Sentence:most heartbroken people are naive since they have experience a bad moment in their lives.
2.drag-to pull by force;to haul;to dredge;to trail
Sentence:I hate the parents who drag their children work while they are just drinking alcohol.
Reference:Websters Dictionary
July: 1.slip-to escape;to slide
Sentence:When I was young I always slip to my grandmother everytime I don't like to eat.
2.whisper-to speak in low voice
Sentence:Eveytime I feel like giving up,I always whisper to myself don't give up 'cause life has up in down that if I give up I will not achive what I dream.
Reference:Websters Dictionary
August: 1.impaired-to make worse;to weaken;to damage
Sentence: I'm a little impaired everytime I saw my crush.
2.glance-to look at hurriedly;to gleam out
Sentence:I feel like I'm melting everytime my crush glance at me.
JUNE 2009 1. Mind- n. that which is responsible for one's thoughts and feelings. Sentence: When we sleep our mind can rest.
2. Fear- n. an unpleasant emotion caused by awareness of danger. Sentence: I fear the presence of a dog.
Reference: User Friendly English Dictionary
JULY 2009 1. Angel- n. benevolent spiritual being who is believed to serve as messenger or servant of God or as guardian of an individual or nation. Sentence: Each of us has their own guardian angel.
2.Regret-v. to feel sorrow or remorse; to think of with a sense of loss; to decline formally or politely. Sentence: I regret those days that I should have done better than good.
Reference: User Friendly English Dictionary
AUGUST 2009 1.Dark- adj. having little light; no light Sentence: Waking up alone in a dark room makes me shiver with fear.
2.Emotional- adj. of emotion;i inclined to express excessive emotion Sentence:My Grandma almost always gets too emotional when she watches sad telenovelas.
Reference: Webster Universal Dictionary and Thesaurus
June 1. heart- a muscular organ in all vertebrates responsible for pumping blood Sentence: I feel my heart beating fast. 2. world- a highly common name for the planet Earth Sentence: Some people has their own world. Reference:
July 1. eyes- organs that detect light, and send electrical impulses along the optic nerve to the visual and other areas of the brain Sentence: I think that chemical irritated my eyes. 2. romance- a general term that refers to the attempt to express love with words or deeds Sentence: Romance and love can exist between couples within authority. Reference:
August 1. voice- sound made by a human being using the vocal folds for talking, singing, laughing, crying, screaming, etc. Sentence: I think you'll lose your voice if you'll continue yelling and shouting. 2. battle- a conceptual component in the hierarchy of combat in warfare between two or more armed forces, wherein each group will seek to defeat the others within the scope of a military campaign, and are well defined in duration, area and force commitment. Sentence: A battle has always a purpose in reaching a goal. Reference:
Reola, Leigh Anne June: 1. believe-to have confidence or faith in the truth Sentence: Believe in yourself. 2. feeling-an emotion or emotional perception or attitude Sentence: I am feeling better. Source: Webster's Universal College Dictionary July: 1. harmony-agreement; accord; harmonious relation Sentence: I had harmony to his sister. 2. brotherhood-the quality of being brotherly; fellowship Sentence: Brotherhood means fellowship. Source: Webster's Universal College Dictionary August: 1. free-enjoying personal rights or liberty Sentence: 2. gratitude-the quality or feeling of being grateful and thankful Sentence: Ialways give gratitude when someone do good thing to me. Source: Webster's Universal College Dictionary
2.Fading-to lose brightness or vividness of color.
Sentence: Colors are fading due to some factors that affect it.
3.Babe-A girl or woman.
Sentence: Her husband usually calls her babe.
4.Linger-To remain in place than it is usual or present.
Sentence: Good memories linger in a person's mind.
Reference: Webster's Random House Dictionary
1.Disregard-To pay no attention; ignore
Sentence: Some people disregard their happiness for other people.
2.scarred-a given mark left on the skin after healing of a wound or sore.
Sentence: I was scarred when I met an accident on my bike.
3.Plowshare-blade of a plow.
Sentence: Plowshares are usually found in fields.
4.Dread-anticipate with great fear or anxiety.
Sentence: When I go to a dark place all by myself, I always have a feeling of dread.
Reference: funk and Wagnalls Standard Desk Dictionary
1.darkness-the absence of light; blackness; obscurity; gloom.
Sentence: Darkness gives a chill to horror movies.
2.stars-Any of the celestial bodies visible at night from Earth as relatively stationary, usually twinkling points of light.
Sentence: Stars give light to the sky. brief composition written or adapted for singing.
Sentence: I wrote a song about youth and our environment. deep, tender, ineffable feeling of affection and solicitude toward a person, such as that arising from kinship, recognition of attractive qualities, or a sense of underlying oneness; a feeling of intense desire and attraction toward a person with whom one is disposed to make a pair; the emotion of sex and romance.
PITCH-highness or lowness of a tone Sentence: The pitch of the song was so high. DURATION-shortness or longness of a tone Sentence: The song that he sings has a long duration.
INTENSITY-loudness or softness of a tone Sentence: The music has a loud intensity. TIMBRE-tone quality Sentence: A music should have a timbre. Reference: Webster Dictionary
August 2009
COLOR HARMONY-the combination of colors that can go together Sentence: A color harmony can create new colors. FOLKDANCE- used to describe a large number of dances Sentence: Philippines have so many beautiful folkdances. Reference: Webster Dictionary
JUNE 1.TELL-V,RELATE IN WRITING OR SPEECH SENTENCE:Telling the truth is one way of being free from guilt. 2.WORLD-N.THE EARTH;ITS COUNTIES AND PEOPLE SENTENCE:Because of the bad influences the world is getting worst. REFERENCE:MOBILE DICTIONARY BY VIKRANT CHAVAN
AUGUST 1.LIVE-v.Of life SENTENCE:We should live a clean living life worthy of God. 2.Died-cease to live SENTENCE:Jesus never died he's always alive. REFERENCE:MOBILE DICTIONARY BY VIKRANT CHAVAN
JUNE: 1.REVEAL-(verb),to make known;to shown sentence:They reveal my secret that i hide a long time ago. 2.PREPARED-(adj.)ready;willing sentence:We're not already prepared about our future. 3.COMFORT-(verb)to help;soothe sentence:We should feel comfort to our world. 4.LAMP-(noun)glass covered light sentence:Our lamp in going to heaven is god.
//source// Webster's Dictionary Posted by nino boy dacer at 10:50 PM
JULY: 1.HUMILITY-(noun)to/humble state of united;meekness sentence:Humility is one way of expessing your self's gratitude. 2.JEW-(noun)one who is of the race or religion of the israelies sentence:People in Israel is a part of the religion,Jew. 3.FEED-(verb)to give food to someone/something sentence:We feed our selves with god's worshipness. 4.FEAR-(verb)to be scared;to cast someone sentence:All of us should be teached a fear on our lord.
AUGUST: 1.FLASHBACK-(noun)a quick burst of light;a moment;instant sentence:The flashbacks of light signals the rising of the sun. 2.SNEAK-(verb)to creap or remove in a stealthy secretive way sentence:We sneak to our self to fight our fears. 3.SWING-(verb)to move and fro;to sway;to move backwards and forwards on a swaying seat. sentence:I go to parks on weekends to play and to swing in the playground. 4.STARTED-(verb)to begin (an action);to get working. sentence:We all started our lives to gain and to prepare for the future.
AUGUST: 1.FLASHBACK-(noun)a quick burst of light;a moment;instant sentence:The flashbacks of light signals the rising of the sun. 2.SNEAK-(verb)to creap or remove in a stealthy secretive way sentence:We sneak to our self to fight our fears. 3.SWING-(verb)to move and fro;to sway;to move backwards and forwards on a swaying seat. sentence:I go to parks on weekends to play and to swing in the playground. 4.STARTED-(verb)to begin (an action);to get working. sentence:We all started our lives to gain and to prepare for the future.
SEPTEMBER 1.ANSWERS-(verb) to speak,write,etc. in return or reply; to find the result or solution. SENTENCE:The answers to all of our problem is god. 2.BETWEEN-(preposition) in or through the space dividing something, perts of two. SENTENCE:In between our emotions and feelings, there is god. 3.BEYOND-(preposition)on the fan side of. SENTENCE: Beyond our sacrifices is our good inheritances. 4.ARMOR-(noun)a protective suit of metal that is worn by knights. SENTENCE:All of us has his/her armor of life.
SEPTEMBER 1.STRUGGLE -great labor;forcible effort to obtain an object;to avert an evil.
