourdictionary.com/twilight
2.Drench- v. -to make wet all over; soak or saturate in liquid
sentence: He was drenched from the heavy rain. ref: http://www.yourdictionary.com/drench
2.DISCREET *adjective -judicious in one's conduct or speech, esp. with regard to respecting privacy or maintaining silence about something of a delicate nature; prudent; circumspect.
sentence: I try to be discreet, but then I screwed up again.
2. HANDCUFFED *noun -a ring-shaped metal device that can be locked around a person's wrist, usually one of a pair connected by a short chain or linked bar.
sentence: Tryin' to climb the ladder but I'm handcuffed to the bottom.
2. PREACH *verb -to proclaim or make known by sermon (the gospel, good tidings, etc.). -to deliver (a sermon). -to advocate or inculcate (religious or moral truth, right conduct, etc.) in speech or writing.
sentence: The world is tired Of all the little lies they preach.
R-A-I-S-E A SONG (June) 1. You Are Not Alone a. Burden - A cause of worry
Sentence: I don’t want to be a burden to you.
Reference: New High School Dictionary; p. 57
b. Slip - An act or instance of slipping.
Sentence: He slipped on the shiny floor.
Reference: New High School Dictionary; p. 94
2. Everything I do I do It For You a. Sacrifice - To give away (something valuable) to get at least a possibility to gain something else of value (such as self-respect, trust, love, freedom, prosperity), or to avoid an even greater loss.
Sentence: God sacrificed His only-begotten Son, so that all people might have eternal life.
Reference: The Pocket Webster Dictionary; p. 35
b. Soul - Life, energy, vigor.
Sentence: This place has no soul
Reference: The Pocket Webster Dictionary; p. 221 (July) 1. Gone So Young a. Dreamt – A wish
Sentence: I never dreamt this will happen.
Reference: Miriam Webster Dictionary; p. 97
b. Memories – records of a thing or an event stored and available for later use by the organism.
Sentence: I have no memory of that event.
Reference: Miriam Webster Dictionary; p. 33
2. I’ll be There For You a. Suicide - A particular instance of a person intentionally killing himself or herself, or of multiple people doing so.
Sentence: There had been half a dozen mysterious suicides which had been investigated by Scotland Yard.
Reference: New Handy Webster Dictionary; page 21
b. Suitcase - Large (usually rectangular) piece of luggage used for carrying clothes, and sometimes suits, when travelling.
Sentence: Grabbing his suitcase, Ken goes out from his room.
Reference: New Handy Webster Dictionary; page 82
(August) 1. Bed of Roses a. Lodge - A building used for recreational use such as a hunting lodge or a summer cabin.
Sentence: He is in the lodge.
Reference: The Pocket Webster Dictionary; p.42
b. Vodka - A clear distilled alcoholic liquor made from grain mash.
Sentence: He drinks all the vodkas from the ref.
Reference: The Pocket Webster Dictionary; p.224
2. Careless Whisper a. Ignorance - The condition of being uninformed or uneducated. Lacking knowledge or information.
Sentence: Due to his ignorance, he pressed the self-destruct button without knowing.
Reference: The Pocket Webster Dictionary; p.204
b. Rhythm - The variation of strong and weak elements (such as duration, accent) of sounds, notably in speech or music, over time; a beat or meter.
Sentence: Dance to the rhythm of the music.
Reference: The Pocket Webster Dictionary; p.198
(September) 1. That’s Why a. Illusion - Anything that seems to be something that it is not.
Sentence: We saw what looked like a tiger among the trees, but it was an illusion caused by the shadows of the branches.
Reference: The Pocket Webster Dictionary; p.28
b. Forget - To lose remembrance of.
Sentence: I have forgotten most of the things I learned in school.
Reference: The Pocket Webster Dictionary; p.225
2. Complicated Heart a. Complicated - difficult or convoluted
Sentence: It seems this complicated situation will not blow over soon.
(October) 1. Take To Your Heart a. Clue - Information which may lead one to a certain point or conclusion.
Sentence: A clue has been found
Reference: New Handy Webster Dictionary; page 62
b. Beat - A pulse on the beat level, the metric level at which pulses are heard as the basic unit. Thus a beat is the basic time unit of a piece.
Sentence: I can feel the beat of my heart.
Reference: New Handy Webster Dictionary; page 51
2. Breaking My Heart a. Linger - To stay or remain.
Sentence: I like to linger in my garden after I have finished working there.
Reference: New Handy Webster Dictionary; page 47
b. Journey - A day's travelling; the distance travelled in a day.
Sentence: The journey ends here.
Reference: New Handy Webster Dictionary; page 114
(November) 1. If I let You Go a. Pass - A movement over or along anything; the manipulation of a mesmerist.
Sentence: "Try not the pass!" the old man said.
Reference: The Pocket Webster Dictionary; p.113
b. Sooner - Comparative form of soon: more soon.
Sentence: I would sooner die than marry you!
Reference: The Pocket Webster Dictionary; p.175
2. I Lay My Love On You a. Lay - To place something down in a position of rest.
Sentence: I lay down for a while.
Reference: The Pocket Webster Dictionary; p.127
b. Lifetime - A long period of time.
Sentence: I've been waiting a lifetime for a train.
Reference: The Pocket Webster Dictionary; p.143
(December) 1. All I Want For Christmas Is You a. Stocking - A soft garment worn on the foot and lower leg, usually knit or woven, worn under shoes or other footwear.
Sentence: She wore the stockings I gave to her.
Reference: New Handy Webster Dictionary; page 30
b. Mistletoe - A sprig of these plants used as a Christmas decoration.
Sentence: We have so many mistletoes at home.
Reference: The Pocket Webster Dictionary; p. 125
2. Let The Bells Be Ringing a. Ringing - The resonant sounding of a bell, or a sound resembling it.
Sentence: The church bell's ring could be heard the length of the valley.
Reference: The Pocket Webster Dictionary; p.182 b. Salutation - A greeting, salute, or address; a hello.
Sentence: The army has performed their salutation to the general.
Reference: The Pocket Webster Dictionary; p.225
(January) 1. Shape Of My Heart a. Forgive - To pardon, to waive any negative feeling or desire for punishment.
Sentence: Only the brave know how to forgive...A coward never forgave; it is not in his nature.
Reference: New Handy Webster Dictionary; page 43
b. Tragical – Showing a tragic event.
Sentence: That happening was tragical.
Reference: New Handy Webster Dictionary; page 98
2. Quit Playing Games a. Impossible - Not possible, not able to be done
Reference: Miriam Webster Dictionary; page 322
b. Quit - To conduct oneself, acquit oneself, to behave (in a specified way).
(February) 1. Heaven a. Emptiness - The state or feeling of being empty
Sentence: His emotions are gone due to the emptiness of his heart.
Reference: The Funk and Wagnalls Standard Desk Dictionary; p. 532
b. Fate - Destiny (perhaps connotes death, ruin, misfortune, etc.).
Sentence: Accept your fate.
Reference: The Funk and Wagnalls Standard Desk Dictionary; p.481
2. Born For You a. Ink - a pigment (or dye) based fluid used for writing, printing etc.
Sentence: Thanks to the inks we have ballpens now.
Reference: The Funk and Wagnalls Standard Desk Dictionary; p.610
b. Drowning - An instance of a person or animal drowning.
Sentence: It's dangerous to swim in that river — there were three drownings there last year.
Reference: The Funk and Wagnalls Standard Desk Dictionary; p.768
(March) 1. Baby Can I Hold You a. Separate - Not together (with); not united (to).
Sentence: I try to keep my personal life separate from work.
Reference: The Funk and Wagnalls Standard Desk Dictionary; p.372
b. Lies – False statements
Sentence: I wont be fooled with your lies.
Reference: The Pocket Webster Dictionary; p.92 2. Open Arms a. Drifted Apart – Break apart.
Sentence: I’m afraid my family would have drifted apart.
Reference: English for Better Life IV; p 26
b. Pride - A sense of one's own worth, and abhorrence of what is beneath or unworthy of one; lofty self-respect; noble self-esteem; elevation of character; dignified bearing; proud delight; -- in a good sense.
Sentence: The pride of the peacock is the glory of God.
(September) 1. Lifetime a. Lifetime - The duration of the life of someone or something.
Sentence: I finally found the love of a lifetime.
Reference: The Pocket Webster Dictionary; p.28
b. Alive - In a state of action; in force or operation; unextinguished; unexpired; existent
Sentence: The Boyne, for a quarter of a mile, was alive with muskets and green boughs.
Reference: The Pocket Webster Dictionary; p.225
2. Red Guitar a. Melodies - tune; sequence of notes that makes up a musical phrase
Sentence: The melody comforts me.
Reference: New Handy Webster Dictionary; page 136
b. Guitar – a stringed musical instrument, usually with fretted fingerboard and 6 strings, played with the fingers or a plectrum (guitar pick)
Reference: New Handy Webster Dictionary; page 57
(October) 1. Learn My Lesson a. Emptiness - The state or feeling of being empty
Sentence: The emptiness of his heart show him no desire.
Reference: New Handy Webster Dictionary; page 62
b. Loss - An instance of losing, such as a defeat
Sentence: The match ended in their first loss of the season.
Reference: New Handy Webster Dictionary; page 51
2. Me a. Frustration - The act of frustrating, or the state, or an instance of being frustrated
Sentence: His frustration makes him feel depressed.
Reference: New Handy Webster Dictionary; page 47
b. Ghost - The spirit; the soul of man.
Sentence: Then gives her grieved ghost thus to lament.
Reference: New Handy Webster Dictionary; page 114
(November) 1. The Gift a. Broken - Having the bone in pieces, fractured.
Sentence: My arm is broken
Reference: The Pocket Webster Dictionary; p.113
b. Softly - In a soft manner; gently.
Sentence: Softly loose the rope.
Reference: The Pocket Webster Dictionary; p.175
2. Last Night a. Assured - To give (someone) confidence in the trustworthiness of (something).
Sentence: I assure you that the program will work smoothly when we demonstrate it to the client.
Reference: The Pocket Webster Dictionary; p.127
b. Sentence - Judgment
Sentence: He is sentenced to death.
Reference: The Pocket Webster Dictionary; p.143
(December) 1. Jingle Bell Rock a. Bell - An object made of metal or other hard material, typically but not always in the shape of an inverted cup with a flared rim, which resonates when struck.
Sentence: The bell is ringing.
Reference: New Handy Webster Dictionary; page 30
b. Sleigh - A vehicle moved on runners, and used for transporting persons or goods on snow or ice.
Sentence: I saw Santa on his sleigh.
Reference: The Pocket Webster Dictionary; p. 125
2. Rocking Around the Christmas Tree a. Boughs - A firm branch of a tree.
Sentence: When the bough breaks, the cradle will fall
Reference: The Pocket Webster Dictionary; p.182
b. Holly - Any of various shrubs or small trees, of the genus Ilex, either evergreen or deciduous, used as decoration especially at Christmas.
(January) 1. Crawling a. Confusing - difficult to understand; not clear as lacking order, chaotic etc
Sentence: Several sections in that book are really confusing.
Reference: New Handy Webster Dictionary; page 43
b. Convinced - In a state of believing, especially from evidence but not necessarily.
Sentence: He was convinced he was a great singer, statements of others to the contrary.
Reference: New Handy Webster Dictionary; page 98
2. S.O.S. a. Crazy - out of control
Sentence: When she gets on the motorcycle she goes crazy.
Reference: Miriam Webster Dictionary; page 322
b. Awkward - Lacking dexterity in the use of the hands, or of instruments
Sentence: John was awkward at performing the trick. He'll have to practice to improve.
Reference: The Pocket Webster Dictionary; p.305
(February) 1. One Look a. Revived - To return to life; to recover life or strength; to live anew; to become reanimated or reinvigorated.
Sentence: The Lord heard the voice of Elijah; and the soul of the child came into again, and he revived.
Reference: The Funk and Wagnalls Standard Desk Dictionary; p. 532
b. Figured - Having a pattern considered attractive appearing on a section
Sentence: Figured wood is especially sought after for its distinctive texture.
Reference: The Funk and Wagnalls Standard Desk Dictionary; p.481
2. Truth a. Purify - To cleanse (something), or rid (it) of impurities
Sentence: We are having the recollection to purify our souls.
Reference: The Funk and Wagnalls Standard Desk Dictionary; p.610
b. Foe - An enemy.
Sentence: If Your can’t beat your foe, join him.
Reference: The Funk and Wagnalls Standard Desk Dictionary; p.768
(March) 1. Baby Can I Hold You a. Forgive - To pardon, to waive any negative feeling or desire for punishment.
Sentence: Only the brave know how to forgive...A coward never forgave; it is not in his nature.
Reference: The Funk and Wagnalls Standard Desk Dictionary; p.372
b. Sorry - Of a person, grieved for the loss of something or someone, or prefering to undo an act.
Sentence: I am sorry I stepped on your toes. It was an accident.
Reference: The Pocket Webster Dictionary; p.92 2. Heaven a. Heaven - The paradise of the afterlife in certain religions, considered to be the home of the god or gods of those religions.
Sentence: Mommy’s gone to heaven to be with God.
Reference: The Modern Dictionary; p. 126
b. Down - From a higher position to a lower one; downwards.
2.FAITH - Belief; trust; confidence; conviction in regard to religion; system of religious beliefs; strict adherence to duty and promises; word or honor pledged
Sentence: Have your faith in God.
New Webster’s Dictionary – page 121
3.BREATHE - To draw into the eject air from the lungs; to live; to take breath
Sentence: Breathe in.
New Webster’s Dictionary – page 38
4.SWEAR - To make a solemn declaration; with an appeal to God for its truth
Sentence: I swear.
New Webster’s Dictionary – page 332
5.UNSAID - Not spoken
Sentence: There are words unsaid.
New Webster’s Dictionary – page 361
6. WORTH - Equal in value or price to; deserving of
Sentence: I’ve realized his worth.
New Webster’s Dictionary – page
JULY 2009
1.ROOFTOP - The cover of any building; a canopy; the palate; a house
Sentence: There are spiders on the rooftop.
New Webster’s Dictionary – page 289
2.RAINDROP - Every drop of the rain; a small quantity of rain; to fall
Sentence: Can’t you feel the raindrop?
New Webster’s Dictionary – page 274
3.SINK - To descend in a liquid; to subside; to enter
Sentence: We’ll wait until it sinks.
New Webster’s Dictionary – page 309
4.TATTOOED - To prick the skin and stain the punctured spot with colors
Sentence: A butterfly was tattooed on her back.
New Webster’s Dictionary – page 336
5. DRAIN - To draw off; to filter; to make dry
Sentence: Drain the clothes first.
New Webster’s Dictionary – page 99
1.BLEACHERS - Stadium seats; seats in an uncovered area of a sports stadium
Sentence: There are people on the bleachers.
New Webster’s Dictionary – page53
2.UPSET - Act of upsetting
Sentence: His mother was upset of him.
New Webster’s Dictionary – page 362
3.AROUND - About; on all sides of; encircling
Sentence: Is he around?
New Webster’s Dictionary – page 20
4.ASIDE - On one side; apart; at a small distance
Sentence: Set aside the mixtures.
New Webster’s Dictionary – page 21
1.BREATH - Air taken into the lungs and then let out; a gentle breeze
Sentence: It takes my breath away.