SENTENCE:If you love someone you will struggle everything though it's hard just to be with him or her.
2.HEART -a symbol used in various expressions to indicate love or affection,sometimes with a connotation that the feeling is superficial or juvenile.
SENTENCE:During Valentine's Day students and adults,even young ones give a card to their with a symbol of heart on it.
3.HYPNOTIZED -a peculiar condition of the nervous system,induced by a fixed and abstracted attention of the mental and visual eye,on one object,not of an exciting nature.
SENTENCE:I feel like I'm hypnotized when I destroy my mother's cellphone when I was in grade V.
4.CRUSH -an intense but usually short-lived infatuation.
SENTENCE:My favorite action hero is also my crush,his name was Batman.
1.sweep-to collect,remove or to clear the way. Sentence: In our house, I always sweep the floor.
2.sneaking'- cringing,meanly secret and underhand sentence: Sneaking' food from the refrigerator is one of the things I do before sleeping and going to bed.
3.tapping-the act of one who or that which taps in any sense. sentence:Tapping my pet dog is fun.
4.begging-to en trite or beseech. sentence: Begging for forgiveness is sometimes hard.
SEPTEMBER 2009 life- constitutes a philosophical question concerning the purpose and significance of human existence or biological life in general. SENTENCE:Life is so important to us because it is the chance to express our love to our love ones. Road-An open, generally public way for the passage of vehicles, people, and animals. SENTENCE:I use to walk in a road. Internal-Of, relating to, or located within the limits or surface; inner. SENTENCE:You touch my heart internally and it hurts me so much.
2.Praise-Expression of approval, commendation, or admiration. SENTENCE:I praise to God by praying to him or by singing. Lift-To direct or carry from a lower to a higher position; raise: SENTENCE:Please lift the suitcase. Voice-The sound produced by the vocal organs of a vertebrate, especially a human. SENTENCE:I want to hear your voice,please say something. REFERENCE:
1.Steering-v.the act of guiding or showing the way of slamming.
Sentence:The car was steering toward the way to the resort.
2.Porch-n.a covered and enclosed entrance to a building whether from the interior and forming a sort of vestibule within the main wall, or projecting without and with a separate roof.
Sentence:I entered a grand porch from the building. creep or steal (away or about) privately;to come or go meanly,as a person afraid or ashamed to be seen.
Sentence:I saw a very mysterious person sneaking on my window.
4.Worth-n.deserving of;in a good or bad sense,but chiefly in good sense.
1.Cherish- hold dear; treat with tenderness Sentence: I will always cherish my good moments. Reference: Thorndike Banhart Start Edition Beginning Dictionary pp.167
2.Lifetime- time of being alive; period during which a life last Sentence: Knowledge is the only thing that lasts for a lifetime. Reference: Thorndike Banhart Start Edition Beginning Dictionary pp.391
3.Living- having life; being alive Sentence: Living a good lifestyle results to an everlasting good health. Reference: Thorndike Banhart Start Edition Beginning Dictionary pp.395
4.Real- existing fact; not imagined Sentence: Real money is difficult to distinguish from fake ones. Reference: Thorndike Banhart Start Edition Beginning Dictionary pp.528
1.Worthy-adj.respectful Sentence:He is worthy of that award. Reference:Mobile dictionary by Vikrant Chavan 2.Lamb-n.Young sheep Sentence:A lamb always go with their flock. Reference:Mobile dictionary by Vikrant Chavan 3.Soul-n.Spiritual part of a person Reference:Mobile dictionary by Vikrant Chavan 4.Praise-v. to adore Sentence:We should praise our creator sincerely.Reference:Mobile dictionary by Vikrant Chavan
September: 1. love - noun - a feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection. Sentence: Love is complicated. 2. give up - verb - to abandon hope; despair; to surrender. Sentence: Think positive and don't give up if you face any problem. Reference: Webster's Universal College Dictionary
Sentence- The missing peice of my heart belongs to God.
resent-v. feel bitter or indigant about.
Sentence- Don't resent me when you're feeling empty.
rainbow- An arc of spectral colors, usually identified as red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet, that appears in the sky opposite the sun.
Sentence- The rainbow signifies beauty after every storm.
recognized- generally approved or compelling recognition.
OCTOBER: 1.STARLIGHT-(noun) a light coming from a star. SENTENCE:Our starlight in our life when we were just born is our parents. 2.MORN:-(noun) morning. SENTENCE:The first christmas morn is the time when Jesus our Savior was born. 3.TRIUMPH-(noun) a great sucess of victory;a state of celebration, greatjoy, Etc. SENTENCE:The triumph of our life is the time when we reach Jesus in heaven. 4.INCARNATE-(adj.) having human form. SENTENCE:We incarnate our selves once we died.
OCTOBER 1. Solitary- alone; without companions; unattended: a solitary passer-by. -living alone; avoiding the society of others: a solitary existence. -by itself; alone: one solitary house. Sentence: Living a solitary life is quite sad and lonely sometimes.
2.Freedom-the state of being free or at liberty rather than in confinement or under physical restraint. Sentence:In symbolization, a dove also represents freedom.
NOVEMBER 1. nature-the material world, esp. as surrounding humankind and existing independently of human activities. Sentence: Let's take care of our beloved Mother Nature.
2.heaven-the abode of God, the angels, and the spirits of the righteous after death; the place or state of existence of the blessed after the mortal life. Sentence: Heaven can also be called as celestial bodies.
1.YULETIDE-(noun) chirstmas time. SENTENCE: Yuleltide time is the time we celebrate christmas with our families. 2.CAROL-(noun) a song of joy or praise. SENTENCE: We actually sing carols in christmas time. 3.CHASING-(verb) to run afterp; pursue SENTENCE: We chase our dreams with our education. 4.BLESSING-(noun) a wish or a prayer for happiness or sucess. SENTENCE: The biggest blessing in our life is our parents.
1.shy-bashful; retiring. easily frightened away; timid sen:I am so shy after dancing.
2.santa claus-a benevolent figure of legend, associated with Saint Nicholas, supposed to bring gifts to children on Christmas Eve. sen: Santa claus is fat old man.
1.holy-dedicated or devoted to the service of God, the church, or religion
Sentence:The man is so holy to our God.
2.jingle-to make clinking or tinkling sounds, as do coins, keys, or other light, resonant metal objects when coming into contact or being struck together repeatedly
Sentence:The keys on his belt jingled as he walked.
DECEMBER: .1.VIRGIN-n. one, a women, who has no sexual intercourse. sentence:The virgin mother of god is MARRY. 2.INFANT-n. a baby sentence:The infant baby is about 1-3 years old. 3.GLISTEN-v. to sparkle. sentence:The wings of the bird glisten. 4.SLEIGH-n. a sledge, sometimes alarge horse drawn one. sentence:The sleigh is owned by a millionaire.
December: 1. Christmas or Christmas Day is an annual Christian holiday commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ. Sentence: Christmas is the time of loving, giving and sharing. Source: 2. A gift or a present is the transfer of something without the expectation of receiving something in return. Sentence: Last Christmas, I received gifts. Source:
JANUARY: 1.WHISPER-(v) to speak very softly, using breath only, not the voice. SENTENCE:He whisper the girl's name. 2.TRUTH-(n) the state of being true. SENTENCE:We should speak the truth always. 3.JEALOUS-(adj) wanting to have what someone has, envious. SENTENCE;He is very jealous of what he saw. 4.BLAME-(v) to find the fault with. SENTENCE:He blame the people.
lei???? kw b yn? kilala mo pa ko?? AARON PJ TAYAG? clasm8 mo nung grde 2? alala mo pa? crush kita nun. . . lam mo pa un? laki na ng pinagbgo mo ahh. . musta na jn? s pampanga nko ng aaral eh. .my fb ka? . add mko. . tnx. chat tau mnsan. . . sinearch kta tas d2 kita nkita. . ingatz. bye
lei???? kw b yn? kilala mo pa ko?? AARON PJ TAYAG? clasm8 mo nung grde 2? alala mo pa? crush kita nun. . . lam mo pa un? laki na ng pinagbgo mo ahh. . musta na jn? s pampanga nko ng aaral eh. .my fb ka? . add mko. . tnx. chat tau mnsan. . . sinearch kta tas d2 kita nkita. . ingatz. bye
1.AMONG-(preposition) in the midstar, in the middle of. SENTENCE:He's among of the five children. 2.PLEASE-(v.) to give pleasure or delight. SENTENCE:He please the countrymen. 3.LAUGH-(v.) to make sound of amusement.. SENTENCE:He laugh until he died. 4.LIE-(n.) a false statement to decieve. SENTENCE:He lie to his parents
ReplyDelete1.Hope- to make confidence
Sentence: We should not lose hope in trying to reach the peak of success.