New Webster’s Dictionary – page 38
2.STRUGGLE - Great effort or a series of efforts; violent exertion
Sentence: Struggle hard.
New Webster’s Dictionary – page 326
3.UNSAID - Not said; especially not uttered out loud
Sentence: There are words left unsaid.
New Webster’s Dictionary – page 361
4.CHANCE - Possibility or probability; opportunity; to happen
Sentence: You should not miss the chance.
New Webster’s Dictionary – page 49
1.STUPID - Regarded as showing a lack of intelligence, perception, or common sense
Sentence: What’s with that stupid dog?
New Webster’s Dictionary – page 327
2.SIGHT - Faculty of seeing; the ability to see using the eyes
Sentence: I can’t sight the target.
New Webster’s Dictionary – page 308
3.NIGHTMARE - Sleep marked by bad dreams; any oppressive or frightful experience
1. Battle n. -fight of opposing forces; combat; to fight.
-For me, a page of good prose is where one hears the rain and the noise of battle. -
2. Promise n. -a pledge concerning something.
-If a politician found he had cannibals among his constituents, he would promise them missionaries for dinner.
Reference: new handbook websters dictionary. p.32;162
1. Divine - belonging to God; sacred; godlike; heavenly.
-Children show me in their playful smiles the divine in everyone.
2. Hope - desire accompanied by expectation; confidence.
-My great hope is to laugh as much as I cry; to get my work done and try to love somebody and have the courage to accept the love in return Reference: Webster dictionary: new handy
1. Flawless - with or without blemish or imperfection.
-An idea can be as flawless as can be, but its execution will always be full of mistakes.
3. Teardrops -a shape that resembles a tear.
-They're not willing to admit that I've also shed blood and teardrops and often paid dearly for my success.
References: Encarta world English dictionary
1. Whisper n. - an act or instance of breathy speech with little or no vibration of the vocal chords.
-Ever notice that the whisper of temptation can be heard farther than the loudest call to duty.
2. Memory n. - anything that one can remember; the state of being remembered.
-Memory is deceptive because it is colored by today's events
Reference: the new international webster’s concise dictionary. p.844; 452.
1. Ordinary - of common or everyday occurrence.
-The ordinary man is involved in action, the hero acts.
3. Glimpse - a momentary look or view; inkling.
-Never glimpse the truth
References: the new international webster’s concise dictionary. p.302; 509.
MARCH 2010
1. Strangers - one who is not acquaintance.
-As children, many of us were taught never to talk to strangers.
2. Trouble - the state of being distressed or worried.
-The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt. References: the new international webster’s concise dictionary. p.727; 790.
1. DISGUISE *verb -to change the appearance or guise of so as to conceal identity or mislead, as by means of deceptive garb: The king was disguised as a peasant.
2.ILLUSIONS –noun 1. something that deceives by producing a false or misleading impression of reality. 2. the state or condition of being deceived; misapprehension.
sentence: I feel so numb to see this bitter end of beautiful illusions. ref: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/illusions
2. GAZE –verb (used without object) 1. to look steadily and intently, as with great curiosity, interest, pleasure, or wonder.
sentence: Disgust lies deep within your empty gaze.
ref: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/gaze
1. PATHETIC –adjective 1. causing or evoking pity, sympathetic sadness, sorrow, etc.; pitiful; pitiable: a pathetic letter; a pathetic sight. 2. affecting or moving the feelings. 3. pertaining to or caused by the feelings.
sentence: In return for our investment we get a pathetic three percent interest.
2. COMPASSION –noun 1. a feeling of deep sympathy and sorrow for another who is stricken by misfortune, accompanied by a strong desire to alleviate the suffering.
Stupid -lacking intelligence - you stupid boy, better shut up your mouth.
References: New Webster’s Encyclopedic Dictionary
Tender -careful; lovable - he showed mi his tender loving care
Lifetime -the time able to live by man. - I want to be with you for lifetime.
References: Webster’s New Handy Dictionary/ tender p.781/lifetime p.541
Undone -uncompleted; not yet done or completed. - your task are undone.
Beat -to defeat something in a contest. - you must beat the record.
References: Encarta world English dictionary/ undone p.1938/beat p.152
Flawless -with or without blemish of imperfection. - he wants everything to be flawless.
Teardrops -a shape that resembles a tear. - there are some teardrops on my guitar.
References: Encarta world English dictionary/ flawless p.678/teardrops p.1830
Blurring -to dim; to silly; to stain - your are blurring my day.
Falling - Downfall - Im falling with you.
References: Webster dictionary new handy /blurring p.52/falling p.136
Yuletide - Christmas season or Christmas time. - The yuletide season of Christmas must be celebrated simple yet elegant.
Sparkling -a small particle of fire. - your hair is sparkling like a stars in the night
Reference: Webster dictionary new handy/ yuletide p.377/sparkling p.321
Memories - faculty to remembering; things or thing remembered; span of recollecting - the memories will remain in my heart.
Regretting - admitting of - I regretting of the things along the way.
Reference: Webster dictionary new handy/ memories p.227/ regretting p.290
Revived -recover consciousness; somebody who wishes to revive customs - revived the things unrelieved.
Figured - decorated with a design or pattern. - figured those mysterious effects of your dreams.
Reference: Encarta world English dictionary/ revived p.1535/ figured p.663
MARCH 2010
Drift -anything driven; driven mass or heap; currents direction; tendency - the continental drift theory says that earth is compose of one huge land called Pangaea.
Remember - to recall to mind; o attend to - Remember those rules I’ve said to you
Reference: Webster dictionary new handy/ drift p.118/ remember p.291
OCTOBER 2009 1.BREATH -a)The air inhaled and exhaled in respiration. b)The act or process of breathing; respiration. c)The capacity to breathe, especially in a natural and unlabored manner: shortness of breath. d) Spirit or vitality; life. e)A single respiration: a deep breath. f)Exhaled air, as evidenced by vapor, odor, or heat. g)A momentary pause or rest
SENTENCE:Other people suffer difficulty in breathing.
2.STRUGGLE -to make strenuous or violent efforts in the face of difficulties or opposition -to proceed with difficulty or with great effort.
SENTENCE:Each of us struggle with different problems in life.
OCTOBER 2009 1.FLY -To engage in flight, especially: a)To move through the air by means of wings or winglike parts. b)To travel by air: We flew to Dallas. c)To operate an aircraft or spacecraft
-1. To rise in or be carried through the air by the wind: a kite flying above the playground. 2. To float or flap in the air: pennants flying from the masthead.
-To move or be sent through the air with great speed: bullets flying in every direction; a plate that flew from my hands when I stumbled.
-1. To move with great speed; rush or dart: The children flew down the hall. Rumors were flying during their absence. 2. To flee; escape. 3. To hasten; spring: flew to her students' defense.
2.SHADOWS -darker spot where light is intercepted,insepersble,companion,atom or fraction.
SENTENCE:We created so many hand shadows last night.
REFERENCE:Webster Dictionary
NOVEMBER 2009 1.GLISTEN -intr.v., -tened, -ten·ing, -tens. To shine by reflection with a sparkling luster. -n. A sparkling, lustrous shine.
SENTENCE:the christmas tree is glistening because of its decorations.
2.SLEIGH -n.A light vehicle mounted on runners and having one or more seats, usually drawn by a horse over snow or ice.
SENTENCE:Santa Claus rides on a sleigh when he deliver the gifts.
NOVEMBER 2009 1.BOUGH -n.A tree branch, especially a large or main branch.
SENTENCE:We hang the star on the highest bough.
DECEMBER 2009 1.RECKLESS -adj.1.A)Heedless or careless. B)Headstrong; rash. 2. Indifferent to or disregardful of consequences.
SENTENCE:I dont want to ride on the car when his the driver because he is a reckless driver.
2.STALLING -v.tr. 1. To put or lodge in a stall. 2. To maintain in a stall for fattening: to stall cattle. 3. To halt the motion or progress of; bring to a standstill. 4. To cause (a motor or motor vehicle) accidentally to stop running. 5. To cause (an aircraft) to go into a stall
SENTENCE:The car stalled on a free way.
DECEMBER 2009 1.MEMORIES -The mental faculty of retaining and recalling past experience. 2. The act or an instance of remembering; recollection. 3. All that a person can remember. 4. Something remembered: pleasant childhood memories. 5. The fact of being remembered; remembrance. 6. The period of time covered by the remembrance or recollection of a person or group of persons. 7. Biology Persistent modification of behavior resulting from an animal's experience.
1. The condition of being free of restraints. 2. Liberty of the person from slavery, detention, or oppression. 3. 1. Political independence. 2. Exemption from the arbitrary exercise of authority in the performance of a specific action; civil liberty: freedom of assembly. 4. Exemption from an unpleasant or onerous condition: freedom from want. 5. The capacity to exercise choice; free will: We have the freedom to do as we please all afternoon. 6. Ease or facility of movement: loose sports clothing, giving the wearer freedom. 7. Frankness or boldness; lack of modesty or reserve: the new freedom in movies and novels. 8. 1. The right to unrestricted use; full access: was given the freedom of their research facilities. 2. The right of enjoying all of the privileges of membership or citizenship: the freedom of the city. 9. A right or the power to engage in certain actions without control or interference.
SENTENCE:Some people doesnt get the freedom that they want.
JANUARY 2010 1.TENDER -adj. ten·der·er, ten·der·est 1. a. Easily crushed or bruised. b. Easily chewed or cut. 2. Young and vulnerable. 3. Frail; delicate. 4. Sensitive to frost or severe cold; not hardy. 5. a. Easily hurt; sensitive. b. Painful; sore. a. Considerate and protective; solicitous: a tender mother; his tender concern. b. Characterized by or expressing gentle emotions; loving. c. Given to sympathy or sentimentality; soft.
SENTENCE:She has a tender heart.
2.ROMANCES -1. a. A love affair. b. Ardent emotional attachment or involvement between people; love. c. A strong, sometimes short-lived attachment, fascination, or enthusiasm for something. 2. A mysterious or fascinating quality or appeal, as of something adventurous, heroic, or strangely beautiful.
SENTENCE:: They kept the romance alive in their marriage for 35 years.
JANUARY 2010 1.DRIFT -v.intr.
1. To be carried along by currents of air or water. 2. To proceed or move unhurriedly and smoothly. 3. To move leisurely or sporadically from place to place, especially without purpose or regular employment. 4. 1. To wander from a set course or point of attention; stray. 2. To vary from or oscillate randomly about a fixed setting, position, or mode of operation. 5. To be piled up in banks or heaps by the force of a current.
SENTENCE:A balloon drifting eastward; as the wreckage drifted toward shore.
2.BETTER -Having good qualities in a greater degree than another.
SENTENCE:Could make the worse appear The better reason. REFERNCE:http://www.answers.com/topic/better
August 2009
ReplyDelete1. Nothingness - n. State of nonexistence; the condition of being nothing.
The Endless Dark Nothingness
Void; emptiness.
Quality of inconsequentiality; lacking in significance.
Sentence: Be in the nothingness where you can't find anything.
2. divide - n. A thing that divides.
Stay on your side of the divide, please.
An act of dividing.
The divide left most of the good land on my share of the property.
A distancing between two people or things.
There is a great divide between us.
Sentence: Welcome to our new divide
July 2009
ReplyDelete1. Lava - n. The melted rock ejected by a volcano from its crater or fissured sides. magma.
Sentence: The lava is flowing down on that volcano.
2. Modesty - n. The quality of being modest; having a limited and not overly high opinion of oneself and one's abilities. Moderate behaviour; reserve. (specifically) Pudency, prudish avoidance of sexual explicitness.
Sentence: She has high quality of modesty.
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ReplyDeleteJune 2009
ReplyDelete1. Blade –n.
-the flat cutting part of a sword,knife,etc. a sword rapier or the like
- a similar part,as of mechanism,used for clearing,wiping etc.
Sentence: blade is usually the weapons of the mercenaries
2. Bleeding –adj.
-the act or process of losing blood or having blood flow
-the act or process of drawing blood from a person specialy surgically; bloodletting
Sentence; when you are cut by a blade, you will suffer from bleeding
July 2009
1. Wiping – v.
-To rub lightly with a cloth
-To rub or drow
-To remove by rubbing
Sentence: wiping is done usually at home, specially in cleaning the table
2. Abandon –v.
-forsaken or deserted, and abandoned building
-understained or uncontrolled
Sentence: a girl which is forsaken by his mother is called an abandoned child
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ReplyDeleteJUNE 2009
ReplyDelete1. Fantasy
- imagination, fancy
- a product of the imagination: illusion
Sentence: All his ideas were nothing but fantasy.
Reference: Webster's Dictionary
2. Beating
-to strike with repeated blows
Sentence: his heart was beating fast after jogging.
Reference: Webster's Dictionary
JULY 2009
1. Awkward
- not graceful in movement; clumsy
Sentence: She was really awkward while practicing today.
Reference: Webster's English Dictionary
2. Conversation
- informal or familiar talk
Sentence: We had a short conversation on our way home.
Reference: Webster's English Dictionary
1. Suffocating
> v. -to kill or destroy by preventing access of air or oxygen
-to impair the respiration of; asphyxiate
-to cause discomfort to by or as if by cutting off supply of fresh air.
Sentence: He almost died because of suffocating.
2. toll
> n. - a tax or charge for a privilege, esp. for permission to pass over a bridge, along a highway, etc.
- a charge for service or extra service, as for transportation, for a long-distance telephone call, or, formerly, for having one's grain milled
Sentence: They had to pay the toll in order to pass through the highway.
Reference: http://www.yourdictionary.com/toll
june 2009
ReplyDelete1. Heartbreaker -n.One that causes sorrow, grief, or disappointment.
Sentence:He is a heartbreaker because of what he did to my friend.
2. Addicted –adjective
devoted or given up to a practice or habit or to something psychologically or physically habit-forming (usually fol. by to): to be addicted to drugs.
Sentence:That boy is addicted to that young pretty girl.
june 2009
1. Fetch -
1. to go after and bring back
2. to be sold for (a certain price)
3. Informal to give someone (a blow or slap)
4. fetch and carry to perform menial tasks [Old English feccan]
the ghost or apparition of a living person.
Sentence:Impressionist pictures fetch very high prices.
july 2009
1. a person, animal, etc. that is running away or has run away; specif.,
1. a fugitive or deserter
2. a horse, team of horses, etc. that has broken loose from control of the rider or driver
2. the act of running away
3. a runaway race or victory
1. running away or having run away; escaping, eloping, or breaking loose from control runaway lovers, a runaway horse
2. of or done by runaways or running away a runaway marriage
3. easily won, as a race, or decisive, as a victory
1. rising rapidly, as prices
2. characterized by an uncontrolled rise of prices runaway inflation
5. ☆ relocated in order to evade agreements with a local union, local taxes, etc. a runaway shop
Sentence:Its not my attitude to runaway from problems.
1. A deep, tender, ineffable feeling of affection and solicitude toward a person, such as that arising from kinship, recognition of attractive qualities, or a sense of underlying oneness.
2. A feeling of intense desire and attraction toward a person with whom one is disposed to make a pair; the emotion of sex and romance.
3.>Sexual passion.
>Sexual intercourse.
>A love affair.
4. An intense emotional attachment, as for a pet or treasured object.
5. A person who is the object of deep or intense affection or attraction; beloved. Often used as a term of endearment.
6. An expression of one's affection: Send him my love.
7.>A strong predilection or enthusiasm: a love of language.
>The object of such an enthusiasm: The outdoors is her greatest love.
8. Love Mythology. Eros or Cupid.
9. often Love Christianity. Charity.
10. Sports. A zero score in tennis.
Sentence:I will love you forever!
july 2009
1.vulnerable-capable of being wounded;open attack.
Sentence:We are vulnerable both by water and land, without either fleet or army.
Reference:Webster's Dictionary
incapable of being overcome or defeated; unconquerable.
Sentence:what makes you think that you are invincible?
august 2009
ReplyDelete1.Prozac-a brand of fluoxetine hydrochloride.
Sentence:he was told to drink one prozac a day.
2. Preoccupied –adjective
a.completely engrossed in thought; absorbed.
b.previously occupied; taken; filled.
c.Biology. already used as a name for some species, genus, etc., and not available as a designation for any other.
Sentence:I was preoccupied with a deadline at work, and I forgot his birthday.
august 2009
1.Humor- NOUN:
1. The quality that makes something laughable or amusing; funniness: could not see the humor of the situation.
2. That which is intended to induce laughter or amusement: a writer skilled at crafting humor.
3. The ability to perceive, enjoy, or express what is amusing, comical, incongruous, or absurd. See Synonyms at wit 1.
4. One of the four fluids of the body, blood, phlegm, choler, and black bile, whose relative proportions were thought in ancient and medieval physiology to determine a person's disposition and general health.
5. Physiology
1. A body fluid, such as blood, lymph, or bile.
2. Aqueous humor.
3. Vitreous humor.
6. A person's characteristic disposition or temperament: a boy of sullen humor.
7. An often temporary state of mind; a mood: I'm in no humor to argue.
1. A sudden, unanticipated whim. See Synonyms at mood 1.
2. Capricious or peculiar behavior.
Sentence:She doesn't get your humor like we do.
2.Bleachers-n. an outdoor grandstand without a roof; patrons are exposed to the sun as linens are when they are bleached.
Sentence:Audience of football watch the game on the bleachers.
JUNE 2009
ReplyDelete1.Proud. - adjective
- feeling or showing pride: as a : having or displaying excessive self-esteem b : much pleased : exultant c : having proper self-respect
- a : marked by stateliness : magnificent b : giving reason for pride : glorious the proudest moment in her life
Sentence: Im so proud of you.
2.Care. - noun
- suffering of mind : grief
-a : a disquieted state of mixed uncertainty, apprehension, and responsibility b : a cause for such anxiety
Sentence: Handle it with care.
Reference: http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/care
3.Heal -verb
- a : to make sound or whole heal a wound b : to restore to health
- a : to cause (an undesirable condition) to be overcome : mend the troubles…had not been forgotten, but they had been healed — William Power b : to patch up (a breach or division) heal a breach between friends
Sentence: Heal your wounds for because it may infect your cuts.
Reference: http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/heal
4.Race -noun
- the act of running
- a : a strong or rapid current of water flowing through a narrow channel b : a watercourse used industrially c : the current flowing in such a course.
Sentence: The race car drives very fast.
Reference: http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/race
JULY 2009
ReplyDelete1.Alone -adjective
-separated from others : isolated
-exclusive of anyone or anything else
Sentence: Being alone in this world needs guidance and love.
2.Promise -noun
- a : a declaration that one will do or refrain from doing something specified b : a legally binding declaration that gives the person to whom it is made a right to expect or to claim the performance or forbearance of a specified act
- reason to expect something
Sentence: I'll prpmise that i will do all my projects and responsibilities.
ReplyDelete1.Friend - noun
- a : one attached to another by affection or esteem b : acquaintance
- a : one that is not hostile b : one that is of the same nation, party, or group
Sentence: A friend is an ever ready companion.
2.Nightmare -noun
-an evil spirit formerly thought to oppress people during sleep
- a frightening dream that usually awakens the sleeper
Sentence: had a terrible nightmare last night.
ReplyDelete1. APART –adverb
- into pieces or parts; to pieces: to take a watch apart; an old barn falling apart from decay.
- separately in place, time, motion, etc.: New York and Tokyo are thousands of miles apart. Our birthdays are three days apart.
- to or at one side, with respect to place, purpose, or function: to put money apart for education; to keep apart from the group out of pride.
- separately or individually in consideration: each factor viewed apart from the others.
- aside (used with a gerund or noun): Joking apart, what do you think
Sentence: the Armageddon took apart 11 o’clock in the evening early midnight
Source: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/apart
2. HURT–verb
- to cause bodily injury to; injure: He was badly hurt in the accident.
- to cause bodily pain to or in: The wound still hurts him.
- to damage or decrease the efficiency of (a material object) by striking, rough use, improper care, etc.: Moths can't hurt this suit because it's mothproof. Dirty oil can hurt a car's engine.
- to affect adversely; harm: to hurt one's reputation; It wouldn't hurt the lawn if you watered it more often.
- to cause mental pain to; offend or grieve: She hurt his feelings by not asking him to the party.
Sentence: during the fight with the moguls, yurnero was badly hurt by mogul khan
Source: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/hurt
ReplyDelete1. GAVEL–noun
- a small mallet used by the presiding officer of a meeting, a judge, etc., usually to signal for attention or order.
- a similar mallet used by an auctioneer to indicate acceptance of the final bid.
Masonry. kevel.
- to chair (a legislative session, convention, meeting, etc.).
(of a presiding officer) a. to request or maintain (order at a meeting) by striking a gavel.
- to begin or put into effect (a legislative session, motion, etc.) by striking a gavel.
Sentence: gavel is a small mallet used by the presiding officer of a meeting.
Source: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/gavel
2. JURY–noun
- a group of persons sworn to render a verdict or true answer on a question or questions officially submitted to them.
- such a group selected according to law and sworn to inquire into or determine the facts concerning a cause or an accusation submitted to them and to render a verdict to a court.
- a group of persons chosen to adjudge prizes, awards, etc., as in a competition.
- to judge or evaluate by means of a jury: All entries will be juried by a panel of professionals.
Sentence: the jury may now come to order said the judge and his companions
Source: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/jury
ReplyDelete-that cannot be overcome; unconquerable
Sentence: What makes you invincible?
2. vulnerable-adjective
1. that can be wounded or physically injured
1. open to criticism or attack a vulnerable reputation
2. easily hurt, as by adverse criticism; sensitive
3. affected by a specified influence, temptation, etc. vulnerable to political pressure
3. open to attack by armed forces
4. Bridge liable to increased penalties and entitled to increased bonuses: said of a team which has won one game
Sentence: Please don't tell me that I am the only one that's vulnerable.
ReplyDelete1.BLEACHERS –term used to describe the raised, tiered stands found in sports fields or at other spectator events in the United States and Canada.
Sentence: Bleacher is known as a grandstand when it contains VIP seats
2.UPSET – to overturn; to decompose completely
Sentence: We are upset with the result.
3.AROUND – about; all sides of; encircling
Sentence: Let’s eat at the round table.
4.ASIDE – on one side; apart; at a small distance
Sentence: Aside from her, Mark also cried.
Reference: New Webster’s Dictionary
ReplyDelete1. Stalling-to assign, to put or keep in a stall.
Sentence: The man is stalling the workers where to work.
2.Reckless-to rash
Sentence: He is so reckless that she fell in the well.
3. jaded-dulled or satisfied by over indulgence
Sentence: He is a jaded man so nobody likes him.
Reference: Webster English Dictionary
1.coast-land along the sea
Sentence: I saw him near the coast
Reference: webster dictionary p.163
2.pour-to cause to flow in steady strem
Sentence:I poured the milk in to the glass.
Reference: Webster Dictionary p.766
3. Barely-Scarcely
Sentence: He barely survived the accident
4. Frail-weak
Sentence: She is so frail because of the accident.
Sentence: People get so vain when they have problems.
Sentence: The robber swiftly run from the police.
Reference: www.dictionary.com
1.Flashback-such an episode
Sentence: To other side are the gas feed pipes with two flashback arrestors.
Reference: www.yourdictionary.com
Sentence: He made a solid wooden staircase.
Reference: www.yourdictionary.com
3.Insomnia-an sleeping disorder
Sentence: People with imsomnia are often seen in the streets in the night.
Reference:webster dictionary p.515
4.Crush-feeling of liking someone
Sentence: Jonel has a crush on Jenny.
Reference:Webster Dictionary p.217
ReplyDelete1. Trouble:
to cause bodily pain, discomfort, or disorder.
Sentence: aries went to Manila to meet some trouble.
2. Resist:
to make a stand or make efforts in opposition
Sentence: I couldn't resist thinking of her.
3. Farmer
an unsophisticated person from a rural area
Sentence: Farmers are the wise men.
ReplyDelete1.COMPOSURE-n. calmness of mind or manner; tranquillity; self-possession.
I make my projects in a composure manner.
2.EMOTIONS-n.an affective state of consciousness in which joy, sorrow, fear, hate, or the like, is experienced, as distinguished from cognitive and volitional states of consciousness.
I cant hide my emotions when I'm hurt.
1.APART-adj. having independent or unique qualities, features, or characteristics.
This thing is better apart from being good.
2.HURT-n. The cause of mental pain or offense as in insult.
Its hard to forget the person who really hurt you that much.
-->great effort or a series of efforts; violent exertion
SENTENCE:A man would struggle to survive in today's world.
-->air taken into the lungs and then let out
SENTENCE:Take a deep breath here, you have nearly finished!
-->Not said, especially not uttered out loud.
SENTENCE:Their unsaid objections were almost palpable to the rest of the group.
-->a possibility or probability
SENTENCE:There is little chance of success.
ReplyDelete1. Compassion - Deep awareness of the suffering of another, coupled with the wish to relieve it
Sentence:His compassion made him reach for his success.
2. Portrait - A painting or other picture of a person, especially the head and shoulders.
Sentence: He looked at the portrait of his father and cried.
3. Foreseen - To anticipate; to predict.
Sentence: He foreseen what will happen in the casino.
4. Fraud - The assumption of a false identity to such deceptive end
Sentence: he consider himself as a fraud for failing for his parents expectations.
ReplyDelete1. Compassion - Deep awareness of the suffering of another, coupled with the wish to relieve it
Sentence:His compassion made him reach for his success.
2. Portrait - A painting or other picture of a person, especially the head and shoulders.
Sentence: He looked at the portrait of his father and cried.
3. Foreseen - To anticipate; to predict.
Sentence: He foreseen what will happen in the casino.
4. Fraud - The assumption of a false identity to such deceptive end
Sentence: he consider himself as a fraud for failing for his parents expectations.
Source: http://en.wiktionary.org
1. ANGUISH–noun
ReplyDelete-Excruciating or acute distress, suffering, or pain: the anguish of grief.
-To inflict with distress, suffering, or pain.
-to suffer, feel, or exhibit anguish: to anguish over the loss of a loved one.
SENTENCE: I’ll lose myself in anguish for tonight
SOURCE: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/anguish
-Something that deceives by producing a false or misleading impression of reality.
-The state or condition of being deceived; misapprehension.
-An instance of being deceived.
-Psychology. a perception, as of visual stimuli (optical illusion),
-A very thin, delicate tulle of silk or nylon having a cobwebbed appearance, for trimmings, veiling, and the like.
-Obsolete. The act of deceiving; deception; delusion.
SENTENCE: What is -perceived in a way different from the way it is in reality?
SOURCE: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/illusions
September 2009
ReplyDelete1. dysfuctional
>Abnormal or impaired functioning, especially of a bodily system or social group.
SENTENCE: The batteries are dysfunctional that's why it won't work.
>A large number of persons gathered together; a throng.
> The common people; the populace.
> A group of people united by a common characteristic, as age, interest, or vocation: the over-30 crowd.
> A group of people attending a public function; an audience: The play drew a small but appreciative crowd.
> A large number of things positioned or considered together.
SENTENCE:There was a big crowd in the hallway just now.
REFERENCE: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/crowd
ReplyDelete1. HEAVEN–noun
-The abode of God, the angels, and the spirits of the righteous after death; the place or state of existence of the blessed after the mortal life.
- (initial capital letter) Often, Heavens. the celestial powers; God.
- (used with a singular verb) a wooden roof or canopy over the outer stage of an Elizabethan theater.
-Usually, heavens. the sky, firmament, or expanse of space surrounding the earth.
-a place or state of supreme happiness: She made his life a heaven on earth.
SENTENCE: Heavens, what a cold room!
SOURCE: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/heaven
2. DISASTER–noun
-A calamitous event, esp. one occurring suddenly and causing great loss of life, damage, or hardship, as a flood, airplane crash, or business failure.
-Obsolete. an unfavorable aspect of a star or planet.
SENTENCE: A disaster may be caused by carelessness, negligence, bad judgment
SOURCE; http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/disaster
ReplyDelete1. ANGUISH–noun
-Excruciating or acute distress, suffering, or pain: the anguish of grief.
-To inflict with distress, suffering, or pain.
-to suffer, feel, or exhibit anguish: to anguish over the loss of a loved one.
SENTENCE: I’ll lose myself in anguish for tonight
SOURCE: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/anguish
-Something that deceives by producing a false or misleading impression of reality.
-The state or condition of being deceived; misapprehension.
-An instance of being deceived.
-Psychology. a perception, as of visual stimuli (optical illusion),
-A very thin, delicate tulle of silk or nylon having a cobwebbed appearance, for trimmings, veiling, and the like.
-Obsolete. The act of deceiving; deception; delusion.
SENTENCE: What is -perceived in a way different from the way it is in reality?
SOURCE: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/illusions
September 2009
ReplyDelete1. Creep - n. The movement of something that creeps (like worms or snails)
A relatively small gradual change, variation or deviation (from a planned value) in a measure.
A slight displacement of an object: the slight movement of something
(publishing) In sewn books, the tendency of pages on the inside of a quire to stand out farther than those on the outside of it.
(materials science) An increase in strain with time; the gradual flow or deformation of a material under stress.
(geology) The imperceptible downslope movement of surface rock.
(informal, pejorative) An annoying irritating person
(informal, pejorative) A frightening and/or disconcerting person, especially one who gives the speaker chills or who induces psychosomatic facial itching.
(agriculture) A barrier with small openings used to keep large animals out while allowing smaller animals to pass through.
Sentence: Stop following me, you creep!
2. Chase - n. The action of the verb "to chase".
A hunt.
(British) A large country estate where game may be shot or hunted.
Anything being chased, especially a vessel in time of war
(nautical) Any of the guns that fire directly ahead or astern; either a bow chase or stern chase
Sentence: Stop the chase and win the race.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDelete1.PEACEMAKER- N.
a person who makes peace, as by settling the disagreements or quarrels of others
SENTENCE: I am a peacemaker.
1. To make or keep safe from danger, attack, or harm.
2. Sports
a. To attempt to prevent the opposition from scoring while playing in or near (a goal or area of a field, for example).
b. To be responsible for guarding (an opposing player).
c. To compete against a challenger in an attempt to retain (a championship).
3. To support or maintain, as by argument or action; justify.
SENTENCE: he is the the defender of faith
ReplyDelete1. TOWN- A population center that is larger
than a village and smaller than
SENTENCE: My classmates and their family live
in the town.