2.Moments- indefinite interval of time.
Sentence: Good moments should be cherished and kept as memories.
REFERENCE: Merriam Webster Dictionary
1.Success- satisfactory completion of something
Sentence: Each individual wishes to reach success to enjoy life.
2.Miracle- event that cannot be explained by known laws or nature.
Sentence: God gives miracle to those who deserve it.
REFERENCE: Merriam Webster Dictionary
1.Morning- refers to the sunrise
Sentence: Every morning, we should eat our breakfast.
2.Hesitate- holding back in uncertainly
Sentence: We should not hesitate to do something which we know is right.
Reference: Merriam Webster Dictionary
ReplyDelete1. Wandered-v. to ramble with no definite object;to go astray; to live home, to depart from the subject.
Sentence: On the old times, many people wandered on the desert.
2. Disguised- v. to hide what one is by appearing as something else.
Sentence: Many people disguised as a good person but they don't
Reference: Webster's Dictionary and Thesaurus p. 427 and p. 110
1.truth- n. veracity;sincerity in expressing belief.
Sentence: We should say the truth in public.
2. hope- n. desire accompanied by expectation
Sentence: We should not lose hope. God is always there to help us.
Reference: Webster's Dictionary and Thesaurus p. 406 and p. 180
1. distraught- adj. distracted,wildly perplexed
Sentence: Many students are distraught by pleasures in life. n. trust or confidence
Sentence: We should have great faith to our Lord because he is the one who gave more blessings.
Reference: Webster's Dictionary and Thesaurus p.112 and p. 138
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteJune 2009:;visual perception
Sentence:The sight of her love has loose because of her condition
Future-n.time to come;time from now on
Sentence:The future of that boy is good because he is studying very well.
Mirror-n.reflecting galss;looking glass
Sentence:Before going to school i use a mirror.
2.Regret-v.sorrow;sorry for
Sentence:I dont have any regret to you.
Reference:Webster Dictionary
July 2009:
1.Fading-v.lose;cause to lose freshness.
Sentence:Our memories with each other have fade already.
2.Intended-n.engaged person
Sentence:That couples are intended.
Cheap-adj.not expensive
Sentence:I dont like it,it is so cheap.
Reference:Webster Dictionary
August 2009:
1.Valley-n. flat region between mountains
Sentence:I dont like to stay in a valley place.
Sentence:They have a suitcase.;repair
Sentence:Please fix that it is broken.
Tools-n.implement;hand held instrument
Sentence:That tools are so expensive.
Cure-v.make well
Sentence:Doctor,please cure my sister.
Reference:Webster Dictionary
ReplyDeleteDream-n.-series of thoughts.
Sentence: Every person have their own dreams.
Sentence: What's your aim?
REFERENCE: Webster's west pocket dictionary pg.96&8
Innocence-n.-being free from guilt
Sentence: Our innocence, little by little is decreasing.
Simple-adj.-not complex
Sentence: It's easy to do simple things.
REFERENCE: Webster's west pocket dictionary pg. 166&294
Sentence: He's dumb when the teachers are around.
Sentence: They're frustrated because of low grades.
REFERENCE: Webster's Universal Dictionary pg. 170&214
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDelete1.naive-artless;ingenous;unaffectedly simple
Sentence:most heartbroken people are naive since they have experience a bad moment in their lives.
2.drag-to pull by force;to haul;to dredge;to trail
Sentence:I hate the parents who drag their children work while they are just drinking alcohol.
Reference:Websters Dictionary
1.slip-to escape;to slide
Sentence:When I was young I always slip to my grandmother everytime I don't like to eat.
2.whisper-to speak in low voice
Sentence:Eveytime I feel like giving up,I always whisper to myself don't give up 'cause life has up in down that if I give up I will not achive what I dream.
Reference:Websters Dictionary
1.impaired-to make worse;to weaken;to damage
Sentence: I'm a little impaired everytime I saw my crush.
2.glance-to look at hurriedly;to gleam out
Sentence:I feel like I'm melting everytime my crush glance at me.
Reference:Websters Dictionary
ReplyDelete1. pace- v. to walk back and forth or up and down.
Sentence: We pace sometimes if we have problems unsolved.
2. naive- simple, artless
Sentence: Children are naive.
Reference: Webster Dictionary
Pages : 89 96
1. stars-n. celestial body visible as a point of light.
Sentence: It is fun to look at the stars at night.
2. forever- for a limit less time.
Sentence: The family believes that they will stay forever.
Reference: Webster Dictionary
Pages :167, 65
1. bleacher- v. tiered wooden planks for seating spectators at a public event.
Sentence: The people sit on the bleacher while watching the baseball tournament.
2. humor- the quality of being comical or funny.
Sentence: She gets the humor of her friend.
Reference: Webster Dictionary
Pages : 89, 106
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteJune 2009
ReplyDelete1.Hypnotized-v.induced;influence in action.
Sentence:She was hypnotized by the beauty of the song.
2.Mesmerized-v.process of hypnotizing
Sentence:The man mesmerized the young lad.
Reference:New Webster's Dictionary
July 2009
ReplyDelete1.Climb-v.mount by clutching,grasping,pulling,creep up;mount ascend.
Sentence:I climb the mountain.
2.Note-n.brief written message.
Sentence:A note of recognition was given to him.
Reference:New Webster's Dictionary
August 2009
ReplyDelete1.Halo-n.ring of light about a shining object.
Sentence:An angel has a halo.
2.Risk-n.possibility of loss or injury;peril
Sentence:Everyone faces risk to test one's strength.
Reference:New Webster's Dictionary
JUNE 2009
ReplyDelete1. Mind- n. that which is responsible for one's thoughts and feelings.
Sentence: When we sleep our mind can rest.
2. Fear- n. an unpleasant emotion caused by awareness of danger.
Sentence: I fear the presence of a dog.
Reference: User Friendly English Dictionary
JULY 2009
1. Angel- n. benevolent spiritual being who is believed to serve as messenger or servant of God or as guardian of an individual or nation.
Sentence: Each of us has their own guardian angel.
2.Regret-v. to feel sorrow or remorse; to think of with a sense of loss; to decline formally or politely.
Sentence: I regret those days that I should have done better than good.
Reference: User Friendly English Dictionary
1.Dark- adj. having little light; no light
Sentence: Waking up alone in a dark room makes me shiver with fear.
2.Emotional- adj. of emotion;i inclined to express excessive emotion
Sentence:My Grandma almost always gets too emotional when she watches sad telenovelas.
Reference: Webster Universal Dictionary and Thesaurus
ReplyDelete1.Everything-supremely important
SENTENCE:The man told his wife,"You are my everything,you makes me happy."
SENTENCE:A couple should love each other forever unless they made a mistake.
REFERENCE:Webster's New Explore Encyclopedic Dictionary
1.Dignity-state of being worthy;pride
SENTENCE:Because of her dignity to win,she got the highest prize no one can have.
2.Fulfill-to come true or to happen.
SENTENCE:She wishes her dream to fullfill.
REFERENCE:Webster's New Explore Encyclopedic Dictionary
1.Pretend-allage falsely;make a wrong impression
SENTENCE:When others find out that you pretends, its a difficult problem to fix.
2.Disappear-to vanish
SENTENCE:The lady disappeared in a second.
REFERENCE:Webster's New Explore Encyclopedic Dictionary
ReplyDeleteHeaven- an adobe of God.
Sentence: I wish to go to Heaven.
Glance- A momentary gleam.
Sentence: A glance with my friends is im possible.
Reference: Webster Vest Pocket Dictionary p.146 and p. 134
Shadow- shade cast upon a surface by somthing blobking light.
Sentence: My shadow is big.
Yearning- tender and urgent desire.
Sentence: My yearning is harde to find.
Reference: Webster Vest Pocket Dictionary p.369 and p. 211
Brook- small stearm, tolerate.
Sentence: I small a brook in Guinobatan.
Smoke- sooty gas from burning.
Sentence: Everyday I see smoke.
Reference: Webster Vest Pocket Dictionary p. 39 and p. 299
ReplyDelete1. heart- a muscular organ in all vertebrates responsible for pumping blood
Sentence: I feel my heart beating fast.
2. world- a highly common name for the planet Earth
Sentence: Some people has their own world.