2. BLEACHERS- An often unroofed outdoor
grandstand for seating
SENTENCE: The students went outside to watch
on a bleachers.
3. HUMOR- The quality that makes something
laughable or amusing, funniness.
SENTENCE: Our neighbor has a sense of humor.
4. REGRET- To feel sorry, dissapointed, or
distressed about.
SENTENCE: My friend feel regret when her
special someone has gone.
SOURCE: www.thefreedictionary.com
ReplyDelete1. RUNAWAY- To move swiftly on foot so that
both feet leave the ground during
each strde.
SENTENCE: She runaway to his problems in
2. INLOVE- A deep tender, insffable feeling
of affection and solicitude toward
a person.
SENTENCE: She is very inlove with his
3. REVIVED- v. to activate, set in motion, or
take up again.
- to put on or to show.
SENTENCE: Some singers revived some songs.
4. COMPLAIN- v. to express dissatisfaction,
pain, uneasinness.
- to make a formal accusation.
SENTENCE: Fred complain to Sam because of not
doing well for his job.
SOURCE: ww.thefreedictionary.com
1. to wake up; rouse from sleep: I awoke at six with a feeling of dread.
2. to rouse to action; become active: His flagging interest awoke.
3. to come or bring to an awareness; become cognizant (often fol. by to): She awoke to the realities of life.
SENTENCE:Will you stay awake for me?
1. the act of fastening, securing, uniting, or the like.
2. anything that binds.
3. the covering within which the leaves of a book are bound.
4. a strip of material that protects or decorates the edge of a tablecloth, rug, etc.
SENTENCE:I'm binding my eyes to you.
1. loss of hope; hopelessness.
2. someone or something that causes hopelessness: He is the despair of his mother.
SENTENCE:Relationships fraught between characters, thus they held up in despair.
1. the act of a person or thing that shakes.
2. ague, with or without chill and fever.
SENTENCE: My knees are shaking when every time I see you.
1. kismet- fate,destiny.
ReplyDeletesentence: gori gave up his kismet for julie.
2. chance- a possibility or probability of anything happening: a fifty-percent chance of succes
sentence: naomi gave angelo a 2nd chance for him to change.
3. pride- a high or inordinate opinion of one's own dignity, importance, merit, or superiority, whether as cherished in the mind or as displayed in bearing, conduct, etc
sentence: angelo has a great pride for his love for her gf.
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ReplyDeleteOctober 2009
ReplyDeleteFrom: Everybody Down
By: Nonpoint
1. psycho - n. (pejorative, slang) A person who is psychotic or otherwise insane.
(pejorative, slang) A person who acts in a bizarre or dangerous manner.
Quality of inconsequentiality; lacking in significance.
Sentence: The loony bin up on the hill is full of psychos.
She complained that he was a psycho for driving at such a high speed in heavy traffic.
From: Well Enough Alone
By: Chevelle
2. generic - adj. Very comprehensive; pertaining or appropriate to large classes or groups as opposed to specific
Sentence: "...the essence is that such self-describing poets describe what is in them, but not peculiar to them,---what is generic, not what is special and individual." — Walter Bagehot
by: FM static
1. firmly or closely fixed in place; not easily moved; secure: a tight knot.
2. drawn or stretched so as to be tense; taut.
I'll take your hand and hold it tightly
because I know you'll carry me.
causing great surprise or sudden wonder.
You're so amazing.
by: FM Static
–verb (used without object), -pet⋅ed, -pet⋅ing.
to strive to outdo another for acknowledgment, a prize, supremacy, profit, etc.; engage in a contest; vie: to compete in a race; to compete in business.
I might compete to everyone I see..I wanna be with you.
1. the act of concentrating; the state of being concentrated.
2. exclusive attention to one object; close mental application.
3. something concentrated: a concentration of stars.
My concentration is not with you.
ReplyDelete1. EMPTINESS–adjective
- Containing nothing; having none of the usual or appropriate contents: an empty bottle.
- Vacant; unoccupied: an empty house
- without cargo or load: an empty wagon
- destitute of people or human activity: We walked along the empty streets of the city at night.
- Destitute of some quality or qualities; devoid (usually fol. by of): Theirs is a life now empty of happiness
- without force, effect, or significance; hollow; meaningless: empty compliments; empty pleasures.
- Not employed in useful activity or work; idle: empty summer days
- Mathematics. (of a set) containing no elements; null; void.
- Hungry: I'm feeling rather empty—let's have lunch
- Without knowledge or sense; frivolous; foolish: an empty head
- Completely spent of emotion: The experience had left him with an empty heart
SENTENCE: I’m hungry I'm feeling rather empty—let's have lunch
SOURCE: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/emptiness
2. RESIGNED–adjective
- Submissive or acquiescent
- Characterized by or indicative of resignation
SENTENCE: His father filed a resignation letter before he resigned to the company
SOURCE: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/resigned
November 2009
ReplyDeleteFrom: Donde Esta Santa Claus?
By: Guster
1. peeping - n. The action of the verb to peep - A quiet sound, particularly one from a baby bird; A feeble utterance or complaint; A kind of bird; a sandpiper.
Sentence: No peeping please.
From: Christmas All Over Again
By: Tom Petty
2.Rickenbacker - n. a brand name for an electric guitar
Sentence: I want Rickenbacker guitar for this christmas
January 2010
ReplyDeleteFrom: Two is better than one
By: Boys like girls
1. drift - n. The act or motion of drifting; the force which impels or drives; an overpowering influence or impulse.
Sentence: Don't try to drift, it's too dangerous.
From: New perspective
By: Panic at the disco
2.perspective - n. (figuratively) The choice of a single angle or point of view from which to sense, categorize, measure or codify experience.
Sentence: This is my new perspective.
January 2010
ReplyDeleteFrom:I can tell
By: Saosin
1. Cables - structure that emmits signals to make something work.ex: televisions
Sentence: Kuya Mak knows how to put cable in a television
2. Hurt - condition which a person is badly feeled.
Reference: Websters dictionary
February 2010
ReplyDeleteFrom: Destiny
By: Jim Brickman
1. Moment - the occurence of nearby present,the latest happening.
Sentence: That's the moment that Aries wanted.
2. Baby - small child,lowest stage of being a man.
Sentence: Aries wants to have a baby girl.
Reference: Websters dictionary
March 2010
ReplyDeleteFrom:Fall Back into my life
By:Amber Pacific
1.undone - refers to a thing that have been started but not finished.
Sentence: The building was badly undone.
2. Beat - refers to the number of pumps a hear.
Sentence: My heart beats faster.
Reference:Websters dictionary
February 2010
ReplyDeleteFrom: Time for Miracles
By: Adam Lambert
1. aching - adj. That aches; continuously painful.
The aching heart, the aching head.
From: Last Night on Earth
By: Green Day
2.assured - v. 1. Simple past tense and past participle of assure.
Sentence: So if you dare to second guess you can rest assured.
March 2010
ReplyDeleteFrom: For Your Entertainment
By: Adam Lambert
1. glitz - n. garish, brilliant showiness
Don’t trip off the glitz that I’m gonna display.
From: Brick by boring brick
By: Paramore
2.coil - n. Simple past tense and past participle of assure.
Sentence: Coiled up on the dirty ground.
JUNE 2009
ReplyDeleteA SUDDEN CHANGE by: Daphne Loves Derby
sudden (adjective) pg. 512
happening, coming, made or done quickly without warning or unexpectedly;
breeze (noun) pg. 81
a light or moderate current of air
warm (adjective) pg. 567
having or giving out a moderate degree of heat as perceived by the senses
bring (verb) pg. 81
to carry; to conver;
AWARE, RUST AND REPAIR by: Daphne Loves Derby
promise (noun) pg. 421
a declaration of something will or will not be done, given by one
path (noun) pg. 390
a way beaten formed or trooden by feet of persons or animals
scare (verb) pg. 463
to become frigthened
close (verb) pg. 116
to stop or obstruct
JULY 2009
GIVES YOU HELL by: The All-American Rejects
evening (noun) pg. 197
the latter part of the day and nearly part of the night
probably (noun) pg. 419
without much doubt
hell (noun) pg. 258
the place of punishment of the wicked after death
picket fence (noun) pg. 400
a fence made of pointed upright pickets
shiny (adjective) pg. 478
glossy, polished, worn smooth
damn (verb) pg. 150
to condemn; censure
YOU FOUND ME by: The Fray
find (verb) pg. 211
to discover by chance
insecure (adjective) pg. 284
feeling anxiety
surround (verb) pg. 515
to border around the edge of something
morning (noun) pg. 351
the part of the day from midnight or dawn until noon
nerve (noun) pg. 360
any of the fibers or bundles of fibers that transmit impulses of sensation or of movement between the brain and spinal cord and all parts of the body.
WHEN WE DIE by: Bowling For Soup
tattooed (verb) pg. 522
to make permanent patterns on the skin
blame (verb) pg. 69
to hold responsible for; to accuse
resent (verb) pg. 445
to be indignant about; to begrudge; to take badly
memory (noun) pg. 337
the process of retaining and reproducing past thoughts and sensations
PRETEND by: Secondhand Serenade
agenda (noun) pg. 22
list of items or matters of business that nedd to be attended to
pursue (verb) pg. 427
to follow or to chase
disguise (verb) pg. 170
to hide what is real
WHY by: Secondhand Serenade
smile (verb) pg. 489
to express amusement, friendship and pleasure
breathe (verb) pg. 80
to inhale and exhale
pride (noun) pg. 417
feeling of self-worth or esteem
miracle (noun) pg. 344
an extraordinary event attributed to the supernatural
heaven (noun) pg. 257
the dwelling place of God and His angels where the blessed go after death
WHAT MAKES A MAN by: Westlife
swear (verb) pg.516
to make a solemn affirmation, promise, etc, calling God as a witness
seek (verb) pg. 470
to search for; to try to find out
laugh (verb) pg. 309
to emit explosive inarticulate vocal sounds expressive of amusement; joy or decision
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteNOVEMBER 2009
ReplyDeleteFUZZY BLUE LIGHTS by: Owl City
balcony (noun) pg. 54
a projecting platform from an upper story
overpass (noun) pg. 381
a road crossing another road
raindrop (noun) pg. 435
a drop of rain
thunderstorm (noun) pg. 530
a stom with thunder and lightning
Christmas (noun) pg. 110
an annual festival celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ
illusion (noun) pg. 273
a false idea or conception
innocence (noun) pg. 284
the condition or quality of being innocent
youth (noun) pg. 582
the period between adulthood and childhood
O HOLY NIGHT by: Mariah Carey
saviour (noun) pg. 461
a person who saves another from harm or danger
serenely (adverb) pg. 472
clear and unclouded
IT'S GONNA MAKE SENSE by: Michael Learns To Rock
sorrow (noun) pg. 495
sadness; regret; an expression of grief
worry (noun) pg. 518
a cause or feeling of anxiety
sense (noun) pg. 472
one of the five human faculties by which objects are perceived
whisper (verb) pg. 572
to speak softly; to spread a humor
embrace (verb) pg. 188
to take hold tightly in the arms as a sign of affection
HOLIDAY by: GreenDay
armageddon (noun) pg. 42
the site of the last decesive battle between good and evil
DRINKING FOR 11 by: Mad Caddies
still (adjective) pg. 507
motionless; calm; silent
creeping (verb) pg. 142
to move slowly along the ground
MARCH 2010
pride (noun) pg. 417
feeling of self-worth or esteem
convince (verb) pg. 134
to persuade by argument
TWO IS BETTER THAN ONE by: Boys Like Girls
undone (adjective) pg. 549
no done; not fastened or tied
believe (noun) pg. 62
to accept as true
ReplyDelete1.Blame- v.
- to accuse of being at fault; condemn; censure
- to find fault with (for something)
- to place responsibility for (an error, fault, etc.) on someone or something
sentence: He was blamed for something he didn't do.
ref: http://www.yourdictionary.com/blame
- to puncture (the skin) with a needle and insert indelible colors so as to leave permanent marks or designs
- to make (marks or designs) on the skin in this way
sentence: The picture she saw in the museum was tattooed on her mind.
ref: http://www.yourdictionary.com/tattooed
- running away or having run away; escaping
-of or done by runaways
-easily won, as a race, or decisive, as a victory
sentence: Most runaways are given little help in tackling the problems which made them run away.
ref: http://www.yourdictionary.com/examples/runaway
2.Bizarre -adj.
- very odd in manner, appearance, etc.; grotesque
- marked by extreme contrasts and incongruities of color, design, or style
- unexpected and unbelievable; fantastic a bizarre sequence of events
sentence: He was acting bizarre lately.
ref: http://www.yourdictionary.com/bizarre
-an event or action that apparently contradicts known scientific laws and is hence thought to be due to supernatural causes, esp. to an act of God
-a remarkable event or thing; marvel
-a wonderful example a miracle of tact
sentence: It was a miracle that he won the contest.
ref: http://www.yourdictionary.com/miracle
-a light vehicle on runners, usually horse-drawn, for carrying persons over snow and ice
sentence: People use horse sleigh before to travel.
ref: http://www.yourdictionary.com/sleigh
1. Burdened-adj.
-designating the vessel responsible for taking action to avoid colliding with another vessel
sentence: He was burdened by so much work load he has these days.
ref: http://www.yourdictionary.com/burdened
2. Glimpse-v.
-to look quickly; glance (at)
sentence: She took a glimpse at the new shop.
ref: http://www.yourdictionary.com/glimpse
-to cause sharply exhilarating excitement in; make shiver or tingle with excitement
-to produce vibrations or quivering in; cause to tremble
sentence: It really gives me a thrill looking at our project done well.
2.Friend- n.
- a person whom one knows well and is fond of; intimate associate; close acquaintance
- a person on the same side in a struggle; one who is not an enemy or foe; ally
- a supporter or sympathizer a friend of labor
- something thought of as like a friend in being helpful, reliable, etc.
- any member of the Society of Friends; Quaker
sentence: She has been my friend ever since.
MARCH 2010
- the subdued light just after sunset or, in less common usage, just before sunrise
- the period from sunset to dark
- any growing darkness
- a condition or period of gradual decline following full development, achievement, glory, etc.
sentence: He saw a dim twilight above this and ascended out of the blackness into a street of moving Ways again.
ref: http://www.yourdictionary.com/twilight
2.Drench- v.
-to make wet all over; soak or saturate in liquid
sentence: He was drenched from the heavy rain.
ref: http://www.yourdictionary.com/drench
ReplyDelete1. STAGGER
-to fatter or begin to give away, as in an argument or fight
Sentence: the man begin to stagger his goods
Source: http://www.dictioanry.reference/browse/stugger
-not clearly or explicitly stated or expressed
Sentence: the lawyer is not vague of what he said in the court
Source: http://www.dictioanry.reference/browse/vague
-A European semi parasitic shrub which thick leaves, small yellow flowers.
Sentence: mistletoe are often used when Christmas begins
- an open usually horse drawn vehicle which runners for use in snow or ice
Source: http://www.dictioanry.reference/browse/sleigh
-longing for someone
Sentence: I already misses someone
Source: http://www.dictioanry.reference/browse/miss
-the inside top covering of a room top limit
Sentence: the ceiling has many fans called ceiling fans
Source: http://www.dictioanry.reference/browse/ceiling
-a calamitous event, specially one occurring suddenly and causing great lose of life, damage
Sentence: disaster are frequent here in the Philippines because it is located in the pacific ring of fire.