1. eyes- organs that detect light, and send electrical impulses along the optic nerve to the visual and other areas of the brain
Sentence: I think that chemical irritated my eyes.
2. romance- a general term that refers to the attempt to express love with words or deeds
Sentence: Romance and love can exist between couples within authority.
1. voice- sound made by a human being using the vocal folds for talking, singing, laughing, crying, screaming, etc.
Sentence: I think you'll lose your voice if you'll continue yelling and shouting.
2. battle- a conceptual component in the hierarchy of combat in warfare between two or more armed forces, wherein each group will seek to defeat the others within the scope of a military campaign, and are well defined in duration, area and force commitment.
Sentence: A battle has always a purpose in reaching a goal.
ReplyDelete1. pace- v. to walk back and forth or up and down.
Sentence: We pace sometimes if we have problems unsolved.
2. naive- simple, artless
Sentence: Children are naive.
Reference: Webster Dictionary
Pages : 89 96
1. stars-n. celestial body visible as a point of light.
Sentence: It is fun to look at the stars at night.
2. forever- for a limit less time.
Sentence: The family believes that they will stay forever.
Reference: Webster Dictionary
Pages :167, 65
1. bleacher- v. tiered wooden planks for seating spectators at a public event.
Sentence: The people sit on the bleacher while watching the baseball tournament.
2. humor- the quality of being comical or funny.
Sentence: She gets the humor of her friend.
Reference: Webster Dictionary
Pages : 89, 106
ReplyDelete1. Obnoxious- Adj. Very offensive and unpleasant
Sentence: Someone here is so obnoxious.
2. Insulting- Adj. Hurtful
Sentence: I am playing with an insulting guy.
Reference: Encarta Dictionaries
1. Begging - V. To ask alms or charity
Sentence: Someone is begging for money.
2. Club- N. Place for dancing
Sentence: Let's go to a club.
Reference: Encarta Dictionaries
1. Deny- V. Say something that is not true
Sentence: Your request to see the principal has been denied.
2. Bloodshot- Adj. Inflamed and red
Sentence: You have a bloodshot eye.
Reference: Encarta Dictionaries
ReplyDelete1.Down-A hill having a broad,treless
Sentence:I am scared i'm getting down.
2.Never-Not at any time
Sentence:I will never talked to you.
Reference:Webster Comprehensive Dictionary
pp.382 and 853
Ashamned-affected by shame
Sentence:I am ashamned to answer your question.
Poet-Writer of poems
Sentence:I see some poets in the riverbank.
Reference:New Handy Webster Dictionary pp.26 and 270
Sentence:Militaries are always ready to fight against rebels.
Far-At a great distance,very much,greatly,distant,long
Sentence:Manila is very far if you coming from Mindanao.
Reference:Webster Tower Dictionary pp.225 and 107
ReplyDelete1.Chance- to take the risk or hazard
Sentence: Everyone deserve second chance.
2.Illusions- condition of being deceived by a false perception or belief
Sentence: Sometimes we just see illusions.
1.Hope- to wish for something with expectation of it's fulfillment
Sentence: I hope I could reach my dreams.
2.United- combined into a single entity
Sentence: Filipinos should be united for our progress.
1.Solitary- living, being or going alone
Sentence: Some people want to have solitary life.
2.Hypnotized- to fascinate
Sentence: Some people are nypnotized by their hobbies.
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ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDelete1. wish- a strong desire for something; an expression of a desire or hope.
Sentence: My only wish is to be able to protect the ones I cherish.
2. strength- the quality of being strong; power.
Sentence: My precious friends gives me the strength to fight the challenges of life.
Reference: Houghton Mifflin Dictionary
1. time- the past, present, and future.
Sentence: The time I had spent with you will always be remembered.
2. friend- a person one knows, likes and enjoys being with.
Sentence: A friend is someone who will always be there for you.
Reference: Houghton Mifflin Dictionary
1. edge- the line or point where an object or area ends.
Sentence: The edge of the cliff is steepy.
2. special- different from what is common or usual; exceptional.
Sentence: The most special treasure in this world are the people you meet in the journey called "life".
Reference: Houghton Mifflin Dictionary
ReplyDelete1.Kaleidoscope- a scope with different hue.
Sentence:I take a look at the kaleidoscope.
2.Slope-use to describe the steepness of a straight line.
Sentence:I walked on the slope.
Reference:The New Websters Dictionary for Young Readers.
1.Hypnotized-put in state of hypnosis
Sentence: Some people used to hypnotized people.
2.Mesmerized-to hypnotize
Sentence: There are some magicians who mesmerize peoples.
Reference:New Websters Dictionary
1.Bleachers- the raised stands in sport.
Sentence: When we watched basketball we used to sit on the bleachers.
Sentence: During our PE class I use sneakers for my feet.
Reference:New Websters Dictionary
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ReplyDeleteReola, Leigh Anne
1. believe-to have confidence or faith in the truth
Sentence: Believe in yourself.
2. feeling-an emotion or emotional perception or attitude
Sentence: I am feeling better.
Source: Webster's Universal College Dictionary
1. harmony-agreement; accord; harmonious relation
Sentence: I had harmony to his sister.
2. brotherhood-the quality of being brotherly; fellowship
Sentence: Brotherhood means fellowship.
Source: Webster's Universal College Dictionary
1. free-enjoying personal rights or liberty
2. gratitude-the quality or feeling of being grateful and thankful
Sentence: Ialways give gratitude when someone do good thing to me.
Source: Webster's Universal College Dictionary
ReplyDelete1.Future-time that is to come hereafter.
Sentence: Some things can change in the future.
2.Fading-to lose brightness or vividness of color.
Sentence: Colors are fading due to some factors that affect it.
3.Babe-A girl or woman.
Sentence: Her husband usually calls her babe.
4.Linger-To remain in place than it is usual or present.
Sentence: Good memories linger in a person's mind.
Reference: Webster's Random House Dictionary
1.Disregard-To pay no attention; ignore
Sentence: Some people disregard their happiness for other people.
2.scarred-a given mark left on the skin after healing of a wound or sore.
Sentence: I was scarred when I met an accident on my bike.
3.Plowshare-blade of a plow.
Sentence: Plowshares are usually found in fields.
4.Dread-anticipate with great fear or anxiety.
Sentence: When I go to a dark place all by myself, I always have a feeling of dread.
Reference: funk and Wagnalls Standard Desk Dictionary
1.darkness-the absence of light; blackness; obscurity; gloom.
Sentence: Darkness gives a chill to horror movies.
2.stars-Any of the celestial bodies visible at night from Earth as relatively stationary, usually twinkling points of light.
Sentence: Stars give light to the sky. brief composition written or adapted for singing.
Sentence: I wrote a song about youth and our environment. deep, tender, ineffable feeling of affection and solicitude toward a person, such as that arising from kinship, recognition of attractive qualities, or a sense of underlying oneness; a feeling of intense desire and attraction toward a person with whom one is disposed to make a pair; the emotion of sex and romance.
Sentence: Love can be expressed in many ways.
June 2009
ReplyDeletePITCH-highness or lowness of a tone
Sentence: The pitch of the song was so high.
DURATION-shortness or longness of a tone
Sentence: The song that he sings has a long duration.
Reference: Webster Dictionary
July 2009
ReplyDeleteINTENSITY-loudness or softness of a tone
Sentence: The music has a loud intensity.
TIMBRE-tone quality
Sentence: A music should have a timbre.
Reference: Webster Dictionary
August 2009
COLOR HARMONY-the combination of colors that can go together
Sentence: A color harmony can create new colors.
FOLKDANCE- used to describe a large number of dances
Sentence: Philippines have so many beautiful folkdances.
Reference: Webster Dictionary
SENTENCE:Telling the truth is one way of being free from guilt.
SENTENCE:Because of the bad influences the world is getting worst.
SENTENCE:Salvation is one way to enter heaven.
SENTENCE:WEe should rise up the foundation of many generation.
1.LIVE-v.Of life
SENTENCE:We should live a clean living life worthy of God.
2.Died-cease to live
SENTENCE:Jesus never died he's always alive.
1. moments-n. space in time;point in time
Sentence: moments that already passed away cannot be revived.
2. faith-n. trust;belief;loyalty
Sentence: Faith in God and hardwork are the recipes to success.
3. flashback-n. introduce what has taken place previously
Sentence: Some memories can be flashbacked by feeling or seeing things that are related to that memory.
4. love-n. admire passionately;warm affection
Sentence: A human is not a human if he cannot love.
Reference: Webster's Concise Dictionary for Modern English
1. chance-n. fortune;luck;opportrunity
Sentence: We should take the chances that we need immediately because when it is gone, we could never retrieve it back.
2.struggles-n. obstacles;hardwork
Sentence: Our struggles are the ones that keep us moving until we reach the top.
3.perfect-adj. beautiful;not bad;excellent
Sentence: Nobody is perfect.
4. bulletproof-adj. immune to bullets or any harsh elements
Sentence: Some clothes of some important people are bulletproof to prevent them from meeting accidents.
Reference: Webster's English-Filipino Dictionary For Everyday Use
1.lottery-n. method of raising funds by selling tickets and prizes by chance
Sentence: Some people play lottery as their past time while others play it because they need money.
2.scenery-n. natural features of a district
Sentence: The Philippines has many beautiful sceneries.
3.frustration-n. thwart;disappiontment
Sentence: Frustrations are part of daily lives of people.
4. rock-v. sway to and fro;to make happy and vibrant
Sentence: Life rocks when you're having fun.
Reference: Webster's Concise Dictionary For Modern English
ReplyDelete1. Redhead-n. A person with a red hair.
Sentence: She is a redhead student.
2. Senior-adj.Of a high rank or standing.
Sentence: He is in senior year.
Reference:Webster's New World College Dictionary
1. Struggles-v. Make great efforts with the body or try hard
Sentence: Of course, before we reach our dreams, there are lots of struggles we're going to face.
2. Faith-n. Believing in God or in God's promises.
Sentence: We should develop having a strong faith in God.
Reference:Webster's Vest Pocket Dictionary
1. Upset-adj. To tip over, overturn; erect
Sentence: He is very upset with her.
2. Balcony-n. An upper floor of row and seats in the theater or auditorium, often jutting out over the main floor
Sentence: They are in the balcony talking about their project.
Reference: Webster's New World College Dictionary
ReplyDelete•Your Guardian Angel
1. guardian- one who guards or has protective care
Sentence: A child must have a guardian especially during youth.
Reference: Webster's Collegiate Dictionary
2. saving- that saves or rescues
Sentence: One who needs help is one worth saving.
Reference: Webster's Collegiate Dictionary
•I'll Be There
1.salvation- the process or stage of being saved
Sentence: We must bring salvation back for the sake of the next generation.
Reference: Webster's Collegiate Dictionary
2. faith- belief without evidence
Sentence: We must have faith on each other.
Reference: Webster's Collegiate Dictionary
1. ponder- to think of thoroughly
Sentence: We pondered of the hypothesis for very long.
Reference: Webster's Collegiate Dictionary
2. confusion- the act of being confused
Sentence: You might get lost in confusion.
Reference: Webster's Collegiate Dictionary
•Dance With My Father Again
1. glance- a quick look
Sentence: He gave a glance to the girl.
Reference: Webster's Collegiate Dictionary
2. lift- a slight raise from the ground
Sentence: Lisa lifted the box.
Reference: Webster's Collegiate Dictionary
•The Climb
1. struggles- a violent effort or series of efforts
Sentence: Everybody has struggles in life.
Reference: Webster's Collegiate Dictionary
2. battle- to contend in or as in battle;struggles
Sentence: We must not give up on our daily battle.
Reference: Webster's Collegiate Dictionary
•Heal The World
1.crucify- to put to death by nailing or binding to a cross
Sentence: Jesus was crucified to save us from our sins.
Reference: Webster's Collegiate Dictionary
2. plowshares- the cutting blade of plow
Sentence: Plowshares are used to harvests different kinds of plants.
Reference: Webster's Collegiate Dictionary
ReplyDelete1.REVEAL-(verb),to make known;to shown
sentence:They reveal my secret that i hide a long time ago.
sentence:We're not already prepared about our future.
3.COMFORT-(verb)to help;soothe
sentence:We should feel comfort to our world.
4.LAMP-(noun)glass covered light
sentence:Our lamp in going to heaven is god.
Webster's Dictionary
Posted by nino boy dacer at 10:50 PM
ReplyDelete1.HUMILITY-(noun)to/humble state of united;meekness
sentence:Humility is one way of expessing your self's gratitude.
2.JEW-(noun)one who is of the race or religion of the israelies
sentence:People in Israel is a part of the religion,Jew.
3.FEED-(verb)to give food to someone/something
sentence:We feed our selves with god's worshipness.
4.FEAR-(verb)to be scared;to cast someone
sentence:All of us should be teached a fear on our lord.
Wedster's Dictionary
ReplyDelete1.FLASHBACK-(noun)a quick burst of light;a moment;instant
sentence:The flashbacks of light signals the rising of the sun.
2.SNEAK-(verb)to creap or remove in a stealthy secretive way
sentence:We sneak to our self to fight our fears.
3.SWING-(verb)to move and fro;to sway;to move backwards and forwards on a swaying seat.
sentence:I go to parks on weekends to play and to swing in the playground.
4.STARTED-(verb)to begin (an action);to get working.
sentence:We all started our lives to gain and to prepare for the future.
Webster's Dictionary
ReplyDelete1.FLASHBACK-(noun)a quick burst of light;a moment;instant
sentence:The flashbacks of light signals the rising of the sun.
2.SNEAK-(verb)to creap or remove in a stealthy secretive way
sentence:We sneak to our self to fight our fears.
3.SWING-(verb)to move and fro;to sway;to move backwards and forwards on a swaying seat.
sentence:I go to parks on weekends to play and to swing in the playground.
4.STARTED-(verb)to begin (an action);to get working.
sentence:We all started our lives to gain and to prepare for the future.
Webster's Dictionary
=a corridor
=I am walking in the pavement.
=the new handy dictonary
2.parking lot
=it is where cars are parked during the owners are somewhere.
=My car is parked in the parking lot.
=the new handy dictonary
=a battle;combet;contest
=My sister and I are having a fight.
=the new handy dictionary
=any portable firearm, as a rifle, shotgun, or revolver
=The police use guns.
=the new handy dictionary
=part of a house
=I usually sit at our balcony.
=the new handy dictionary
=small stones
=I always play with pebbles.
=the new handy dictionary
=There are many crazy people at cities.
=the new handy dictionary
=to withstand, strive against, or oppose
=I can't resist talking to much.
=the new handy dictionary
=death;destruction;or ruin
=The fate has come.
=a motion or gesture used to express/convey an idea,command, decision,etc.
=The deaf people commonly use sign language to express what they feel.
=a covering for the hand to hand made with a separate sheath for each finger and for thumb.
=I often use gloves.
=to be in debt to
=My friends owe me for this.
ReplyDelete1.ANSWERS-(verb) to speak,write,etc. in return or reply; to find the result or solution.
SENTENCE:The answers to all of our problem is god.
2.BETWEEN-(preposition) in or through the space dividing something, perts of two.
SENTENCE:In between our emotions and feelings, there is god.
3.BEYOND-(preposition)on the fan side of.
SENTENCE: Beyond our sacrifices is our good inheritances.
4.ARMOR-(noun)a protective suit of metal that is worn by knights.
SENTENCE:All of us has his/her armor of life.
ReplyDelete1.Revive- be brought back to life
Sentence: He revived this style of opera.
2.Kiss- the act of caressing with the lips.
Sentence: Kissing is normal to couples.
3.Crowd- a large number of things or people.
Sentence: A crowd of teenagers came when the singer arived.
4.Night- the time after sunset and before sunrise while it's still dark outside.
Sentence: It is usually cold at night.
ReplyDelete1.endless-no end, eternally
Sentence:I hope to have an endless happiness.
2.wayside-The side or edge of a road, way, path, or highway.
Sntence:Its safe to walk on the wayside.
3.scars-A mark left on the skin after a surface injury or wound has healed.
Sentence:His scars lasted for 10 years.
4.stampede- A sudden frenzied rush of panic-stricken animals.
Sentence:Many were killed because of the stampede.
-great labor;forcible effort to obtain an object;to avert an evil.
SENTENCE:If you love someone you will struggle everything though it's hard just to be with him or her.
-a symbol used in various expressions to indicate love or affection,sometimes with a connotation that the feeling is superficial or juvenile.
SENTENCE:During Valentine's Day students and adults,even young ones give a card to their with a symbol of heart on it.
-a peculiar condition of the nervous system,induced by a fixed and abstracted attention of the mental and visual eye,on one object,not of an exciting nature.
SENTENCE:I feel like I'm hypnotized when I destroy my mother's cellphone when I was in grade V.
-an intense but usually short-lived infatuation.
SENTENCE:My favorite action hero is also my crush,his name was Batman.