Source: http://www.dictioanry.reference/browse/disaster
-a temporary insanity curable by marriage
Sentence: I love my life specially my family and friends
Sourve: http://www.dictioanry.reference/browse/love
-a giving up of something valuable or important for somebody or something elso considered to be of more value or importance
Sentence: you will probably sacrifice everything for the one you love the most.
Source: http://www.dictioanry.reference/browse/sacrifice
-that which is born or carried
-a load
-a vessel’s capacity to load
Sentence: the vessels’ burden was reached on its maximum limit that the vessels sank after realizing the anchor
Source: http://www.dictioanry.reference/browse/burden
ReplyDelete1. forever
-at all times
Sentence: I will be forever young
Source: http://www.dictioanry.reference/browse/forever
2. love
-a temporary insanity curable my marriage
Sentence: we will love each other forever
Source: http://www.dictioanry.reference/browse/love
1. Christmas
-a Christian festival marking the birth of jesus Christ
Sentence: Christmas is always celebrated all throughout the world
Source: http://www.dictioanry.reference/browse/christmas
2. sleigh
-a vehicle with runners for sliding instead of wheels for rolling
Sentence: santa is riding on a sleigh
Source: http://www.dictioanry.reference/browse/sleigh
1. ordinary
-usual;customary.common place
Sentence: ordinary people are the one who enjoys life most
Source: http://www.dictioanry.reference/browse/ordinay
1. inlove
-a strong feeling of affection
Sentence: when you are inlove, you always want her/him to be beside you always
Source: http://www.dictioanry.reference/browse/inlove
2. bleeding
-the process of losing blood or having blood flow.
Sentence: there is a song I like because of its lyrics”keep bleeding love”
Source: http://www.dictioanry.reference/browse/bleeding
1. laughter
-the action or sound of laughing
Sentence: laughter is the best medicine
Source: http://www.dictioanry.reference/browse/laughter
2. mute
Sentence: the television has the feature mute and it is written on the remote control
Source: http://www.dictioanry.reference/browse/mute
ReplyDelete1. CRADLE
-a small bed for an infant, usually on rockers.
-to hold gently or protectively.
-to place or rock in or as in an infant's cradle.
sentence: The curtains are closed, the cat's in the cradle.
reference: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/cradle
-judicious in one's conduct or speech, esp. with regard to respecting privacy or maintaining silence about something of a delicate nature; prudent; circumspect.
sentence: I try to be discreet, but then I screwed up again.
reference: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/discreet
-to release from or as if from a leash; set loose to pursue or run at will.
-to abandon control of.
sentence: A disaster was ready to be unleashed.
reference: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/unleashed
-a ring-shaped metal device that can be locked around a person's wrist, usually one of a pair connected by a short chain or linked bar.
sentence: Tryin' to climb the ladder but I'm handcuffed to the bottom.
-the ruin or destruction of anything
-to tear down
sentence: Just when I thought I'd gone and wrecked it all again.
-to bestow or confer
-to give or accord
sentence: I should've known, took you and I for granted.
reference: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/granted
-extreme and general scarcity of food, as in a country or a large geographical area.
-any extreme and general scarcity.
-extreme hunger
sentence: We've been through feast and famine.
-state of being away or not being present
-period of being away
-failure to attend or appear when expected.
sentence:I acted as supervisor in his absence. Your absence was noted on the records.
reference: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/absence
-cherished with strong or unreasoning feeling
-excessively tender or overindulgent; doting
sentence: They give someone a fond look.
reference: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/fond
-to proclaim or make known by sermon (the gospel, good tidings, etc.).
-to deliver (a sermon).
-to advocate or inculcate (religious or moral truth, right conduct, etc.) in speech or writing.
sentence: The world is tired
Of all the little lies they preach.
reference: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/preach
1. Unwell
a. Shadow - A dark image projected onto a surface where light is blocked by the shade of an object.
Sentence: I’ve seen his shadow a while ago.
Reference: New Handy Webster Dictionary; p. 217
b. Impaired - Rendered less effective
Sentence: His impaired driving skill due to alcohol caused the accident.
Reference: New Handy Webster Dictionary; p.94
2. Teenagers
a. Clique – A small, exclusive group of individuals; cabal
Sentence: This school used to be really friendly, but now everyone keeps to their own cliques.
Reference: New Handy Webster Dictionary; p.35
b. Shreds – To cut or tear into narrow and long pieces or strips.
Sentence: He cut the paper into shreds.
Reference: New Handy Webster Dictionary; p.221
1. Fall For You
a. Impossible – Not possible, not able to be done
Sentence: Nothing is impossible in our dreams.
Reference: New Handy Webster Dictionary; p.97
b. Cheap - Low and/or reduced in price.
Reference: New Handy Webster Dictionary; p.33
2. Holiday
a. Drifted Apart – break apart
Sentence: My family was drifted apart by misunderstanding.
Reference: New Handy Webster Dictionary; page 21
b. Pride – an undue sense of ones own superiority; inordinate self esteem
Sentence: Pride can bring trouble to a couple.
Reference: New Handy Webster Dictionary; page 82
1. I hate this song
a. Despair – to lose hope
Sentence: The man has despair because he didn’t pass the entrance exam.
Reference: New Handy Webster Dictionary; page 42
b. Shaking – to weaken
Sentence: He keeps shaking my shoulders.
Reference: New Handy Webster Dictionary; page 224
2. Gone so young
a. Regret – to grieve for the loss of, or an account of
Sentence: You will not have regret if you know that what you do is right.
Reference: New Handy Webster Dictionary; page 204
b. Pretend - to claim that or act as if something is different from what it actually is, often incorrectly and knowingly
Sentence: I have to pretend that I am crazy.
Reference: New Handy Webster Dictionary; page 198
ReplyDelete1. Cold summer nights
a. Break apart – drifted apart
Sentence: My classmates and I will break apart because we will enter a new chapter of our lives, college life.
Reference: New Handy Webster Dictionary; page 28
b. Weakness – state of being weak
Sentence: My weakness is my family.
Reference: New Handy Webster Dictionary; page 225
2. It’s my life
a. Faith – belief, trust, fidelity, creed
Sentence: We should have a strong faith.
Reference: New Handy Webster Dictionary; page 136
b. Breaks – broken, to crack, to crust
Sentence: He always breaks his promises.
Reference: New Handy Webster Dictionary; page 57
1. One look
a. Mesmerized – to hypnotize
Sentence: I am mesmerized by your eyes.
Reference: New Handy Webster Dictionary; page 62
b. Hurricane – a tropical cyclone, especially one originating in the west indies
Sentence: The hurricane was destructive.
Reference: New Handy Webster Dictionary; page 51
2. Have I told you lately
a. Lodge – a rural hotel or resort, an inn
Sentence: We check inn in a lodge.
Reference: New Handy Webster Dictionary; page 47
b. Vodka – a clear distilled alcoholic liquor made from grain mash
Sentence: We drink vodka last night.
Reference: New Handy Webster Dictionary; page 114
1. Sleeping child
a. Burden – a difficult or worrying responsibility or duty
Sentence: The soldier is on a burden situation.
Reference: Encarta Dictionary; page 13
b. Slip – to slide or move accidentally out of the proper or desired position
Sentence: The man slipped while walking in a wet floor.
Reference: Encarta Dictionary; page 175
2. Reckless
a. Emptiness – the state of being empty
Sentence: When I am alone I feel emptiness.
Reference: Encarta Dictionary; page 127
b. Fate – a power that supposedly predetermines events
Sentence: The fortune teller has a strong fate.
Reference: Encarta dictionary; page 143
ReplyDelete1. White Christmas
a. Christmas – the festival celebrating the birth of Christ
Sentence: We celebrate Christmas in the month of December.
Reference: New Handy Webster Dictionary; page 30
b. Glisten – to sparkle
Sentence: The diamond is glistening in the dark..
Reference: New Handy Webster Dictionary; page 75
2. Christmas is everywhere
a. Yuletide – the Christmas festival or season
Sentence: The Filipinos celebrated their yuletide happily.
Reference: New Handy Webster Dictionary; page 200
b. Grief – extreme sorrow caused by a loss; deep distress
Sentence: The family had grief because they lost a member of their family.
Reference: New Handy Webster Dictionary; page 125
1. Open arms
a. Dreamt – to have a dream
Sentence: I never dreamt it will be this way.
Reference: New Handy Webster Dictionary; page 43
b. Memories - remembrance
Sentence: I will cherish our memories.
Reference: New Handy Webster Dictionary; page 98
2. I caught fire
a. Stowed – to to put something away in a compact and tidy manner
Reference: New Handy Webster Dictionary; page 322
b. Sin – One committed conciously
Sentence: He is fading.
Reference: New Handy Webster Dictionary; page 305
1. You Are Not Alone
a. Peace – a state of mental or physical quiet or tranquility.
Sentence: There is peace in every war.
Reference: The Funk and Wagnalls Standard Desk Dictionary; p. 532
b. Pressure – any force that act against an opposing force.
Sentence: Pressure and volume are inversely proportional to each other.
Reference: The Funk and Wagnalls Standard Desk Dictionary; p.481
2. You’re All That I Need
a. Separate – to occupy a position between serve to keep apart
Sentence: We must go on in separate ways.
Reference: The Funk and Wagnalls Standard Desk Dictionary; p.610
b. Waiting – The act of the one who waits
Sentence: I’ve been waiting for hours.
Reference: The Funk and Wagnalls Standard Desk Dictionary; p.768
1. A Twist in My Story
a. Whisper - To speak in low voice, soft voice
Sentence: Guillotine killing is so brutal.
Reference: The Funk and Wagnalls Standard Desk Dictionary; p.372
b. Flip – to turn around; to twist
Sentence: He flipped the card.
Reference: The Funk and Wagnalls Standard Desk Dictionary; p.213
2. My Sacrifice
a. Forever – For Always
Sentence: He will love her forever.
Reference: The Webster Dictionary; p.148
b. Disapprove – to have or express unfortunately
Sentence: He disapproved to the plan.
Reference: The Webster Dictionary; p.111
1. You Are Not Alone
a. Burden - A cause of worry
Sentence: I don’t want to be a burden to you.
Reference: New High School Dictionary; p. 57
b. Slip - An act or instance of slipping.
Sentence: He slipped on the shiny floor.
Reference: New High School Dictionary; p. 94
2. Everything I do I do It For You
a. Sacrifice - To give away (something valuable) to get at least a possibility to gain something else of value (such as self-respect, trust, love, freedom, prosperity), or to avoid an even greater loss.
Sentence: God sacrificed His only-begotten Son, so that all people might have eternal life.
Reference: The Pocket Webster Dictionary; p. 35
b. Soul - Life, energy, vigor.
Sentence: This place has no soul
Reference: The Pocket Webster Dictionary; p. 221
1. Gone So Young
a. Dreamt – A wish
Sentence: I never dreamt this will happen.
Reference: Miriam Webster Dictionary; p. 97
b. Memories – records of a thing or an event stored and available for later use by the organism.
Sentence: I have no memory of that event.
Reference: Miriam Webster Dictionary; p. 33
2. I’ll be There For You
a. Suicide - A particular instance of a person intentionally killing himself or herself, or of multiple people doing so.
Sentence: There had been half a dozen mysterious suicides which had been investigated by Scotland Yard.
Reference: New Handy Webster Dictionary; page 21
b. Suitcase - Large (usually rectangular) piece of luggage used for carrying clothes, and sometimes suits, when travelling.
Sentence: Grabbing his suitcase, Ken goes out from his room.
Reference: New Handy Webster Dictionary; page 82
1. Bed of Roses
a. Lodge - A building used for recreational use such as a hunting lodge or a summer cabin.
Sentence: He is in the lodge.
Reference: The Pocket Webster Dictionary; p.42
b. Vodka - A clear distilled alcoholic liquor made from grain mash.
Sentence: He drinks all the vodkas from the ref.
Reference: The Pocket Webster Dictionary; p.224
2. Careless Whisper
a. Ignorance - The condition of being uninformed or uneducated. Lacking knowledge or information.
Sentence: Due to his ignorance, he pressed the self-destruct button without knowing.
Reference: The Pocket Webster Dictionary; p.204
b. Rhythm - The variation of strong and weak elements (such as duration, accent) of sounds, notably in speech or music, over time; a beat or meter.
Sentence: Dance to the rhythm of the music.
Reference: The Pocket Webster Dictionary; p.198
1. That’s Why
a. Illusion - Anything that seems to be something that it is not.
Sentence: We saw what looked like a tiger among the trees, but it was an illusion caused by the shadows of the branches.
Reference: The Pocket Webster Dictionary; p.28
b. Forget - To lose remembrance of.
Sentence: I have forgotten most of the things I learned in school.
Reference: The Pocket Webster Dictionary; p.225
2. Complicated Heart
a. Complicated - difficult or convoluted
Sentence: It seems this complicated situation will not blow over soon.
Reference: New Handy Webster Dictionary; page 136
b. Remain - State of remaining; stay.
Sentence: He remains in the building.
Reference: New Handy Webster Dictionary; page 57
ReplyDelete1. Take To Your Heart
a. Clue - Information which may lead one to a certain point or conclusion.
Sentence: A clue has been found
Reference: New Handy Webster Dictionary; page 62
b. Beat - A pulse on the beat level, the metric level at which pulses are heard as the basic unit. Thus a beat is the basic time unit of a piece.
Sentence: I can feel the beat of my heart.
Reference: New Handy Webster Dictionary; page 51
2. Breaking My Heart
a. Linger - To stay or remain.
Sentence: I like to linger in my garden after I have finished working there.
Reference: New Handy Webster Dictionary; page 47
b. Journey - A day's travelling; the distance travelled in a day.
Sentence: The journey ends here.
Reference: New Handy Webster Dictionary; page 114
1. If I let You Go
a. Pass - A movement over or along anything; the manipulation of a mesmerist.
Sentence: "Try not the pass!" the old man said.
Reference: The Pocket Webster Dictionary; p.113
b. Sooner - Comparative form of soon: more soon.
Sentence: I would sooner die than marry you!
Reference: The Pocket Webster Dictionary; p.175
2. I Lay My Love On You
a. Lay - To place something down in a position of rest.
Sentence: I lay down for a while.
Reference: The Pocket Webster Dictionary; p.127
b. Lifetime - A long period of time.
Sentence: I've been waiting a lifetime for a train.
Reference: The Pocket Webster Dictionary; p.143
1. All I Want For Christmas Is You
a. Stocking - A soft garment worn on the foot and lower leg, usually knit or woven, worn under shoes or other footwear.
Sentence: She wore the stockings I gave to her.
Reference: New Handy Webster Dictionary; page 30
b. Mistletoe - A sprig of these plants used as a Christmas decoration.
Sentence: We have so many mistletoes at home.
Reference: The Pocket Webster Dictionary; p. 125
2. Let The Bells Be Ringing
a. Ringing - The resonant sounding of a bell, or a sound resembling it.
Sentence: The church bell's ring could be heard the length of the valley.
Reference: The Pocket Webster Dictionary; p.182
b. Salutation - A greeting, salute, or address; a hello.
Sentence: The army has performed their salutation to the general.
Reference: The Pocket Webster Dictionary; p.225
1. Shape Of My Heart
a. Forgive - To pardon, to waive any negative feeling or desire for punishment.
Sentence: Only the brave know how to forgive...A coward never forgave; it is not in his nature.
Reference: New Handy Webster Dictionary; page 43
b. Tragical – Showing a tragic event.
Sentence: That happening was tragical.
Reference: New Handy Webster Dictionary; page 98
2. Quit Playing Games
a. Impossible - Not possible, not able to be done
Reference: Miriam Webster Dictionary; page 322
b. Quit - To conduct oneself, acquit oneself, to behave (in a specified way).
ReplyDeleteSentence: I quitted from being a slave.
Reference: The Pocket Webster Dictionary; p.305
1. Heaven
a. Emptiness - The state or feeling of being empty
Sentence: His emotions are gone due to the emptiness of his heart.
Reference: The Funk and Wagnalls Standard Desk Dictionary; p. 532
b. Fate - Destiny (perhaps connotes death, ruin, misfortune, etc.).
Sentence: Accept your fate.
Reference: The Funk and Wagnalls Standard Desk Dictionary; p.481
2. Born For You
a. Ink - a pigment (or dye) based fluid used for writing, printing etc.
Sentence: Thanks to the inks we have ballpens now.
Reference: The Funk and Wagnalls Standard Desk Dictionary; p.610
b. Drowning - An instance of a person or animal drowning.
Sentence: It's dangerous to swim in that river — there were three drownings there last year.
Reference: The Funk and Wagnalls Standard Desk Dictionary; p.768
1. Baby Can I Hold You
a. Separate - Not together (with); not united (to).
Sentence: I try to keep my personal life separate from work.
Reference: The Funk and Wagnalls Standard Desk Dictionary; p.372
b. Lies – False statements
Sentence: I wont be fooled with your lies.
Reference: The Pocket Webster Dictionary; p.92
2. Open Arms
a. Drifted Apart – Break apart.
Sentence: I’m afraid my family would have drifted apart.
Reference: English for Better Life IV; p 26
b. Pride - A sense of one's own worth, and abhorrence of what is beneath or unworthy of one; lofty self-respect; noble self-esteem; elevation of character; dignified bearing; proud delight; -- in a good sense.
Sentence: The pride of the peacock is the glory of God.
Reference: The Pocket Webster Dictionary; p.116
1. I’m Just a Kid
a. Staring – The act of persistent gazing
Sentence: He’s Staring at me.
Reference: The Modern Dictionary; p. 257
b. Spending - to consume, to use, to exhaust
Sentence: He’s spending money lately.
Reference: The Modern Dictionary; p. 294
2. Addicted
a. Heartbreaker - A person who causes sorrow, grief or extreme disappointment.
Sentence: Allan is a heartbreaker.
Reference: The Pocket Webster Dictionary; p. 35
b. Addicted - Being physically or psychologically dependent on something.
Sentence: He is addicted' to the Internet.
Reference: The Pocket Webster Dictionary; p. 221
1. Run Away
a. Runaway - An object or process that is out of control.
Sentence: Casey Jones's train became a runaway.
Reference: Miriam Webster Dictionary; p. 97
b. Inlove – An act of inspiring someone.
Sentence: He’s inlove with my friend.
Reference: Miriam Webster Dictionary; p. 33
2. Yesterday’s Dream
a. Yearning - A wistful or melancholy longing.
Sentence: She had a yearning to see her long-lost sister again.
Reference: New Handy Webster Dictionary; page 21
b. Unity - state of being one or undivided; united in mind or purpose
Sentence: Unity is important.
Reference: New Handy Webster Dictionary; page 82
1. King And Queen
a. Victims - Anyone who is physically harmed by another.
Sentence: The people in the hospital were victims of that tragedy.
Reference: The Pocket Webster Dictionary; p.42
b. Stole - To illegally, or without the owner's permission, take possession of something by surreptitiously taking or carrying it away.
Sentence: The government agents stole my identity.
Reference: The Pocket Webster Dictionary; p.224
2. Two is Better that One
a. Undone - reverse the effects of an action.
Sentence: The work was left undone.
Reference: The Pocket Webster Dictionary; p.204
b. Drift - The act or motion of drifting; the force which impels or drives; an overpowering influence or impulse.
Sentence: He wins because he knows how to drift.
Reference: The Pocket Webster Dictionary; p.198
ReplyDelete1. Lifetime
a. Lifetime - The duration of the life of someone or something.
Sentence: I finally found the love of a lifetime.
Reference: The Pocket Webster Dictionary; p.28
b. Alive - In a state of action; in force or operation; unextinguished; unexpired; existent
Sentence: The Boyne, for a quarter of a mile, was alive with muskets and green boughs.
Reference: The Pocket Webster Dictionary; p.225
2. Red Guitar
a. Melodies - tune; sequence of notes that makes up a musical phrase
Sentence: The melody comforts me.
Reference: New Handy Webster Dictionary; page 136
b. Guitar – a stringed musical instrument, usually with fretted fingerboard and 6 strings, played with the fingers or a plectrum (guitar pick)
Reference: New Handy Webster Dictionary; page 57
1. Learn My Lesson
a. Emptiness - The state or feeling of being empty
Sentence: The emptiness of his heart show him no desire.
Reference: New Handy Webster Dictionary; page 62
b. Loss - An instance of losing, such as a defeat
Sentence: The match ended in their first loss of the season.
Reference: New Handy Webster Dictionary; page 51
2. Me
a. Frustration - The act of frustrating, or the state, or an instance of being frustrated
Sentence: His frustration makes him feel depressed.
Reference: New Handy Webster Dictionary; page 47
b. Ghost - The spirit; the soul of man.
Sentence: Then gives her grieved ghost thus to lament.
Reference: New Handy Webster Dictionary; page 114
1. The Gift
a. Broken - Having the bone in pieces, fractured.
Sentence: My arm is broken
Reference: The Pocket Webster Dictionary; p.113
b. Softly - In a soft manner; gently.
Sentence: Softly loose the rope.
Reference: The Pocket Webster Dictionary; p.175
2. Last Night
a. Assured - To give (someone) confidence in the trustworthiness of (something).
Sentence: I assure you that the program will work smoothly when we demonstrate it to the client.
Reference: The Pocket Webster Dictionary; p.127
b. Sentence - Judgment
Sentence: He is sentenced to death.
Reference: The Pocket Webster Dictionary; p.143
1. Jingle Bell Rock
a. Bell - An object made of metal or other hard material, typically but not always in the shape of an inverted cup with a flared rim, which resonates when struck.
Sentence: The bell is ringing.
Reference: New Handy Webster Dictionary; page 30
b. Sleigh - A vehicle moved on runners, and used for transporting persons or goods on snow or ice.
Sentence: I saw Santa on his sleigh.
Reference: The Pocket Webster Dictionary; p. 125
2. Rocking Around the Christmas Tree
a. Boughs - A firm branch of a tree.
Sentence: When the bough breaks, the cradle will fall
Reference: The Pocket Webster Dictionary; p.182
b. Holly - Any of various shrubs or small trees, of the genus Ilex, either evergreen or deciduous, used as decoration especially at Christmas.
Sentence: Hollies are the same as mistletoes.
Reference: The Pocket Webster Dictionary; p.225
ReplyDelete1. Crawling
a. Confusing - difficult to understand; not clear as lacking order, chaotic etc
Sentence: Several sections in that book are really confusing.
Reference: New Handy Webster Dictionary; page 43
b. Convinced - In a state of believing, especially from evidence but not necessarily.
Sentence: He was convinced he was a great singer, statements of others to the contrary.
Reference: New Handy Webster Dictionary; page 98
2. S.O.S.
a. Crazy - out of control
Sentence: When she gets on the motorcycle she goes crazy.
Reference: Miriam Webster Dictionary; page 322
b. Awkward - Lacking dexterity in the use of the hands, or of instruments
Sentence: John was awkward at performing the trick. He'll have to practice to improve.
Reference: The Pocket Webster Dictionary; p.305
1. One Look
a. Revived - To return to life; to recover life or strength; to live anew; to become reanimated or reinvigorated.
Sentence: The Lord heard the voice of Elijah; and the soul of the child came into again, and he revived.
Reference: The Funk and Wagnalls Standard Desk Dictionary; p. 532
b. Figured - Having a pattern considered attractive appearing on a section
Sentence: Figured wood is especially sought after for its distinctive texture.
Reference: The Funk and Wagnalls Standard Desk Dictionary; p.481
2. Truth
a. Purify - To cleanse (something), or rid (it) of impurities
Sentence: We are having the recollection to purify our souls.
Reference: The Funk and Wagnalls Standard Desk Dictionary; p.610
b. Foe - An enemy.
Sentence: If Your can’t beat your foe, join him.
Reference: The Funk and Wagnalls Standard Desk Dictionary; p.768
1. Baby Can I Hold You
a. Forgive - To pardon, to waive any negative feeling or desire for punishment.
Sentence: Only the brave know how to forgive...A coward never forgave; it is not in his nature.
Reference: The Funk and Wagnalls Standard Desk Dictionary; p.372
b. Sorry - Of a person, grieved for the loss of something or someone, or prefering to undo an act.
Sentence: I am sorry I stepped on your toes. It was an accident.
Reference: The Pocket Webster Dictionary; p.92
2. Heaven
a. Heaven - The paradise of the afterlife in certain religions, considered to be the home of the god or gods of those religions.
Sentence: Mommy’s gone to heaven to be with God.
Reference: The Modern Dictionary; p. 126
b. Down - From a higher position to a lower one; downwards.
Sentence: The cat jumped down from the table.
Reference: The Modern Dictionary; p.46
1. You’re All I Need
a. Separate – To occupy a Position Between; Serve to keep apart
Sentence: He separated oil from water
Reference: Funk and Wagnalls Standard Desk Dictionary; p. 610
b. Waiting – The act of one who waits
Sentence: He’s waiting outside.
Reference: Funk and Wagnalls Standard Desk Dictionary; p. 768
2. A Twist in my Story
a. Whisper – To speak in low voice
Sentence: Aldrin whispers in the air.
Reference: Funk and Wagnalls Standard Desk Dictionary; p.372
b. Flip
Sentence: To snap; to toss
Reference: The Funk and Wagnalls Standard Desk Dictionary; p. 257
1. Let the Flames Begin
a. Growling – to utter a deep throaty sound.
Reference: Funk and Wagnalls Standard Desk Dictionary; p.333
b. Inlove – An act of inspiring someone.
Sentence: He’s inlove with my friend.
Reference: Funk and Wagnalls Standard Desk Dictionary; p.320
2. My Sacrifice
a. Forever – For always; endlessly
Sentence: I’ll Be with you Forever
Reference: Funk and Wagnalls Standard Desk Dictionary; p.148
b. Disapprove – To have or express unfortunately
Sentence: He disapproves in the plan.
Reference: Encarta World English Dictionary; p. 111
1. Here Without You
a. Situation – Circumstances; office heart
Sentence: The people in the hospital were victims of that tragedy.
Reference: Funk and Wagnalls Standard Desk Dictionary; p. 172
b. Rhythm – The tempo or speed of the beat.
Sentence: He danced to the rhythm of the music.
Reference: Funk and Wagnalls Standard Desk Dictionary; p.576
2. Teardrops on my Guitar
a. Undone - reverse the effects of an action.
Sentence: The work was left undone.
Reference: The Pocket Webster Dictionary; p.204
b. Drift - The act or motion of drifting; the force which impels or drives; an overpowering influence or impulse.
Sentence: He wins because he knows how to drift.
Reference: The Pocket Webster Dictionary; p.198
ReplyDelete1. Lifetime
a. Lifetime - The duration of the life of someone or something.
Sentence: I finally found the love of a lifetime.
Reference: The Pocket Webster Dictionary; p.28
b. Alive - In a state of action; in force or operation; unextinguished; unexpired; existent
Sentence: The Boyne, for a quarter of a mile, was alive with muskets and green boughs.
Reference: The Pocket Webster Dictionary; p.225
2. Red Guitar
a. Melodies - tune; sequence of notes that makes up a musical phrase
Sentence: The melody comforts me.
Reference: New Handy Webster Dictionary; page 136
b. Guitar – a stringed musical instrument, usually with fretted fingerboard and 6 strings, played with the fingers or a plectrum (guitar pick)
Sentence: I’ve played with my guitar.
Reference: New Handy Webster Dictionary; page 57
1. Learn My Lesson
a. Emptiness - The state or feeling of being empty
Sentence: The emptiness of his heart show him no desire.
Reference: New Handy Webster Dictionary; page 62
b. Loss - An instance of losing, such as a defeat
Sentence: The match ended in their first loss of the season.
Reference: New Handy Webster Dictionary; page 51
2. Me
a. Frustration - The act of frustrating, or the state, or an instance of being frustrated
Sentence: His frustration makes him feel depressed.
Reference: New Handy Webster Dictionary; page 47
b. Ghost - The spirit; the soul of man.
Sentence: Then gives her grieved ghost thus to lament.
Reference: New Handy Webster Dictionary; page 114
1. Bed of Roses
c. Lodge - A building used for recreational use such as a hunting lodge or a summer cabin.
Sentence: He is in the lodge.
Reference: The Pocket Webster Dictionary; p.42
d. Vodka - A clear distilled alcoholic liquor made from grain mash.
Sentence: He drinks all the vodkas from the ref.
Reference: The Pocket Webster Dictionary; p.224
2. Teenagers
c. Clique – A small, exclusive group of individuals; cabal
Sentence: This school used to be really friendly, but now everyone keeps to their own cliques.
Reference: New Handy Webster Dictionary; p.35
d. Shreds – To cut or tear into narrow and long pieces or strips.
Sentence: He cut the paper into shreds.
Reference: New Handy Webster Dictionary; p.221
1. I saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus
a. Mistletoe - Evergreen parasitic plant
Sentence: Mistletoes are beautifying the surroundings.
Reference: Funk and Wagnalls Standard Desk Dictionary; p. 331
b. Peek - To look Through
Sentence: Don’t peek, you’re such a foolish brat!
Reference: Funk and Wagnalls Standard Desk Dictionary; p. 439
2. Donde Esta Santa Claus
a. Peep – a quiet sound, particularly one form of a baby.
Sentence: The baby will wake up if you peep on his ears.
Reference: Funk and Wagnalls Standard Desk Dictionary; p. 440
b. Christmas – The festival celebrating in the birth of Christ.
Sentence: I want to be with you this Christmas.
Reference: Funk and Wagnalls Standard Desk Dictionary; p. 123
ReplyDelete3. Gone so Young by Amber Pacific
c. Dreamt – A hope or wish
Sentence: I never dreamt it will be this way.
Reference: Funk and Wagnalls Standard Desk Dictionary; p. 133
d. Regretting – To feel sorry about (a thing that has happened): to wish that a thing had not happened, that something else had happened instead
Sentence: And now I’m regretting all I.ve done.
Reference: http Funk and Wagnalls Standard Desk Dictionary; p. 784
4. Stay Close Don’t Go
e. Manage - to direct or be in charge of
Sentence: I’ve managed to escape the criminals.
Reference: Funk and Wagnalls Standard Desk Dictionary; p. 539
f. Pump - A device for moving or compressing a liquid or gas
Sentence: I’ve collected water from a pump.
Reference: Funk and Wagnalls Standard Desk Dictionary; p. 663
2. Perfect
e. Proud - Possessed of a due sense of what one is worth or deserves.