Sentence: Time stands still and is continuous.
Sentence: We experience many struggles in life.
Sentence: Fashion really matters especially to teens.
>ugly-adj.-offensive to the sight
Sentence: Have you seen anyone ugly?
ReplyDelete1.dreamin'(short for dreaming)
=to see or imagine in sleep or in a vision.
=I was dreaming.
=any of the heavenly bodies, except the
moon, appearing as fixed luminous points in
the sky at night.
=I always watch the stars at night.
=produced by or as if by magic.
=love is magical.
=a building or indoor area for parking or
storing motor vehicles.
=I go to our garage everyday.
-a daughter or grand daughter of a king or a queen.
=We can usually think that princess are in other country.
-a large animal with 4 legs, solid hoofs and a flowing mane and tail
=I can see a horse in the farm.
=also called like leader
=The captain is the one who is in charge of the ship.
-believed that is usually done during sleeping.
=I am dreaming to be successful someday.
Reference:Dictionary for Young Readers.
ReplyDelete1.famous- adj.well or widely known.
Sentence: Manny Pacquiao is a famous boxer in the Philippines.
2.glamorous - Adj.attractive or fascinating
Sentence: The people are interested to see the glamorous movie stars. or toward the area behind the performing space in a theater.
Sentence:The parents of the contestant in the program are in the backstage.
ReplyDelete1.Haunted- adj. frequented by ghosts
Sentence: This house is haunted!
Reference: Encarta Dictionaries
2. Poison-n. a toxic substance
Sentence: The teeth of some snakes contain poison.
Reference: Encarta Dictionaries
3. Gavel-n. a small hammer used by a judge
Sentence: The judge's gavel is like a toy hammer.
Reference:Encarta Dictionaries
4. Jury-n. people deciding legal case
Sentence: Where is the jury?
Reference: Encarta Dictionaries
ReplyDelete1.sweep-to collect,remove or to clear the way.
Sentence: In our house, I always sweep the floor.
2.sneaking'- cringing,meanly secret and underhand
sentence: Sneaking' food from the refrigerator is one of the things I do before sleeping and going to bed.
3.tapping-the act of one who or that which taps in any sense.
sentence:Tapping my pet dog is fun.
4.begging-to en trite or beseech.
sentence: Begging for forgiveness is sometimes hard.
reference:Webster Comprehensive Dictionary
ReplyDeletelife- constitutes a philosophical question concerning the purpose and significance of human existence or biological life in general.
SENTENCE:Life is so important to us because it is the chance to express our love to our love ones.
Road-An open, generally public way for the passage of vehicles, people, and animals.
SENTENCE:I use to walk in a road.
Internal-Of, relating to, or located within the limits or surface; inner.
SENTENCE:You touch my heart internally and it hurts me so much.
2.Praise-Expression of approval, commendation, or admiration.
SENTENCE:I praise to God by praying to him or by singing.
Lift-To direct or carry from a lower to a higher position; raise:
SENTENCE:Please lift the suitcase.
Voice-The sound produced by the vocal organs of a vertebrate, especially a human.
SENTENCE:I want to hear your voice,please say something.
September 2009
ReplyDelete1.Steering-v.the act of guiding or showing the way of slamming.
Sentence:The car was steering toward the way to the resort.
2.Porch-n.a covered and enclosed entrance to a building whether from the interior and forming a sort of vestibule within the main wall, or projecting without and with a separate roof.
Sentence:I entered a grand porch from the building. creep or steal (away or about) privately;to come or go meanly,as a person afraid or ashamed to be seen.
Sentence:I saw a very mysterious person sneaking on my window.
4.Worth-n.deserving of;in a good or bad sense,but chiefly in good sense.
Sentence:She was worth the award.
ReplyDelete1.Cherish- hold dear; treat with tenderness
Sentence: I will always cherish my good moments.
Reference: Thorndike Banhart Start Edition Beginning Dictionary pp.167
2.Lifetime- time of being alive; period during which a life last
Sentence: Knowledge is the only thing that lasts for a lifetime.
Reference: Thorndike Banhart Start Edition Beginning Dictionary pp.391
3.Living- having life; being alive
Sentence: Living a good lifestyle results to an everlasting good health.
Reference: Thorndike Banhart Start Edition Beginning Dictionary pp.395
4.Real- existing fact; not imagined
Sentence: Real money is difficult to distinguish from fake ones.
Reference: Thorndike Banhart Start Edition Beginning Dictionary pp.528
ReplyDelete1.Patience- n.capacity for waiting
Sentence: Ariza has a lot of patience.
Reference: Encarta Dictionaries
2.Miracle- n.act of God
Sentence: Good people deserves miracle.
Reference: Encarta Dictionaries
3.Wonder- n.amazed admiration
Sentence: I wonder how she gets high grades.
Reference: Encarta Dictionaries
4.Problem- n.difficulty
Sentence: Every problem has a solution
Reference: Encarta Dictionaries
ReplyDeleteSentence:He is worthy of that award.
Reference:Mobile dictionary by Vikrant Chavan
2.Lamb-n.Young sheep
Sentence:A lamb always go with their flock.
Reference:Mobile dictionary by Vikrant Chavan
3.Soul-n.Spiritual part of a person
Reference:Mobile dictionary by Vikrant Chavan
4.Praise-v. to adore
Sentence:We should praise our creator sincerely.Reference:Mobile dictionary by Vikrant Chavan
ReplyDelete1.Command-To give orders
Sentence:Millitaries are well-command
Source:Webster Tower Dictionary p.64
2.Lollipop-Lump of candy on a stick
Sentence:Did you already tasted a lollipop?
Source:Webster Tower Dictionary p.170
3.Spend-To consume
Sentence:Did you already consumed your money?
Source:Webster Tower Dictionary p.251
4.Patience:The quality of being patient
Sentence:Keep your patience all the time.
Source:Webster Tower Dictionary p.202
ReplyDelete1. love - noun - a feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection.
Sentence: Love is complicated.
2. give up - verb - to abandon hope; despair; to surrender.
Sentence: Think positive and don't give up if you face any problem.
Reference: Webster's Universal College Dictionary
ReplyDelete1.Fall-vi- to descend by force of gravity;to come as if by falling;weak
Sentence: Dont fsll into the trap of that wicked man!
2.Remember-vti-to recall;to bear in mind;to mention
Sentence: I will always cherish and remember you.
3.Find-vb-to discover by chance;to come upon by searching;to precieve
Sentence: No matter where you hide, I will find you!
Sentence: I found the missing piece of the puzzle.
Reference:Webster's Universal Dictionary and Thesaurus
ReplyDelete1.Faith-n. belief and trust in God.
Sentence: I never lose faith in God.
REFERENCE:Webster Vest Pocket Dictionary p.113
2.Dream-n. series of thoughts or vision during sleep.
Sentence: I always dream of becoming Star.
REFERENCE: Webster Vest Pocket Dictionary p.97
3.God-n. being with supernatural powers.
SENTENCE: God is our savior.
REFERENCE: Webster Vest Pocket Dictionary p.135
4.Radio-n. transmission or reception of sound by means of electric waves.
SENTENCE: I use the radio when listening to music.
REFERENCE: Webster Vest Pocket Dictionary p.261
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ReplyDelete1.Love-n. a strong positive emotion of regard and affection.
Sentence:Don't go searching for love, let it find you.
2.Small-adj. limited or below average in number or quantity or magnitude or extent.
Sentence:He is very small. star-n. a famous singer of rock music.
Sentence:He was a very famous rock star.
4.boy-n. male child.
Sentence:They were given a baby boy.
ReplyDelete1.Regret- emotional dislike
Sentence- She regret of not joining the parade.
2.Best- in a most excellent way
Sentence: He was the best in the class.
3.Winter- being the day of the year which has the fewest hours of daylight.
Sentence: Winter is experienced in Alaska.
4.Knock- making sound by tapping
Sentence: Someone knocked on the door.
Reference: Webster Dictionary
ReplyDelete1.crazier- affected with madness; insane.
Sentence: The lady is crazier than yesterday.
2. fantasy-something, such as an invention,
a capricious or fantastic idea;
Sentence: The girl has so much fantasy in her life.
meaning: endless
sentence: I would trust God forever.
meaning: to place again
sentence: No one could ever replace my true friends.
meaning:to stop respiration
sentence: It is suffocating to stay in a very closed area.
meaning:inordinate self-esteem
sentence: It is a great pride to do something worth it.
ReplyDeletemissing-adj. not able to be found.
Sentence- The missing peice of my heart belongs to God.
resent-v. feel bitter or indigant about.