Sentence: I was too proud to apologise.
Reference: Funk and Wagnalls Standard Desk Dictionary; p.624
f. Perfect - Having all of its parts in harmony with a common purpose.
Sentence: I’ve got perfect in the test.
Reference: http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/perfect
1. Dance With my Father
a. Comfort - A consolation; something relieving suffering or worry.
Sentence: We still have the spare tire? That's a comfort at least.
Reference: The Funk and Wagnalls Standard Desk Dictionary; p.610
b. Glance - To look briefly (at something).
Sentence: She glanced at her reflection as she passed the mirror.
Reference: The Funk and Wagnalls Standard Desk Dictionary; p.768
1. Paint My Love
a. Faded - Simple past tense and past participle of fade.
Sentence: He faded like a disappeared bubble.
Reference: The Funk and Wagnalls Standard Desk Dictionary; p.372
b. Felt - feeling
Sentence: He felt sad.
Reference: The Pocket Webster Dictionary; p.92
2. Nothing’s Gonna StopUs Now
a. Crazy - overly excited or enthusiastic
Sentence: He went crazy when he won.
Reference: English for Better Life IV; p 26
b. Paradise - A very pleasant place.
Sentence: I dreamt of a paradise.
Reference: The Pocket Webster Dictionary; p.116
JUNE 2009
- To disturb; to distress; to busy
Sentence: You’re in trouble.
New Webster’s Dictionary – page 352
- Belief; trust; confidence; conviction in regard to religion; system of religious beliefs; strict adherence to duty and promises; word or honor pledged
Sentence: Have your faith in God.
New Webster’s Dictionary – page 121
- To draw into the eject air from the lungs; to live; to take breath
Sentence: Breathe in.
New Webster’s Dictionary – page 38
- To make a solemn declaration; with an appeal to God for its truth
Sentence: I swear.
New Webster’s Dictionary – page 332
- Not spoken
Sentence: There are words unsaid.
New Webster’s Dictionary – page 361
- Equal in value or price to; deserving of
Sentence: I’ve realized his worth.
New Webster’s Dictionary – page
JULY 2009
- The cover of any building; a canopy; the palate; a house
Sentence: There are spiders on the rooftop.
New Webster’s Dictionary – page 289
- Every drop of the rain; a small quantity of rain; to fall
Sentence: Can’t you feel the raindrop?
New Webster’s Dictionary – page 274
- To descend in a liquid; to subside; to enter
Sentence: We’ll wait until it sinks.
New Webster’s Dictionary – page 309
- To prick the skin and stain the punctured spot with colors
Sentence: A butterfly was tattooed on her back.
New Webster’s Dictionary – page 336
- To draw off; to filter; to make dry
Sentence: Drain the clothes first.
New Webster’s Dictionary – page 99
- Stadium seats; seats in an uncovered area of a sports stadium
Sentence: There are people on the bleachers.
New Webster’s Dictionary – page53
- Act of upsetting
Sentence: His mother was upset of him.
New Webster’s Dictionary – page 362
- About; on all sides of; encircling
Sentence: Is he around?
New Webster’s Dictionary – page 20
- On one side; apart; at a small distance
Sentence: Set aside the mixtures.
New Webster’s Dictionary – page 21
- Air taken into the lungs and then let out; a gentle breeze
Sentence: It takes my breath away.
New Webster’s Dictionary – page 38
- Great effort or a series of efforts; violent exertion
Sentence: Struggle hard.
New Webster’s Dictionary – page 326
- Not said; especially not uttered out loud
Sentence: There are words left unsaid.
New Webster’s Dictionary – page 361
- Possibility or probability; opportunity; to happen
Sentence: You should not miss the chance.
New Webster’s Dictionary – page 49
- Regarded as showing a lack of intelligence, perception, or common sense
Sentence: What’s with that stupid dog?
New Webster’s Dictionary – page 327
- Faculty of seeing; the ability to see using the eyes
Sentence: I can’t sight the target.
New Webster’s Dictionary – page 308
- Sleep marked by bad dreams; any oppressive or frightful experience
Sentence: This isn’t a nightmare.
New Webster’s Dictionary – page 227
- Crawling; to creep; slyly
Sentence: Just crawl so they won’t see you.
New Webster’s Dictionary – page 73
- Trip over; to trip when walking or running
Sentence: He stumbles, then fall.
New Webster’s Dictionary – page 327
- Assertion in argument; an opinion or claim stated in the course of an argument
Sentence: I can now feel the contention.
New Webster’s Dictionary – page 66
- Concentration; mental focus; serious consideration
Sentence: They went here to feel some intervention.
New Webster’s Dictionary – page 23
- A partly enclosed structure projecting from a building
Sentence: We stayed on the porch all day.
New Webster’s Dictionary – page 259
- Dim light before and after sunset
Sentence: We’ve waited until twilight.
New Webster’s Dictionary – page 355
- Christmas time
Sentence: Its yuletide season.
New Webster’s Dictionary – page 382
- A light wind
Sentence: Can you feel the cool breeze?
New Webster’s Dictionary – page 38
- A plant that grows parasitically on various trees, and was held in veneration by the druids
Sentence: Have you seen mistletoe?
New Webster’s Dictionary – page 217
- Having sentiment; apt to be swayed by emotional feelings
Sentence: You’re again starting being sentimental.
New Webster’s Dictionary – page 302
- To cause flowing; to emit; to gush or flow
Sentence: Be careful in pouring the mixtures.
New Webster’s Dictionary – page 260
- To trouble oneself; to fret; trouble; care
Sentence: Don’t worry of your mother.
New Webster’s Dictionary – page 380
- Rough; barbarous; uncultivated; harsh
Sentence: Don’t be rude to him.
New Webster’s Dictionary – page 290
- Odd in manner; grotesque; fantastic
Sentence: It is real bizarre.
New Webster’s Dictionary – page 33
- Sadness; mental pain; woe; trouble
Sentence: I can feel his sorrow.
New Webster’s Dictionary – page 316
- A small drop of moisture from the eye
Sentence: Look at the tears in his eyes.
New Webster’s Dictionary – page 337
- Something above human intelligence; a secret; a trade craft
Sentence: Let’s open that mystery box.
New Webster’s Dictionary – page 223
- To let fall or go; to quit; to fall
Sentence: Just drop there the papers.
New Webster’s Dictionary – page 100
MARCH 2010
- Heedless; careless; rash
Sentence: It’s not being reckless.
New Webster’s Dictionary – page 277
- Dulled by satiety
Sentence: They were jaded.
New Webster’s Dictionary – page 186
- Weak – minded; senseless
Sentence: She ‘s foolish.
New Webster’s Dictionary – page 131
- To regard with care; careful attention
Sentence: You should heed your child.
New Webster’s Dictionary – page 156
ReplyDeleteFIREFLIES by owl city
sentence: I get misty eyes as they said farewell.
ref: Webster's Dictionary; pge 231
-odd in manner
sentence: If my dreams get real bizarre.
ref: Webster's Dictionary; page 49
A PERFECT CHRISTMAS by jose mari chan
1. breeze
-a fresh soft wind
sentence: In the cool breeze of december.
ref: Webster's Dictionary; page 93
-christmas season
sentence: We must celebrate yuletide season.
ref: Webster's dictionary; page 2718
Broken Strings by james morisson
-not true to fact
sentence: What she said is untrue.
ref: Webster's dictionary; page 1463
- any finely powdered substance
sentence: We are turning into dust.
ref: Webster's dictionary; page 416
ReplyDelete*DAMN REGRET by The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus
1. Adrenaline
sentence: He is empowered by adrenaline.
reference: page 19,English-Tagalog Dictionary by Leo James English
2. Persuade
sentence: He used to persuade his brother about the place.
reference: page 1172,English-Tagalog Dictionary by Leo James English
-christmas season
sentence: Many people are excited for the yuletide to come.
reference: Merriam-Webster,page 377
2. bough
-a branch of a tree specially a main branch
sentence: Every bough is important.
reference: Merriam-Webster,page 54
*IT ENDS TONIGHT by All American Rejects
1. disdain
-to think unworthy
sentence: I look at him with such disdain.
reference: English-TAgalog Dictionary,page.267
2. strangle
-to kill by squeezing the throat to stop the breath to choke.
sentence: They strangle me.
reference: English-Tagalog Dic,page 1018
*TWO IS BETTER THAN ONE by Boys Like Girls
1. Drift
-to be carried by currents of water to be carried along by circumstances.
sentence: I close my eyes and drift it away.
reference: English-Tagalog Dictionary by Leo James English.page 293
2. Figure
-a symbol for a number form;shape
sentence: She figured out the rest of his lives.
1. Thrill
-a shivering,exciting feeling
sentence: It's a great thrill.
reference:English-Tagalog Dictionary by Leo James English.page 1075
2. Dice
-n. a small cubes used in games.
sentence: We use dice as we play the snake n' ladder.
reference: English-Tagalog Dictionary by Leo James English.page 256.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteOCTOBER 2009
1. Battle n.
-fight of opposing forces; combat; to fight.
-For me, a page of good prose is where one hears the rain and the noise of battle. -
2. Promise n.
-a pledge concerning something.
-If a politician found he had cannibals among his constituents, he would promise them missionaries for dinner.
Reference: new handbook websters dictionary. p.32;162
1. Divine
- belonging to God; sacred; godlike; heavenly.
-Children show me in their playful smiles the divine in everyone.
2. Hope
- desire accompanied by expectation; confidence.
-My great hope is to laugh as much as I cry; to get my work done and try to love somebody and have the courage to accept the love in return
Reference: Webster dictionary: new handy
1. Flawless
- with or without blemish or imperfection.
-An idea can be as flawless as can be, but its execution will always be full of mistakes.
3. Teardrops
-a shape that resembles a tear.
-They're not willing to admit that I've also shed blood and teardrops and often paid dearly for my success.
References: Encarta world English dictionary
1. Whisper n.
- an act or instance of breathy speech with little or no vibration of the vocal chords.
-Ever notice that the whisper of temptation can be heard farther than the loudest call to duty.
2. Memory n.
- anything that one can remember; the state of being remembered.
-Memory is deceptive because it is colored by today's events
Reference: the new international webster’s concise dictionary. p.844; 452.
1. Ordinary
- of common or everyday occurrence.
-The ordinary man is involved in action, the hero acts.
3. Glimpse
- a momentary look or view; inkling.
-Never glimpse the truth
References: the new international webster’s concise dictionary. p.302; 509.
MARCH 2010
1. Strangers
- one who is not acquaintance.
-As children, many of us were taught never to talk to strangers.
2. Trouble
- the state of being distressed or worried.
-The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt.
References: the new international webster’s concise dictionary. p.727; 790.
ReplyDeleteA Sudden Change
bY: Daphne Loves Derby
-a wind or current of air, esp. a light or moderate one.
sentence: Sudden change has brought over the breeze.
reference: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/breeze
-the state or fact of being present, as with others or in a place.
sentence: Keep me warm with your smile and your presence tonight.
reference: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/presence
by: Secondhand Serenade
-to change the appearance or guise of so as to conceal identity or mislead, as by means of deceptive garb: The king was disguised as a peasant.
sentence: You are like an angel in disguise.
reference: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/disguised
-having a value beyond all price; invaluable
sentence:He bought a priceless artwork.
reference: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/priceless
ReplyDelete*IF EVER YOU'RE IN MY ARMS AGAIN by Christian Bautista
-to make a solemn declaration or affirmation by some sacred being or object, as a deity or the Bible.
sentence:I swear it's true.
-the function or the power of perceiving by touch.
sentence: We must also know the feelings of other people.
reference: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/feelings
a branch of a tree, esp. one of the larger or main branches.
sentence: Deck the halls with boughs of holly.
-To move with light bounding skips or leaps.
sentence: At the Christmas party hop.
reference: http://education.yahoo.com/reference/dictionary/entry/hop
-abounding in or clouded by mist.
-of the nature of or consisting of mist.
sentence: I get misty eyes as they said farewell.
reference: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/misty
2. rude
-Being in a crude, rough, unfinished condition: a rude thatched hut.
sentence: His son is very rude.
reference: http://education.yahoo.com/reference/dictionary/entry/rude
-To sleep lightly and intermittently.
sentence: She doze off safe and soundly.
reference: http://education.yahoo.com/reference/dictionary/entry/doze
-a quantity of medicine prescribed to be taken at one time.
sentence: Give him a heavy dose of medicine.
-not done; not accomplished or completed.
sentence: You've already got me coming undone.
reference: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/undone
-a driving movement or force; impulse; impetus; pressure.
sentence:The drift of political events after the war was toward chaos.
-To make rational.
sentence:Rationalize certain number to make it rational.
-adorned with, formed into, or marked with a figure
sentence:She figured out his vision in life.
1. struggle
- to make strenuous or violent efforts in the face of difficulties or opposition
sentence:struggled with his math homework
2. fight
-To attempt to harm or gain power over an adversary by blows or with weapons.
sentence: They used to fight every day.
1. overlook
To look over or at from a higher place.
sentence: She overlooked her past.
-kept from knowledge or view
sentence: He shared his secret to his friend.
reference: http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/secret
-The state, property, or quality of being strong.
sentence: I have the strength to manage our group.
reference: http://education.yahoo.com/reference/dictionary/entry/strength
2. scar
-: an isolated or protruding rock
sentence: This part is the place where the scar is placed because this is an isolated area.
reference: http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/scar
1. bell
-A hollow metal musical instrument, usually cup-shaped with a flared opening, that emits a metallic tone when struck.
sentence: We often heard the sounding bells on christmas.
reference: http://education.yahoo.com/reference/dictionary/entry/bell
2. sleigh
-A light vehicle mounted on runners and having one or more seats, usually drawn by a horse over snow or ice.
sentence: He wanted to have a sleigh.
reference: http://education.yahoo.com/reference/dictionary/entry/sleigh
1. destiny
- something to which a person or thing is destined
sentence: Some doesn't believe in destiny.
reference: http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/destiny
2. balcony
-A platform that projects from the wall of a building and is surrounded by a railing, balustrade, or parapet.
sentence: She used to stay in their balcony when she has a problem.
reference: http://education.yahoo.com/reference/dictionary/entry/balcony
to let drops fall; shed drops: This faucet drips.
to fall in drops, as a liquid.
sentence: Sweat drips in my eyes.
ref: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/drips
-a defense, excuse, or justification in speech or writing, as for a cause or doctrine.
sentence: His apology is not accepted.
-excruciating or acute distress, suffering, or pain: the anguish of grief.
sentence: I'll lose myself in anguish for tonight, help me get over you.
ref: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/anguish
something that deceives by producing a false or misleading impression of reality.
the state or condition of being deceived; misapprehension.
sentence: I feel so numb to see this bitter end of beautiful illusions.
ref: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/illusions
ReplyDelete1. DISGUST
–verb (used with object)
to cause loathing or nausea in.
to offend the good taste, moral sense, etc., of;
sentence: Your vulgar remarks disgust me.
reference: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/disgust
–verb (used without object)
to look steadily and intently, as with great curiosity, interest, pleasure, or wonder.
sentence: Disgust lies deep within your empty gaze.
ref: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/gaze
causing or evoking pity, sympathetic sadness, sorrow, etc.; pitiful; pitiable: a pathetic letter; a pathetic sight.
affecting or moving the feelings.
pertaining to or caused by the feelings.
sentence: In return for our investment we get a pathetic three percent interest.
ref: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/pathetic
a feeling of deep sympathy and sorrow for another who is stricken by misfortune, accompanied by a strong desire to alleviate the suffering.
sentence: Compassion is not an option.
ref: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/compassion
to activete, set in motion, or takeup agen.