Sentence- Don't resent me when you're feeling empty.
rainbow- An arc of spectral colors, usually identified as red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet, that appears in the sky opposite the sun.
Sentence- The rainbow signifies beauty after every storm.
recognized- generally approved or compelling recognition.
Sentence- He reconized me after all.
ReplyDelete1. chance-n.-the unpredictable or uncontrollable of an event or occurrence.
Sentence: I think I have no chance to be on the top ten students in our school.
Source: Webster's universal College Dictionary, page 133.
2. upset-v.-to become upset or overturned.
Sentence: She is upset because you have done something wrong.
Source: Webster's Universal College Dictionary, page 864.
>to break into one's mind
SENTENCE:The memory of the painful past flash back into her mind.
SOURCE:Webster's dictionary,page 64
>knowledge practically applied to the best ends
SENTENCE:A pastor always give his word of wisdom to his listeners.
October 2009
Sentence:I have a reason why i do that thing.
2.Still-adj.without movements
Sentence:I still love you.
3.awake-v.raise from sleep
Sentence:I woke up late everyday but I like to change.
4.Top-n.summit;highest point
Sentence:I like to reach the top.
Sentence:I dont like to steal.
source:webster dictionary
ReplyDelete1.Stripped- exposed
Sentence: The wall is stripped.
Reference: Encarta Dictionary (English: Dictionary)
2. Ambitious- having strong desire for success
Sentence: That girl is so ambitious.
Reference: Encarta Dictionary (English: Dictionary)
3.Winding- twisting;curving
Sentence: Winding road ahead.
Reference: Encarta Dictionary (English: Dictionary)
4. Tightrope- rope for balancing act
Sentence: He is walking on a thin tightrope.
Reference: Encarta Dictionary (English: Dictionary)
struggle-v.-to exert strenuous effort
ReplyDeleteSentence: She struggled for years to survive without welfare.
love-n.-any object with warm affection and devotion
Sentence: The theater was her first love
ReplyDelete1. Laughters- joy, merriment
SENTENCE: Her laughters makes their house happy.
2. Missing- gone, dissapeared
SENTENCE: My pet cat was missing since July.
REFERENCE: Websters Encyclopedic Dictionary
-to correct; fix
Sentence: The remedy is hard to find.
-unable to continue
Sentence: I'm stuck in my past.
REFERENCE: The Newbury House Dictionary Of American English
-in love in a brief, often unthinking way
Sentence: This is infatuation.
2. angel
-a spiritual being; a term for a person well-behaved,beautiful or kind.
Sentence: She is an angel in my eyes.
REFERENCE: The Newbury House Dictionary Of American English
Sentence:Please call us if Mr. Briz is there.
2.Define-to state the meaning
Sentence:What is the definition of define?
Reference/Source:Webster Tower Dictionary pp.80 and 91
-n. An outdoor uncovered seat or stands for spectators.
Sentence: The bleacher is broken
-n. a musical instrument having a fretted finger board and usually has six strings.
Sentence:I usually play the guitar.
Reference/Source:Webster Comprehensive Dictionary pp.145 and 562
ReplyDelete1.STARLIGHT-(noun) a light coming from a star.
SENTENCE:Our starlight in our life when we were just born is our parents.
2.MORN:-(noun) morning.
SENTENCE:The first christmas morn is the time when Jesus our Savior was born.
3.TRIUMPH-(noun) a great sucess of victory;a state of celebration, greatjoy, Etc.
SENTENCE:The triumph of our life is the time when we reach Jesus in heaven.
4.INCARNATE-(adj.) having human form.
SENTENCE:We incarnate our selves once we died.
Sentence:"I'm always wondering about my grades."
2.Hesitate-to be uncertain.
Sentence:"She always hesitate to my decisions."
Source: Webster Comprehensive Dictionary
ReplyDelete1. Solitary- alone; without companions; unattended: a solitary passer-by.
-living alone; avoiding the society of others: a solitary existence.
-by itself; alone: one solitary house.
Sentence: Living a solitary life is quite sad and lonely sometimes.
2.Freedom-the state of being free or at liberty rather than in confinement or under physical restraint.
Sentence:In symbolization, a dove also represents freedom.
ReplyDelete1. nature-the material world, esp. as surrounding humankind and existing independently of human activities.
Sentence: Let's take care of our beloved Mother Nature.
2.heaven-the abode of God, the angels, and the spirits of the righteous after death; the place or state of existence of the blessed after the mortal life.
Sentence: Heaven can also be called as celestial bodies.
ReplyDelete>a musical instruments with 6 strings
Sentence:My friend usually plays his guitar every weekend.
>past tense of draw.
Sentence:I drew a picture about our future.
Reference:Websters Dictionary
raise a song
ReplyDeletePesito Therese
Calla Don Karl
Eugenio Marie Adrienne S.
Bombita Jessica
ReplyDelete1. anthem-n. song of allegiance
Sentence: When we heard the word anthem, it is like praising or honoring something.
2. enthrone- v. to put on throne
regard as important
Sentence: President are enthrone to manage a nation.
3. Radiant- adj. showing happiness
Sentence: This place is a place showing a radiant atmosphere.
4. Quake- v. tremble with fear
Sentence: Typhoons today make us quake out of sight
Reference: Encarta Dictionaries
Raise A Song
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Sabareza, Juneth - 4 posts
Suzuki, Michelle - 2 posts
ReplyDelete1. miracle-supernatural event
Sentence: Most miracles happen once in a while when you believe.
2. patience-quality of enduring
Sentence: Most people who have patience often get his/her dreams.
3. pavement-paved floor;foot path
Sentence: Roads in cities and highhways are made of pavement so that cars and other vehicles could travel easily.
4. flawless-perfect;without any flaw
Sentence: A first kiss is flawless if you really worked hard to get it.
Reference: Webster's Concise Dictionary of Modern English
Raise a song
Borromeo,Andre- 2 posts
Palevino, Cristian-0 posts
Arboleda, Naomi- 1 post
Pesito,Therese Ann Renee- 3 posts
raise a song
ReplyDelete(Jun.- 0ct.)
Ma. Patrichia P. Oliva-2 posts
Jessica vibal-3posts
Nino boy dacer-5 posts
Ana Patricia Ranola-2 posts
R-A-I-SE a Song
1.Chrisel Dy- 3 posts
2.Kyle Christian Moises-3 posts
3.Christian Lucila- 0 posts
4.Amiel Van Llaneta-3 posts
ReplyDeleteSanchez, Dianne S.:
June to October: 3 posts(complete)
Pasahol, Shielo:
June to October: 3 posts(complete)
Reola, Leigh Anne:
June to October: 3 posts(complete)
Miraflor, Carl Angelo:
June to October: 2 posts(no posts for the month of June, July and August)
ReplyDelete1.YULETIDE-(noun) chirstmas time.
SENTENCE: Yuleltide time is the time we celebrate christmas with our families.
2.CAROL-(noun) a song of joy or praise.
SENTENCE: We actually sing carols in christmas time.
3.CHASING-(verb) to run afterp; pursue
SENTENCE: We chase our dreams with our education.
4.BLESSING-(noun) a wish or a prayer for happiness or sucess.
SENTENCE: The biggest blessing in our life is our parents.
ReplyDelete1.Dashing-adj.Marked by showy elegance; splendid;Audacious and gallant; spirited.
Sentence:The man enjoys dashing through the snow.
2.Savior-n.A person who rescues another from harm, danger, or loss.
Sentence:Jesus Christ is our dear savior.
ReplyDelete1.Thinking-v. The act or practice of one that thinks; thought.A way of reasoning; judgment
Sentence: To my thinking, this is not a good idea.
2. Spending-v.To use up or put out; expend
Sentence: I have been spending so much time doing nothing.
ReplyDelete1. Tonight-n.-this night;the night or evening of the present day
Sentence: Tonight will gonna be a splendid night.
2. Breathe-vi.-to inhale and exhale, to respire air
Sentence: the only thing that we breathe is air.
Reference: Webster's Universal Dictionary and Thesaurus
This comment has been removed by the author.
Don Nobleza No posts
Lei Rigi Baltazar 3 posts(complete)
Louise Guab 3 posts(complete)
Annatalie Mendiola 0 posts
ReplyDelete1.Bell- a hollow metallic instrument
Sentence:We use bell during the reading marathon.
Reference:Webster Tower Dictionary p.128
2.Peace-To be silent
Sentence:Did you hear the phrase "If you want peace ,prepare for war.