Reference: http://dictionary.refrence.com/browse/revived
to express dissatisfaction,regret, pain, censure, resentment, or grief; lament; faultfinding
to move swiftly on foot so that both foot leave the ground during each stride.
Webster Dicionary p.299
1. Solitary-alone, single.
Reference: Webster Dictionary p.976
2.Despserate-reckless:beyond or without hope
Reference: Webster English Dictionary p.107
3.Bleaches-a place where bleaching is carried on
Reference: Webster Dictionary p.50
1.Bough-a branch of tree
Reference: Webster Dictionary p.11
2. Glisten-to glean by reflecting light
Reference: www.freedictionary.com
3.Yuletide- christmas time
Reference: Webster Dictionary p.1250
1. Breeze- a frech, soft wind
Reference: Webster Dictionary P.57
2. Chime- a set of tunnel bells
Reference: Webster Dictionary p.76
3. Mingle- to join
Reference: Webster Dictionary p.230
1.Hearthbroken- one that caouses sorrow grief on dissapointment.
Reference: Webster Dictionary p.172
2. Apart- separately in place, time motion
Reference: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/apart
3. Hurt- cause of mental pain or offense as an insult.
1. Undone-uncompleted; not yet done or completed
Reference: Encart World English Dictionary p.1938
2. Beat- to defeat somebody in a contest.
Reference: Encart World English Dictionary p152
3. Freedom- a state in which somebody is able to act and live as he/she choosen.
Reference: Encart World English Dictionary p.709
1. Tender- carefull lovable
Reference: Webster English Dictionary p.870
2. Lifetime- the time able to live by man.
Reference: Webster English Dictionary p.497
3. Despair- to lose hope
Reference: Webster English Dictionary p.200
1. So Far Away
a. Dreams – a train of thoughts or images passing through the mind in sleep
Sentence: I can prove that dreams do come true.
Reference: The New International Webster’s Comprehensive Dictionary of the English Language p. 385
b. Highway – a public thoroughfare; specified line of travel
Sentence: He rushes through the highway.
Reference: The New International Webster’s Comprehensive Dictionary of the English Language p.596
2. Much Has Been Said
a. Bookie – In gambling, A bookmaker
Sentence: Dan is a bookie.
Reference: The New International Webster’s Comprehensive Dictionary of the English Language p. 155
b. Torture – Infliction of or subjection to extreme physical pain
Sentence: He tortured Wendy to make her say the truth.
Reference: The New International Webster’s Comprehensive Dictionary of the English Language p. 1326
1. Scars
a. Scar – The mark left on the skin after the healing of a wound or sore; a cicatrix
Sentence: This scar reminds me that the past is real.
Reference: The New International Webster’s Comprehensive Dictionary of the English Language p.1123
b. Weakness – the state, conation, or avality of being weak.
Sentence: Love is your weakness.
Reference: The New International Webster’s Comprehensive Dictionary of the English Language p.1425
2. Drinking for Eleven
a. Care – to have or show regard, interest or concern as respecting some person, thing or event
Sentence: I want to be you used to care.
Reference: The New International Webster’s Comprehensive Dictionary of the English Language p.201
b. Creep – to move like a serpent; crawl
Sentence: He creeps into the ground.
Reference: The New International Webster’s Comprehensive Dictionary of the English Language p.304
1. When We Die
a. Reminder – Something that is used to remind somebody about something
Sentence: He posts the reminder on the wall.
Reference: Encarta World English Dictionary p.1517
b. Tattooed – a permanent picture design or other markings made on the skin by pricking it and staining it with an indelible dye.
Sentence: The tattooed man has died.
Reference: Encarta World English Dictionary p.1827
2. Kings and queens
a. Dreams – a train of thoughts or images passing through the mind in sleep
Sentence: His reached his dreams.
Reference: Encarta World English Dictionary p.506
b. Victims - Anyone who is physically harmed by another.
Sentence: He is the victim.
Reference: Encarta World English Dictionary p.2109
ReplyDelete1. One And Only Look
a. Revived – recover consciousness; somebody who wishes to revive customs
Sentence: He is then revived at the sacred palace.
Reference: Encarta World English Dictionary p.1535
b. Figured - decorated with a design or pattern
Sentence: He has broke the figure glass.
Reference: Encarta World English Dictionary p. 663
2. Ocean Avenue
a. Avenue – a way or means of approach to a place, a broad road way or street usually planted with trees
Sentence: There’s a place in Quezon Avenue.
Reference: New Handy Webster Dictionary p. 33
b. Crash – a loud noise of breakage; coarse linen cloth
Sentence: The plane crashes.
Reference: New Handy Webster Dictionary p.
1. Truth
a. Foe - enemy
Sentence: My have beaten my foe.
Reference: Webster’s New Dictionary p. 157
b. Purify – unmixed; untainted; simple; spotless; faultless; innocent
Sentence: I have purified the water.
Reference: Webster’s New Dictionary p.307
2. Mr. Clay
a. Repent – feel penitence; feel regret for a deed or omission
Sentence: Repent for your sin.
Reference: Webster’s New Dictionary p.321
b. Qualm – sudden feeling of sickness; misgiving; scruple
Sentence: He had quailed while watching television.
Reference: Webster’s New Dictionary p.309
1. Addicted
a. Heartbreaker – one that causes, sorrow, grief on disappointment
Sentence: He was that heartbreaker who broke my heart.
Reference: Webster’s English Dictionary p. 172
b. Addicted – Devoted or surrendered to something habitually or obsessively
Sentence: I’m addicted to you.
Reference: Webster’s English Dictionary p.7
2. 1234
a. Apart – split into pieces or parts
Sentence: They were drifted apart.
Reference: Grolier’s Dictionary p. 16
b. Hurt – to cause mental pain or offense as an insult
Sentence: I can’t hurt her.
Reference: Grolier’s Dictionary p. 63
1. I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus
a. Peek – to look through
Sentence: Take a peek.
Reference: Grolier’s Dictionary p.109
b. Mistletoe – evergreen parasitic plant
Sentence: There are so many mistletoes in our backyard.
Reference: Grolier’s Dictionary p.89
2. We Wish You A Merry Christmas
a. Christmas – an occasion celebrating the birth of Jesus
Sentence: I wish for your happiness this Christmas.
Reference: Grolier’s Dictionary p.21
b. New Year – a day celebrated at the end of the revolution of the earth
Sentence: I wish you a Happy New Year.
Reference: Grolier’s Dictionary p.92
ReplyDelete1. New Divide
a. Blur – to dim; to sully; to stain
Sentence: He blurred his sight.
Reference: New Handy Webster’s Dictionary p. 51
b. Abandon – to give up; to desert; to quit
Sentence: He abandoned his mom.
Reference: New Handy Webster’s Dictionary p. 1
2. The Taste Of Ink
a. Savor – flavor; taste
Sentence: The savor of the cake is chocolate.
Reference: New Handy Webster’s Dictionary p.302
b. Spotlight – An adjustable lamp for throwing a bright light wherever desired
Sentence: He has the spotlight.
Reference: New Handy Webster’s Dictionary p. 323
1. Crawling
a. Confusing – to bewilder
Sentence: That one is confusing.
Reference: Webster’s Dictionary p. 33
b. Convinced – to convince
Sentence: You can’t convince me.
Reference: Webster’s Dictionary p. 35
2. Holiday
a. Armageddon – destruction; end of the world
Sentence: The Armageddon is too far.
Reference: Webster’s Dictionary p.17
b. Shame – to disagree
Sentence: Such a shame for you to do that.
Reference: Webster’s Dictionary p. 91
1. Cold Summer Nights
a. Drifted Apart – Break Apart
Sentence: They were drifted apart.
Reference: Webster’s Dictionary p 21.
b. Pride - an undue sense of one’s own superiority; inordinate self esteem
Sentence: That pride of yours will lead you to trouble.
Reference: Webster’s Dictionary p. 82
2. One Look
a. Mesmerized – to hypnotize
Sentence: He mesmerized me.
Reference: Webster’s Dictionary p. 62
b. Hurricane – a tropical cyclone, especially one originating in the West Indies
Sentence: He runs like a hurricane.
Reference: Webster’s Dictionary p. 51
JUNE 2009
-destitute of sight; to deprive of sight.
- I am blinded with the darkness
-loud piercing sound.
- Im screaming out loud.
References: Webster’s dictionary /blinded p.50/screaming p.305
JULY 2009
-dulled by satiety
- im jaded with you.
-lacking intelligence
- you stupid boy, better shut up your mouth.
References: New Webster’s Encyclopedic Dictionary
-careful; lovable
- he showed mi his tender loving care
-the time able to live by man.
- I want to be with you for lifetime.
References: Webster’s New Handy Dictionary/ tender p.781/lifetime p.541
-uncompleted; not yet done or completed.
- your task are undone.
-to defeat something in a contest.
- you must beat the record.
References: Encarta world English dictionary/ undone p.1938/beat p.152
-with or without blemish of imperfection.
- he wants everything to be flawless.
-a shape that resembles a tear.
- there are some teardrops on my guitar.
References: Encarta world English dictionary/ flawless p.678/teardrops p.1830
-to dim; to silly; to stain
- your are blurring my day.
- Downfall
- Im falling with you.
References: Webster dictionary new handy /blurring p.52/falling p.136
- Christmas season or Christmas time.
- The yuletide season of Christmas must be celebrated simple yet elegant.
-a small particle of fire.
- your hair is sparkling like a stars in the night
Reference: Webster dictionary new handy/ yuletide p.377/sparkling p.321
- faculty to remembering; things or thing remembered; span of recollecting
- the memories will remain in my heart.
- admitting of
- I regretting of the things along the way.
Reference: Webster dictionary new handy/ memories p.227/ regretting p.290
-recover consciousness; somebody who wishes to revive customs
- revived the things unrelieved.
- decorated with a design or pattern.
- figured those mysterious effects of your dreams.
Reference: Encarta world English dictionary/ revived p.1535/ figured p.663
MARCH 2010
-anything driven; driven mass or heap; currents direction; tendency
- the continental drift theory says that earth is compose of one huge land called Pangaea.
- to recall to mind; o attend to
- Remember those rules I’ve said to you
Reference: Webster dictionary new handy/ drift p.118/ remember p.291
-a)The air inhaled and exhaled in respiration.
b)The act or process of breathing; respiration.
c)The capacity to breathe, especially in a natural and unlabored manner: shortness of breath.
d) Spirit or vitality; life.
e)A single respiration: a deep breath.
f)Exhaled air, as evidenced by vapor, odor, or heat.
g)A momentary pause or rest
SENTENCE:Other people suffer difficulty in breathing.
-to make strenuous or violent efforts in the face of difficulties or opposition
-to proceed with difficulty or with great effort.
SENTENCE:Each of us struggle with different problems in life.
-To engage in flight, especially:
a)To move through the air by means of wings or winglike parts.
b)To travel by air: We flew to Dallas.
c)To operate an aircraft or spacecraft
-1. To rise in or be carried through the air by the wind: a kite flying above the playground.
2. To float or flap in the air: pennants flying from the masthead.
-To move or be sent through the air with great speed: bullets flying in every direction; a plate that flew from my hands when I stumbled.
-1. To move with great speed; rush or dart: The children flew down the hall. Rumors were flying during their absence.
2. To flee; escape.
3. To hasten; spring: flew to her students' defense.
-darker spot where light is intercepted,insepersble,companion,atom or fraction.
SENTENCE:We created so many hand shadows last night.
REFERENCE:Webster Dictionary
-intr.v., -tened, -ten·ing, -tens.
To shine by reflection with a sparkling luster.
A sparkling, lustrous shine.
SENTENCE:the christmas tree is glistening because of its decorations.
-n.A light vehicle mounted on runners and having one or more seats, usually drawn by a horse over snow or ice.
SENTENCE:Santa Claus rides on a sleigh when he deliver the gifts.
-n.A tree branch, especially a large or main branch.
SENTENCE:We hang the star on the highest bough.
-adj.1.A)Heedless or careless.
B)Headstrong; rash.
2. Indifferent to or disregardful of consequences.
SENTENCE:I dont want to ride on the car when his the driver because he is a reckless driver.
1. To put or lodge in a stall.
2. To maintain in a stall for fattening: to stall cattle.
3. To halt the motion or progress of; bring to a standstill.
4. To cause (a motor or motor vehicle) accidentally to stop running.
5. To cause (an aircraft) to go into a stall
SENTENCE:The car stalled on a free way.
-The mental faculty of retaining and recalling past experience.
2. The act or an instance of remembering; recollection.
3. All that a person can remember.
4. Something remembered: pleasant childhood memories.
5. The fact of being remembered; remembrance.
6. The period of time covered by the remembrance or recollection of a person or group of persons.
7. Biology Persistent modification of behavior resulting from an animal's experience.
SENTENCE:I hate to remember those bad memories.
1. The condition of being free of restraints.
2. Liberty of the person from slavery, detention, or oppression.
1. Political independence.
2. Exemption from the arbitrary exercise of authority in the performance of a specific action; civil liberty: freedom of assembly.
4. Exemption from an unpleasant or onerous condition: freedom from want.
5. The capacity to exercise choice; free will: We have the freedom to do as we please all afternoon.
6. Ease or facility of movement: loose sports clothing, giving the wearer freedom.
7. Frankness or boldness; lack of modesty or reserve: the new freedom in movies and novels.
1. The right to unrestricted use; full access: was given the freedom of their research facilities.
2. The right of enjoying all of the privileges of membership or citizenship: the freedom of the city.
9. A right or the power to engage in certain actions without control or interference.
SENTENCE:Some people doesnt get the freedom that they want.
-adj. ten·der·er, ten·der·est
a. Easily crushed or bruised.
b. Easily chewed or cut.
2. Young and vulnerable.
3. Frail; delicate.
4. Sensitive to frost or severe cold; not hardy.
a. Easily hurt; sensitive.
b. Painful; sore.
a. Considerate and protective; solicitous: a tender mother; his tender concern.
b. Characterized by or expressing gentle emotions; loving.
c. Given to sympathy or sentimentality; soft.
SENTENCE:She has a tender heart.
a. A love affair.
b. Ardent emotional attachment or involvement between people; love.
c. A strong, sometimes short-lived attachment, fascination, or enthusiasm for something.
2. A mysterious or fascinating quality or appeal, as of something adventurous, heroic, or strangely beautiful.
SENTENCE:: They kept the romance alive in their marriage for 35 years.
1. To be carried along by currents of air or water.
2. To proceed or move unhurriedly and smoothly.
3. To move leisurely or sporadically from place to place, especially without purpose or regular employment.
1. To wander from a set course or point of attention; stray.
2. To vary from or oscillate randomly about a fixed setting, position, or mode of operation.
5. To be piled up in banks or heaps by the force of a current.
SENTENCE:A balloon drifting eastward; as the wreckage drifted toward shore.
-Having good qualities in a greater degree than another.
SENTENCE:Could make the worse appear
The better reason.