Reference:Webster Tower Dictionary p.927
ReplyDelete1.shy-bashful; retiring. easily frightened away; timid
sen:I am so shy after dancing.
2.santa claus-a benevolent figure of legend, associated with Saint Nicholas, supposed to bring gifts to children on Christmas Eve.
sen: Santa claus is fat old man.
ReplyDelete1.GIFTS- Something acquired without compensation
Sentence: My uncle gave me PSP as a gift.
2.SINCERE- open and genuine
Sentence: She is very sincere in apologizing.
3.LANTERNS- light in a transparent protective case
sentence: My mother bought a lantern yesterday.
4.HOLIDAY- leisure time away from work devoted to rest or pleasure.
sentence: Next week is a holiday.
ReplyDelete1.SPECIAL- unique to a person
sentence: He is my special guest.
2.SOUL- the immaterial part of a person
sentence: You can never take away his soul.
3.FIRE PLACE- open recess for holding a fire at the base of a chimney
sentence: We have a fire place at home.
4.AWAKE- not in a state of sleep
sentence: She's already awake.
November 2009
-n. a happening in th 25th of december.
sentence: I wish i could celebrate christmas.
-n.a cycle of 365 days.
sentence: A birthday happens only once a year.
December 2009
-n.luminous heavenly body.
sentence: That star is beautiful.
sentence: Silence is amust in the the classroom.
-n.comfort in sorrow.
Sentence: I need to solace Ariza.
-n. sacred writing.
sentence: NiƱo is not good in scripture.
=a lustrous grayish white/whitish gray
=the metals usually are silver-colored.
=a particular kind,sort,or type as with reference to form,apearance, or character.
=my cousin likes baroque styled furnitures.
=a feast on decenber 25/among some eastern orthodox christians on january 7 that commemorates the birth of christ.
=christians are celebrating christmas.
=to reflecta sparkling light/faint intermittent glow
=the metals glisten at night.
december 2009
ReplyDelete1.holy-dedicated or devoted to the service of God, the church, or religion
Sentence:The man is so holy to our God.
2.jingle-to make clinking or tinkling sounds, as do coins, keys, or other light, resonant metal objects when coming into contact or being struck together repeatedly
Sentence:The keys on his belt jingled as he walked.
ReplyDelete1.mistletoe: often used as Christmas decoration
Sentence: Are you using a mistletoe every Christmas?
2.prAncing: springing forward
Sentence: I don't find prancing fun
ReplyDelete.1.VIRGIN-n. one, a women, who has no sexual intercourse.
sentence:The virgin mother of god is MARRY.
2.INFANT-n. a baby
sentence:The infant baby is about 1-3 years old.
3.GLISTEN-v. to sparkle.
sentence:The wings of the bird glisten.
4.SLEIGH-n. a sledge, sometimes alarge horse drawn one.
sentence:The sleigh is owned by a millionaire.
1. moment - a brief period of time, seconds or minutes.
Sentence:I will never foget that moment.
2. broken - extremely sad; crushed in spirit.
Sentence: Broken promises should be avoided.
Reference: New Auburn House Dictionary
1. disappear - to vanish; to go out of sight.
Sentence: I don't want the person in front of me to disappear.
2. destiny - the future; final result; the influence of uncontrollable forces on the course of life and its events.
Sentence: You control your destiny.
Reference: New Auburn House Dictionary
ReplyDelete1. Christmas or Christmas Day is an annual Christian holiday commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ.
Sentence: Christmas is the time of loving, giving and sharing.
2. A gift or a present is the transfer of something without the expectation of receiving something in return.
Sentence: Last Christmas, I received gifts.
ReplyDelete1.savior-somebody who rescues someone from harm or danger.
Sentence: Jesus Christ is the savior who save us from all our sin.
2.angels-heavenly being;messenger of God.
Sentence: God sent us all our guardian angels.
3.silent- lacking of noise or sound.
Sentence: Every Christmas the surroundings are quite silent.
4.holy-set apart for religious purposes.
Sentence: The church is a holy place.
Reference:Encarta Dictionary
ReplyDelete1.WHISPER-(v) to speak very softly, using breath only, not the voice.
SENTENCE:He whisper the girl's name.
2.TRUTH-(n) the state of being true.
SENTENCE:We should speak the truth always.
3.JEALOUS-(adj) wanting to have what someone has, envious.
SENTENCE;He is very jealous of what he saw.
4.BLAME-(v) to find the fault with.
SENTENCE:He blame the people.
lei???? kw b yn? kilala mo pa ko?? AARON PJ TAYAG? clasm8 mo nung grde 2? alala mo pa? crush kita nun. . . lam mo pa un? laki na ng pinagbgo mo ahh. . musta na jn? s pampanga nko ng aaral eh. .my fb ka? . add mko. . tnx. chat tau mnsan. . . sinearch kta tas d2 kita nkita. . ingatz. bye
ReplyDeletelei???? kw b yn? kilala mo pa ko?? AARON PJ TAYAG? clasm8 mo nung grde 2? alala mo pa? crush kita nun. . . lam mo pa un? laki na ng pinagbgo mo ahh. . musta na jn? s pampanga nko ng aaral eh. .my fb ka? . add mko. . tnx. chat tau mnsan. . . sinearch kta tas d2 kita nkita. . ingatz. bye
ReplyDelete1.AMONG-(preposition) in the midstar, in the middle of.
SENTENCE:He's among of the five children.
2.PLEASE-(v.) to give pleasure or delight.
SENTENCE:He please the countrymen.
3.LAUGH-(v.) to make sound of amusement..
SENTENCE:He laugh until he died.
4.LIE-(n.) a false statement to decieve.
SENTENCE:He lie to his parents
=impossible to break;to withstand rough usage
=they have an unbreakable bond.
=events in the past.
=we have so much memories.
=past,present,and future as a continuous whole.
=we have a lot of time to spend.
=franklin collins english dictionary
=a time taken for the earth to make one revolution around the sun.
=a year is equal to 365 days.
=franklin collins english dictionary
=tall grasslike plant cultivated for grain.
=barleys are planted for agriculture.
=franklin collins english dictionary
=soft dim light just after sunset.
=we watched the twilight.
=franklin collins english dictionary
=make or become complex or difficult to deal with.
=life is complicated.
=franklin collins english dictionary
=disappointingly unsuccessful
=she is frustrated.
1. So Far Away
a. Dreams – a train of thoughts or images passing through the mind in sleep
Sentence: I can prove that dreams do come true.
Reference: The New International Webster’s Comprehensive Dictionary of the English Language p. 385
b. Highway – a public thoroughfare; specified line of travel
Sentence: He rushes through the highway.
Reference: The New International Webster’s Comprehensive Dictionary of the English Language p.596
2. Much Has Been Said
a. Bookie – In gambling, A bookmaker
Sentence: Dan is a bookie.
Reference: The New International Webster’s Comprehensive Dictionary of the English Language p. 155
b. Torture – Infliction of or subjection to extreme physical pain
Sentence: He tortured Wendy to make her say the truth.
Reference: The New International Webster’s Comprehensive Dictionary of the English Language p. 1326
1. Scars
a. Scar – The mark left on the skin after the healing of a wound or sore; a cicatrix
Sentence: This scar reminds me that the past is real.
Reference: The New International Webster’s Comprehensive Dictionary of the English Language p.1123
b. Weakness – the state, conation, or avality of being weak.
Sentence: Love is your weakness.
Reference: The New International Webster’s Comprehensive Dictionary of the English Language p.1425
2. Drinking for Eleven
a. Care – to have or show regard, interest or concern as respecting some person, thing or event
Sentence: I want to be you used to care.
Reference: The New International Webster’s Comprehensive Dictionary of the English Language p.201
b. Creep – to move like a serpent; crawl
Sentence: He creeps into the ground.
Reference: The New International Webster’s Comprehensive Dictionary of the English Language p.304
1. When We Die
a. Reminder – Something that is used to remind somebody about something
Sentence: He posts the reminder on the wall.
Reference: Encarta World English Dictionary p.1517
b. Tattooed – a permanent picture design or other markings made on the skin by pricking it and staining it with an indelible dye.
Sentence: The tattooed man has died.
Reference: Encarta World English Dictionary p.1827
2. Kings and queens
a. Dreams – a train of thoughts or images passing through the mind in sleep
Sentence: His reached his dreams.
Reference: Encarta World English Dictionary p.506
b. Victims - Anyone who is physically harmed by another.
Sentence: He is the victim.
Reference: Encarta World English Dictionary p.2109
sorry sir.. wrongly posted